】《战地2》v1.12 补丁 (安装完[特总部对]也需要安装v1.12)
【下载】《战地2》v1.12 补丁 (安装完[特总部对]也需要安装v1.12)好像更改的BUG不多,但是值得升级。毕竟非Rank的服务器都是要升级的
Update v1.12
The next Battlefield update is now available. ALL Battlefield 2 owners should install it. And yes, we have a list fixes and enhancements for you.
If you've installed the 1.12 update to the "core" Battlefield 2 product and then installed Battlefield 2: Special Forces afterwards, you will need to re-apply the 1.12 update to be able to play on the new 1.12 Servers.
Fixed a crash when users switch weapons using the mouse wheel while piloting a bomber (SU-34, F-15 and J10) in core BF2 maps.
Removed the Grappling Hook and the Zip Line from kits from "The Iron Gator" map.
Fixed single player loading screens to match map selection image.
Fixed an issue in the menus so that users can click on BF2:SF ribbons to view the descriptions.
Fixed an issue in the Browser so that BF2:SF servers are now represented with a green "2" icon.
Global improvement of collision detection on the Grappling Hook and the Zip Line.
Fixed damage state artillery icon on the 3d map when an artillery is destroyed.
GeForce FX 5900 family:
GeForce FX 5900 Ultra
GeForce FX 5900
GeForce FX 5900XT
GeForce FX 5950 Ultra
GeForce FX 5900ZT
GeForce PCX 5900
For these cards, the default video settings have been changed to LOW.
想问一下: 将BF2客户端升级后,还能在1.03版本的服务器上联机玩游戏吗? 不能上1.03服务器 请问我现在还是103,是先安装特种部队后再打此补丁,还是打了此补丁再安装特种部队也可以呢? 最后安装1.12补丁 谢谢老大 啊斌哥能再做个和上次1.03一样不用C盘留空间就可以升级的补丁啊。。。
C盘才5G,实在是清不出2.4G的空间啊 等herorank升级1.12时才发表 那SF的发表不。。 对一个服务器来说,bf2sf只不过是增加几张地图。安装了1.12服务器自然就可以开sf 偶是说的SF的哪个补丁。。。。
我就是C盘没有那么多的空间,所以装不了。。。 bf2 1.12升级补丁和bfsf 1.12升级补丁是同一个软件 哦。。。那样就OK了。。。
偶就等你发布补丁了。。。:em104::em104: 啊斌:
是不是 直接在原103基础上 安装 112就OK了 是吗? 改了临时文件的路径,还是不让装,说"空间不足2.4G"云云...