进2#老被T出来~~~~~~~~~~说PB怎么怎么了一串因文~自动升级了PB好几次了还是不行啊~进入游戏时,白字提示什么wv1.229什么的哦~谁帮下啊~~~~~~~~xx被T后主要显示为 General PB Client Authentication Failure - Reinstall PB if problem Persists
Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel)
Resolved to
Checking for PB Client updates
Game: bf1942
Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait)
Received File pbsec.htm (1427 bytes)
File already exists: htm\wa001331.htm
htm\wa001331.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\wa001331.dll
File already exists: htm\wc001179.htm
htm\wc001179.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\wc001179.dll
dll\wc001179.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
Checking for PB Server updates
Game: bf1942
Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait)
Received File pbsecsv.htm (1427 bytes)
File already exists: htm\ws001229.htm
htm\ws001229.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\ws001229.dll
dll\ws001229.dll copied to pbsvnew.dll
File already exists: htm\wa001331.htm
htm\wa001331.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\wa001331.dll
File already exists: htm\la001331.htm
htm\la001331.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\la001331.dll
Removed dll\la001331.dll - not needed
File already exists: htm\ma001331.htm
htm\ma001331.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\ma001331.dll
Removed dll\ma001331.dll - not needed
File already exists: htm\wc001179.htm
htm\wc001179.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\wc001179.dll
dll\wc001179.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
File already exists: htm\lc001179.htm
htm\lc001179.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\lc001179.dll
Removed dll\lc001179.dll - not needed
File already exists: htm\mc001179.htm
htm\mc001179.htm 看到这个,说明您的PB升级成功!\mc001179.dll
Removed dll\mc001179.dll - not needed
pbclnew.dll copied to pbclsnew.dll
找老波问问 晕啦~连进国外的也被T了~~~~~~ 没人知道什么原因 吗? 重新搞一下PB你是用管理员的身份登陆的计算机吗? 把你的PB文件夾整個刪掉,重新安裝。如果還不行,那你就看看你的1942目錄裏面有沒有多餘的東西,
比如非官方版本的啓動文件或者你自己裝的地圖之類的。 还是8行哦~~~~~卸载重装看看。。。。。
[ 本帖最后由 PP 于 2006-7-26 21:55 编辑 ] 彻底晕了~删除了游戏~重装了个1。7G的整合包~一进游戏1分钟~倒~还是老样子`~~惨了~