BF2 星际之门模组更新消息
The Stargate: La Relève mod is finallyback with a new update and trust me, you won't be disappointed. Here'swhat they had to say:Hello everyone! Today is a day like every day, we know that. We hadsome disenchantments and some joy moments, we have seen friends likethe wonderful Inaith and enemies like me, so... What, I'm talking fornothing interesting? Ok, let's start about the subject : it's the firstStargate news since more than four months. It's really interesting tointroduce a new website, a scenario, some render, some 3dStudio video.But those who support us would like more... That's why, I'm gettingonto a really big ingame news which will please you, I hope.
First we start about the first map which will immerse you in a bigtrench battle. Krech'ta is a planet which have been visited by Teal'cand Bra'tac to assist to a meeting between several Jaffa leaders. All108 Jaffas, who assisted the meeting, have been killed by Goa'uldsLords, except Teal'c and Bra'tac. Teal'c have been able to maintain hisown and the Bra'tac life by sharing his symbiote with Bra'tac. Daniel,while acting as a superior entity, visited Teal'c to help him survivingduring more than 3 days. Krech'ta possess brights sunsets and still bethe butte of many dead Jaffas.
sofa 强烈BS 老邪MOD 党 还是用不管5.0,习惯4.1了 原帖由 =|HERO|=QDsuper 于 2006-11-13 13:30 发表
强烈BS 老邪MOD 党
靠,你丫帖子编辑的够快的 好科幻! Kree jaffa~ staff weapon 好有型 越来越扯把子了!!! 我靠SG1第1季的前几集! 拿着怪怪的枪没安全感啊..... 飞机应该很COOL吧。 靠 这个超爽的说 什么时候出啊 ..........强啊 后悔了居然那么玩才知道有这个模组。。。。
想想玩BF2 也有4年之多了 居然都不知道