Tizan 发表于 2007-4-3 00:31:22

重装了系统,和BF2,游戏中PB踢我,currupted File/Memory

Restriction: currupted File/Memory 谁知道怎么搞定它啊,升级什么的都试过了,

=|HERO|=XIAOYAO 发表于 2007-4-3 12:35:32




Tizan 发表于 2007-4-3 18:35:54


=|HERO|=XIAOYAO 发表于 2007-4-3 18:37:43



Tizan 发表于 2007-4-4 20:11:05

目前hero rank 服务器端是不是都换成了,1.41???

=|HERO|=XIAOYAO 发表于 2007-4-4 20:16:08

原帖由 Tizan 于 2007-4-4 20:11 发表
目前hero rank 服务器端是不是都换成了,1.41???


Tizan 发表于 2007-4-4 20:26:48


Tizan 发表于 2007-4-4 20:36:36

04/03/2007 13:33:16 - "Hendrik Thole"
Note #2: These kicks are when PunkBuster detects a modification of your game exe running in memory or you are using a modified client. Possible explanations are as follows:

1. A virus modified the game executable
2. A crack of some sort was applied to the game executable
3. You are using a non-standard version of the game (D2D/Steam etc.)

Please make sure you run the latest and original version of the game. Using no-cd hacks could be the cause of these kicks. Make sure you have installed the latest patches of your game.

A solution for the direct-2-drive issue is to apply the latest, official patch to the direct-2-drive version. This will overwrite the game executable with the correct one. Re-installing from CD's or DVD's is also a likely fix for the issue.

Also, I recommend that you run a virus/malware scan of your computer to see if anything is trying to attach itself to the running program. Also run a memory stress test to see if there is a fault there that could be causing issues (Note: this is rare!). You can find such a program on the following website:


In extreme cases, some users have reported that BIOS updates have stopped this kick. If the memtest does not show up an error and the other solutions did not help, try a reinstall of the game please.

=|HERO|=XIAOYAO 发表于 2007-4-4 21:52:37

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查看完整版本: 重装了系统,和BF2,游戏中PB踢我,currupted File/Memory