=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2007-12-17 10:06:33


From Forgotten Hope Wiki
November 1, 1942.
Operation ‘Supercharge’ - El Alamein. After his victory in Gazala and Tobruk, Rommel pursued the British into Egypt to the Alamein ‘Line’. El Alamein was the last defensive position west of the Suez Canal, and the British needed to hold the Axis forces there at all costs. On the night of November 1-2, Montgomery launched Operation ‘Supercharge’, a large frontal assault on the Tell el Aqqaqir defences along the Rahman track, which was the base of the Axis defense, in an effort ‘to bring about the disintegration of the whole enemy army’. It was to be the largest armour battle of the engagement. The intensity and the destruction in Supercharge were greater than anything witnessed so far during this horrific battle.

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