Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. Today we've got two allied landing craft that were used in the amphibious invasion of Normandy on D-Day.The British LCA (Landing Craft Assault) was the most numerous landing craft during D-Day. It was present at all 5 of the invasion beaches and, although it was used to land American troops, it remained crewed by the British Royal Navy. The LCA had the capacity to carry 36 fully equipped soldiers to the beaches at a maximum speed of 6 knots. It was armed with a single Bren located at the port side. Both the model and skin were made by Toddel.
````就TM 一条船··········? 登陆用的船 不知FH2的抢滩登陆会是什么样。。。 TMD,就两条破船。 TMD,辛苦做好了游戏,你们这些鸟人玩了一下就不玩了 只要有登陆艇加机枪就一定有驱逐舰、巡洋舰、他妈的战列舰、航母、潜艇、鱼雷艇,我操 北非战场 沙漠地形的确很枯燥 除了有一图是在海边(还是步战图)其他图都很黄嘎嘎的 想想当年FH1一版刚出来时连服务器都没有 能够爽一段时间己经很不错了 相信在二版中会有更大突破 期待后续版本。。。 找不到服务器,还是NINGBO?。。昨天还玩了会单机 目前仅有宁波服。 诺曼底~~
PS:还是西线战场好啊~~终于可以摆脱该死的黄沙了... 该死的沙子,天天都是沙子 靠了`?真的没服务器玩吗?好不容易下载来了啊`