战地1918 3.0版 下载
http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2358/272pxbattlefield1918logsy7.gifWell, what else is left to say? You read the texts. You looked at the pictures. You watched the videos. And now, finally, after all these months of work, Inside1918 is proud to announce that can now play Battlefield 1918 Major Release 3.0!
Let us not waste any more words. You guys know the drill. Get the installer. You all know you want it!
Note that this is a full client and therefore NOT a patch. That means that you MUST DELETE ANY OLDER VERSION OF BATTLEFIELD1918 BEFORE YOU RUN THE INSTALLER!
Please scroll down until the end of the text for the complete changelog.
A few more pics and stuff:
While you are downloading (which you should be doing right now...), please have a look about a few informations we would like to show you:
First of all, here are two final map previews, this time for Cantigy - one of the maps where the Doughboys engage the German fortification. This map is a classical trench warfare map.
(told you there is no BF1918 news without pictures...)
No go and download already!
About servers & a event:
Starts: This Friday (4th July 2008)
At: 7 p.m. CET
Port: 14567
Enjoy! Members of the development team will most certainly show up! Oh, and you need of course the MR 3, so how about downloading it?
We also now have our own server, provided by Daddeltreff.de:
Port: 14567
And here on this fancy banner:
Added: USA
Added: Russia
Added: Italy
Added: Austria-Hungary
Added: ANZAC
Added: Gurkha
Added: Senegal
Added: Askari
Added. German Schutztruppe
Added: German Naval Infantery
Added: France 1914
Added: Mosin Nagant Rifle (BG42)
Added: Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle
Added: Madsen Maschinegun (BG42)
Added: Carcano Rifle (FH)
Added: Carcano Sniper Rifle
Added: Carcano Moschetto Carbine
Added: Tankgewehr (Anti Tank Rifle)
Added: portable Stokes Mortar
Added: portable Werfer16 Mortar
Added: Artillery Barrage (triggered by a binocular)
Added: Gunboat Gnat
Added: Neunport 11
Added: Albatross DV
Added: Fokker DVII
Added: Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5a
Added: Etrich Taube
Hindenburg Line
Passo di Falzarego
Sanaga River
Siege of Kut al Amara
Battle of the Nete: France 1914 added
Besika Bucht: Terrace flag removed, Ticketcount fixed
Bismarck Archipel: ANZAC, German Naval Infantery and Albatross added, added a balloon-flag
Bocage: Taube, Albatross, Fokker D7 added
Cassino: Austria-Hungary & Italy added
Champagne: Improved the radius of the first flag, flag in the woods can now be retaken
Langemarck: France 1914 added
Lutee de Honneur: ANZAC added
Montblainville: France 1914 added
Monte Piana: Austria-Hungary & Italy added; redesigned the stronghold
Tanzanian Plains: Gurkha & Askari added, improved the balancing
Tobruk: USA & Schutztruppe added; now with Assault-Mode
Ypern1914: restored the old version 好像玩过,不爽,还不如更久远的,那个中世纪的,用火药枪,有木制战船开,还有热气球坐的那个爽. 弄加勒比海盗模组啊,最好能像第三部那样子的决战 海盗MOD 好搞笑 啊 不过没服务器啊 英文阿。。。 好像玩过,不爽,还不如更久远的,那个中世纪的,用火药枪,有木制战船开,还有热气球坐的那个爽.
详细希望 就是他们说的海盗模组
BF1942 Pirates