=|HERO|=DCCS 发表于 2008-9-5 11:39:47

转帖:FH2 v2.15 版近了?

"No News Update Today "
這篇文章大意是說今天沒有每週更新消息,可能要明天才會有 blah blah blah
"From what you've seen in the news updates it does look like 2.15 is very close to being finished - and indeed, the things we have shown are practically all done. Both new maps have been finished, tested and tweaked. The same goes for the Italian weapons (the Breda 30 being the exception here, it's not done yet) and for the new vehicles. What isn't finished - and what's holding the release back - is the stuff that we're not showing in the news. At the moment there are a lot of bugfixes being added to the build which all need extensive testing, not to mention the few surprises we have in store for 2.15 need a lot of work too.
I think a realistic release date would be the last day of September, so try not to get your hopes up by expecting a release before then."
"omg i allready hear the "its the 30 septemper!!!!!1111 Where is the RELEASEEEE R?????"
不過,我們可以確定的是至少有一位模組開發員認為 9/30 是真正的釋出日期
所以,究竟 2.15 版會不會在 9/30 如期釋出呢? 請拭目以待

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