名字叫plase,call my name
次歌乃XenosagaⅢ ORIGINAL
是please吧 天冷容易打错字~~ 文盲。。。。 以前10w盾都求过歌 日文歌? YYYYYYYY
日文也 E文的吧?.......... 对是E文搞错了。。。。。。
只听说很神曲~ In my long forgotten cloistered sleep
You and I were resting close in peace
Was it just a dreaming of my heart
Now I’m crying - don’t know why
Where do all the tears come from (to my eyes)
Could noone ever dry up the spring
If you find me crying in the dark
Please call my name from the heart
Sing with me a tiny autumn song
With the melodies of the days gone by
Dress my body all in flowers white
So no mortal eye can see
Where have all my memories gone (and lost)
Should I roam again up yonder hill
I can never rest my soul until you call my name
You call my name from the heart
In my long forgotten cloistered sleep
Someone kissed me whispering words of love
Is it just a longing of my heart
Such a moment of such peace
Where do all the tears come from (to my eyes)
With no memories why should I cry
I can never rest my soul until you call my name
You call my name
You call my name
Call my soul from the heart 没听过...... 天冷容易打错字~~
=|HERO|=Archer 发表于 2009-1-27 12:01
kao 你丫的在广州啊 还冷? 明显给自己找理由 俺在东北。。。。。。正在吃山鸡炖蘑菇