=|HERO|=Nihlath 发表于 2009-9-27 18:14:49


困扰了几天的EADM 数字版无法启动问题 据说被FIX了,大家尝试一下吧!然后回个贴看看是否属实!
信息来自 EA FORUM:
EA_BGY-11 from the US Forums said that it may be fixed now. The people having this issue should try this.
Log out of the EADM, reboot the computer, then log back into the EADM. Try the game and then see if that helps!

=|HERO|=CatMint 发表于 2009-9-27 20:43:47

能解除IP限制就好了...现在网吧都用无盘 上不了2142

=|HERO|=MP.BALL 发表于 2009-9-27 20:55:08

是的 我能玩了

=|HERO|=dr3tc 发表于 2009-9-28 08:34:28


=|HERO|=bloodfi 发表于 2009-9-28 23:55:03

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查看完整版本: EADM数字下载版的2142据说恢复正常了,大家尝试一下吧