=|HERO|=Nihlath 发表于 2009-9-29 21:14:35

出现超过3个IP 无法启动2142的进

Do you get the error message saying that you have already registered the game on too many computers when you try? If you are try logging out of EADM, rebooting, and logging back in. Let me know if the problem still persists.
Our engineers are saying that the main issue is fixed. Can anyone else who posted in this thread confirm that?
If you are still experiencing problems I would like to hear about them. I am still seeing reports of people getting this error and I am investigating to see whether it these are isolated incidents, or part of a bigger problem.
I will post back here when I know more.
EA的工程师声称已经修复 出现超过3个IP无法启动的问题,相关的战友们可以去试试看是否属实!

=|HERO|=bloodfi 发表于 2009-9-29 21:55:30


=|HERO|=dr3tc 发表于 2009-9-29 23:41:43


=|HERO|=Ktuxedo 发表于 2009-9-30 18:46:39

我的还是老样子 说什么三个权限要等一个到期才可以 囧
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