Project Reality 0.909 本地FTP下载
- Preload Project Reality v0.9 Now!To further increase your excitement, you can preload the Project Reality v0.9 files now! This is the first PR release to feature a "passworded installer". This means, you can download the files now, but until we release the password, you can not install them. In other words, you can have the files downloaded and ready to go, so that when we officially release PR v0.9, you can instantly install it and jump straight into playing without delay! The password will be released automatically via the password page on Friday 5th February 2010, at 09:09:09.
下载地址 支持迅雷
呆子~我爱死你了!~ 已经以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势下好了。哈哈 谢谢呆子 呆子辛苦了 很好, 晚上回家下。。。 {:3_186:}{:3_186:} 呆子辛苦! 本帖最后由 owlelement 于 2010-2-3 17:55 编辑
辛苦啦恩速度放弃用种子的那2个BT....~ Utorrent 给我的时间竟然是2个星期....还是FTP好啊 400KB/S 感动的我 内牛满面~{:7_321:} 谢谢分享,速度极快。 已经下载完毕。。 已经下载完毕。。 密码呢?????安装要密码啊 密码呢?????安装要密码啊
PR.LaDeng 发表于 2010-2-3 22:35