圣地亚哥骑士 发表于 2010-6-13 19:29:44

军事术语大全,打外服喊麦专用!字符限制 所以分多贴4

F:Fighter = 战斗机
FAE:Fuel Air Explosive = 油气炸弹
FEL:Free Elctron Laser = 自由电子激光器
FF:Frigate = 护卫舰
FFG:Frigate(Guided-missile) = 导弹护卫舰
FLIR:Forward Looking Infra-Red = 前视红外
FLOT:Forward Line Of Troops = 前线
FMRAAM:Future Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile = 未来中程空空导弹
FMTV:Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles = 中型战术车族
GEM:Guidance-Enhanced Missile = 制导增强导弹
GEO:Geo-Stationary Orbit = 地球同步轨道
GPS:Global Positioning System = 全球定位系统
GZ:Ground Zero = 核爆炸中心地面投影
H:Helicopter = 直升机
HE:High Explosive = 高爆炸药
HEAT:High-Explosive Anti-Tank = 高爆反坦克炸药(成形炸药)
HMD:Helmet Mounted Display = 头盔显示器
HPM:High Power Microwave = 高功率微波
HQ:Headquarters = 总部
HUD:Head-Up Display = 抬头显示器
HVU:High Value Unit = 高价值单位
IADS:Integrated Air Defense System = 综合防空系统
ICBM:Intercontinental Ballistic Missile = 洲际弹道导弹
IFF:Identification of Friend or Foe = 敌我识别
IFV:nfantry Fighting Vehicle = 步兵战车
IPE:Individual Protection Ensemble = 单兵防护装备
IRBM:Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile = 中程弹道导弹
IRST:Infra-Red Search and Track = 红外搜索跟踪
JDAM:Joint Direct Attack Munitions = 联合直接攻击弹药
JHMCS:Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System = 联合头盔指引系统
JSF:Joint Strike Fighter = 联合打击战斗机
J-STAR:Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar system = 联合侦察和目标打击系统
JTIDS:Joint Tactical Info Distribution System = 联合战术信息分发系统
K:Kerosene = 加油机
KIA:Kill in Action = 阵亡
LANTIRN:Low-Alt. Nav.& Targeting Infra-Red for Night = 低空导航与目标指示红外夜视仪
LAV:Light Armored Vehicle = 轻型装甲车辆
LCA:Light Combat Aircraft = 轻型战斗机
LEO:Low Earth Orbit = 近地轨道
LD:Laser Designator = 激光导引
LGB:Laser Guided Bomb = 激光制导炸弹
LORCAP:Long-Range Combat Air Patrol = 长距离战斗空中巡逻
LPT:Low Profile Turret = 低矮炮塔
LRBM:Long-Range Ballistic Missile = 远程弹道导弹
LRIP:Low Rate Initial Production = 低速试产
MBT:Main Battle Tank = 主战坦克
MC:Marine Corps = 海军陆战队
MCA:Medium Combat Aircraft = 中型战斗机
MCM:Mine Counter-Measures = 扫雷
MFD:Multi-Function Display = 多功能显示器
MFR:Multifunction Radar = 多用途雷达
MIL-STD:Milliraty Standard = 军事标准
MLU:Mid-Life Update = 中期延寿(战机)
MOPP:Mission-Oriented Protective Posture = 攻击中的防范状态
MOAB:Massive Ordnance Air Blast = 巨型空中炸弹
MOAB:Mother Of All Bombs = 炸弹之母
MPRF:Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency = 中脉冲重复频率
MRLS:Multiple Rocket Launching System = 多管火箭发射系统
NAVSSI:Navigation Sensor System Interface = 导航传感器系统界面
NCTR:NonCooperative Target Recognition = 非己方目标识别
NBC:Nuclear Biological and Chemical = 核、生物、化学

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