圣地亚哥骑士 发表于 2010-6-13 19:30:13

军事术语大全,打外服喊麦专用!字符限制 所以分多贴5

OICW:Objective Individual Combat Weapon = 目标单兵战斗武器
OOB:Order Of Battle = 战斗序列
OPCW:Org. for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons = 禁止化学武器组织
OTH:Over the Horizon = 超视距
OWS:Overhead Weapon System = 遥控炮塔
P:Patrol = 巡逻机
PA:Phase Array = 相控阵
PAC:Patriot Advanced Capability = 改进型爱国者导弹
PGM:Precision-Guided Munitions = 精确制导炸弹
PIM:Path of Intended Motion = 预定机动路线
PK:Probability of Kill = 杀伤率
PLGR:Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver = 精确轻型GPS接收器
R:Reconnaissance = 侦察机
RATO:Rocket Assisted Take-Off = 火箭辅助起飞
RCS:Radar Cross Section = 雷达截面
RLG:Retractable Landing Gear = 回收式起落架
ROE:Rules of Engagement = 交战规则
ROV:Remote Operated Vehicle = 遥控车辆、飞机
RPG:Rocket Propelled Grenade = 火箭助推榴弹
RTB:Return To Base = 返回基地
RTO:Ready to Take-Off = 起飞准备就绪
RWR:Radar Warning Receiver = 雷达告警器
SAM:Surface to Air Missile = 防空导弹
SAR:Search and Rescue = 搜索救援
SAR:Synthetic Aperture Radar = 合成孔径雷达
SATCOM:Satellite Communication = 卫星通信
SDV:Swimmer Delivery Vehicle = 潜水员输送载具
SEAD:Suppression of Enemy Air Defense = 压制敌方防空任务
SLBM:Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile = 潜射弹道导弹
SLGR:Small Lightweight GPS Receiver = 小型轻便GPS接收器
SOP:Standard Operation Procedure = 标准操作程序
SRBM:Short-Range Ballistic Missile = 近程弹道导弹
SSBN:Ballistic-missile Nuclear-powered Strategic Sub. = 战略导弹核潜艇
SSL:Solid State Lasers = 固态激光器
SSM:Surface-to-Surface Missile = 面对面导弹
SSN:Strike Submarine (Nuclear-powered) = 攻击型核潜艇
SSNDS:SSN Direct Support = 直接支援核潜艇
SSPK:Single-Shot Probability of Kill = 单发杀伤率
START:Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty = 战略武器削减条约
STK:Strike = 袭击
STN:Satellite Tracking Network = 卫星跟踪网
STOL:Short Take Off and Landing = 短距起降
STOP:Simultaneous Time on Top = 同时到达
SURTASS:SURface Towed Array Sonar System = 水面拖曳阵列声纳系统
TASM:Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile = 战斧反舰导弹
TEL:Transporter/Erector/Launcher = 运输/起竖/发射车
THAAD:Theater High Altitude Area Defense = 战区高空区域防空
TLAM:Tomahawk Land Attack Missile = 战斧对地攻击导弹
TMA:Target Motion Analysis = 目标运动分析
TOW:Tube-launched Optic-tracked Wire-guided = 光学有线制导管内发射反坦克导弹(陶式导弹)
TVC:Thrust Vector Converter = 矢量推力
UAV:Unmanned Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶飞行器
UCAV:Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶战斗机
UFCP:Up Front Control Panel =(战机座舱)前部控制屏
UUV:Unmanned Underwater Vehicle = 无人水下航行器
VL:Verticle Landing = 垂直起降
VLS:Vertical Launch System = 垂直发射系统
VTOL:Vertical Take Off and Landing = 垂直起降
WECDIS:Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems = 海图显示和信息系统
WRM:War Reserve Materials = 战争物资储备
W/S:Weapon System = 武器系统
WYPT:Waypoint = 路径点

w4541 发表于 2010-6-15 10:49:04


=|HERO|=Soloar 发表于 2010-6-17 00:26:33


=|HERO|=Tina.w. 发表于 2010-6-17 14:27:47

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