=|HERO|=DCCS 发表于 2010-6-26 15:54:40


荣誉勋章测试出现"code already used"的beta key兑换bug,360版本战地叛逆连队2的onslaupht模式补丁延期,PC平台R8补丁一拖再拖,战地1943PC版几近取消, 似乎DICE两个月以来就没有一件好消息
他宣布今天(6月24日)起XBOX360的onslaupht模式也可以使用了,在xbox live卖场华800ms点(约50RMB)就可以购买.

=|HERO|=DCCS 发表于 2010-6-26 15:56:46

Hello my friends!

My name is Daniel and I am the new Community Manager for Battlefield. I would like to say it is an honour and a privilege working for DICE. I will tell you a bit about myself, my gaming career and also share my goals and ambitions for the Battlefield series with you- the community. I have mostly been gaming on PC but during the last few years I have also been gaming on Xbox 360 and PS3. My gamertag is zh1nt0 so feel free to add me. Also make sure that you follow OfficialBFBC2 for the latest news.

Being a big fan of computer games, back in 2002 I stumbled upon a game in which you could fly airplanes, drive tanks and also play as an infantry player in multiplayer mode. It was Battlefield 1942. After that, the Battlefield series caught my attention and I immediately started playing competitively in different ladders and cups, both in the North American leagues and the European ones.

Walking out & The comeback

I had a short break in 2006 but I have now returned to the scene more actively this year to play Bad Company 2 on the PS3 console. My team and I are in the finals of the Console gaming league which will hopefully be streamed live. The final is scheduled for probably scheduled for Saturday, so stay tuned! Since I have been in most leagues, I am familiar with the competitive sites scattered around the web.

Goals and ambitions

My goal for the Battlefield Community is to evolve the community to be the largest, best and most satisfied community there is in online gaming. I am fully convinced that this can be achieved by involving you- the players of this community.I always say that with the right ambition, motivation and visualizing your goals, you will achieve them in the end. I also intend to keep track of the different leagues, cups and tournaments being played for BF2, BF1943 and BFBC2 for all platforms.I would very much like to know you guys out there so look out for me on the Battlefield. I hope you enjoyed this presentation and if you have any questions you can find me on the EA forums and the various community sites spread around the web.

With this said I’m very happy to announce that Onslaught will be released tomorrow on the 24th on Xbox Live marketplace for 800 Microsoft Points.



=|HERO|=DATOU 发表于 2010-6-26 16:23:40


boyyd 发表于 2010-6-26 16:34:28

等待1943 固定翼飞机............

=|HERO|=zhanjie 发表于 2010-6-26 17:46:55

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 警觉玩家情绪异常,DICE上任新玩家社群管理员