求助 还是PB的问题
PB进程里没有 服务里有就是不能启动提示找不着路径,麻烦那位给帮忙解决一下。先谢啦!回复 2# ak47272q
我都试过了,不行 本帖最后由 kan23 于 2010-11-28 11:51 编辑
PBWEB v2.0
This program is (C) Copyright 2002 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.
If you experience a problem with this program, email support@evenbalance.com.
Please attach the generated pbweb.log file and also supply the following info:
1) Which Game, 2) Operating System, 3) Internet Connection Type, and
4) Any other details that may help in resolving the problem.
Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
您的PB可能存在问题! No PunkBuster files found at path D:\BF1942\pb
Press a key to exit
这是验证完了出现的。麻烦那位给看看是怎么回事。我先谢谢了!pnkbuster在服务里有就是启动不了。提示找不着路径。我在属性里输入路径输不上不去. QQ:289854297 留下QQ 我传过去 我每天都在 PB都是最新的
ak47272q 发表于 2010-11-27 16:13 http://bbs1.heroclan.net/images/common/back.gif
您好 我也是因为PB无法更新(按论坛办法升级,官方没1942的升级选项) 导致被T 。请您帮助我 万分感谢! QQ:570155731