=|HERO|=Nihlath 发表于 2011-1-30 20:32:43

Kick #79542 lifted by PBBANS

We have suspended new violations for Multihack #79542 and removed all current bans for it. Far too many bans over such a short period of time and many players contacting us stating they do not cheat. Even Balance has not said they are false but after 7 years it's not hard to see when a false positive occurs now. Actual cheaters don't contact us in massive numbers.
469 Bad Company 2 Bans have been removed from the MBI and unban commands sent out on Jan 28, 2011 for hub streaming servers.

=|HERO|=Vista-6 发表于 2011-1-30 20:42:32


=|HERO|=bloodfi 发表于 2011-1-30 22:37:28

=|HERO|=Vista-6 发表于 2011-1-30 20:42 http://bbs1.heroclan.net/images/common/back.gif


SNOW-WIND 发表于 2011-1-30 23:09:28


Jacky_z_Cao 发表于 2011-1-31 00:07:52

We have suspended new violations for Multihack #79542 and removed all current bans for it. Far too many bans over such a short period of time and many players contacting us stating they do not cheat. Even Balance has not said they are false but after 7 years it's not hard to see when a false positive occurs now. Actual cheaters don't contact us in massive numbers.
我们暂停了Multihack #79542新禁令并解封了当前由此被封的ID。在短时间内有太多的人被封,很多人联系我们表示并没有作弊。EvenBalance公司并没有说他们有错,但7年时间出了一次误报也不是太难理解。真的作弊群体不会如此大规模的联系我们。

469 Bad Company 2 Bans have been removed from the MBI and unban commands sent out on Jan 28, 2011 for hub streaming servers.
469个BC2 封锁将从MBI清除,解封命令在2011年1月28号从streaming server发出。

Jacky_z_Cao 发表于 2011-1-31 00:09:00


ask Even Balance, devs for PunkBuster

don't hold your breath, though

they never explain

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