Caspian Border trailer(里海边境)中的高塔可攀爬,可摧毁
The Battlefield 3 developers have impressed us again. During the opening sequences of theCaspian Border trailera very tall tower is seen. A community member, ItsJonnyB, asked if the tower was destructible. Demize99, Battlefield 3's senior gameplay designer confirmed that the tower can be destroyed. The tower can also be seen later in the trailer from the cockpit of a plane.
能修理吗? 战地3中又新增了爬???
可以直接从墙上爬到顶楼吗{:soso__1224110326780178566_2:} bf1945 发表于 2011-8-23 03:01 static/image/common/back.gif
你说的那是蜘蛛侠 {:soso_e194:} 你们都爬吧,我在底下给你们掩护{:soso_e144:} 你们都爬上去了,我就把它给日断了 话说断了后,倒下会不会砸死人啊,这么长一根,掉下来,一条1KM直线的人估计不能幸免 那杆子能打下灰机么{:soso_e141:} 爬上去一关就结束了