在Origin上预订BF3 PC下载版,送正版 《死亡空间2》!
在9月19号之前预订,就有。另外,之前预订的同志们,你们需要去主动要,找到客服,问这个事情,给他order number,预订时候的billing address,还有生日,EA会人工帮你在origin的客户端里面加上死亡空间2。
我是在淘宝上预订的不知道有没有。。。 =|HERO|=BT808@2 发表于 2011-9-17 18:26 static/image/common/back.gif
估计没有。。。。 WTF.......... 盒装无缘 怎么要阿 =|HERO|=Zero 发表于 2011-9-18 13:50 static/image/common/back.gif
Shawna: What can I help you with tonight?
you: well
you: I see that Pre-order your #BF***** digital download on Origin before the *****th and get Dead Space ***** for free
Shawna: Yes!
you: I&#*****;ve aready pre-order BF***** digital ownload on Origin sevral weeks ago
Shawna: Can I get your order number?
you: let me check
you: how can i find the order number
Shawna: Did you get a confirmation email when you placed the order?
you: yes, i think
you: *****
Shawna: Can you verify the billing address and date of birth on the account?
you: ***** W *****th ST Apt *****
you: *****/*****/*****
you: oh, I forgot the city: Kansas City, MO *****
Shawna: If you could log into your Origin Client you should see the game on the account.
you: well, i&#*****;m on it..
you: ok, I got it
you: Thanks so much
Shawna: No Problem. Thanks so much