You are now ready to chat with Michael.you: Hello?
Michael: Welcome to EA chat. How can I help you today?
you: I have a serious problem.I pre-order battlefield 3 and finally bought battlefield 3 limited edition.But I didn't get Physical Warfare Pack & SPECACT Kit Pack when my friend & clan member got.I was told I should have one because I pre-order it.Can you give me these code?
Michael: Just one moment please.
Michael: Where did you purchase the game sir?
you: Origin
Michael: Do you have the order number?
you: Just one moment...
you: You mean this? (这里我输入了我的BF3LE CD-Key,注意这是红山那儿的实体货而非Origin预定的.)
Michael: No sir the order number from origins.
you: I may forget it(这个十分关键!!!)
Michael: I see that you have purchased the LE and will issue you your PW code
you: Thank you!And this is my EA account:(EA帐号邮箱)
Michael: Here is your code for PW kit ****-****-****-****
you: Thank you,and what about SPECACT Kit Pack?
Michael: this kit only comes with the preoder
Michael: pre-order*
you: But I surely pre-order it,My friend and I purchase LE at the same time.Why he got it,I didn't?(这块儿语法貌似有错误,不过当时看起来要没戏了,顾不了那么多了,反正客服妹子比咱英语水平高点...)please give me one.
Michael: Sorry I see the pre-order here. Just one moment.
you: Yes pleeeeease
Michael: ****-****-****-****
Michael: This is for the spekact kit
you: Thank you very much.You are so kind.
Michael: No problem.
Michael: Is there anything else today?
you: No,thanks.
Your chat session has ended.
.... 还有个狗牌包,咋不一起要了 =|HERO|=Zero 发表于 2011-11-3 16:09 static/image/common/back.gif
狗牌我要了没意义,只用2142的... =|HERO|=beastma 发表于 2011-11-3 16:10 static/image/common/back.gif
有的mm心情好,一次凑给,一般我是开2个浏览器同时要,结果就给了2套 =|HERO|=Zero 发表于 2011-11-3 16:12 static/image/common/back.gif
恩,昨天和客服聊想把2142的老兵状态加上,俩客服一个说办不到一个啥都不说就让我干等着,后来我把同客服的第一段对话原封不动的以邮件的形式发了过去,第二天上线发现直接给我加了4个老兵状态,包括部不对内地开放的heroes和遥远的1942...问题是我就买过2142,BC2,BF3... 买了1943也没解开狗牌的泪目。。。 哈哈哈,跟客服就说了1句话,直接都给我了. 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=DeathEG 于 2011-11-3 18:15 编辑
看了这个帖,那个叫Michael(迈克尔)的客服大叔顿时泪目……我咋就成妹子了捏???????????? 楼猪英语水平.......不过要到就好 =|HERO|=DeathEG 发表于 2011-11-3 18:15 static/image/common/back.gif
是迈克尔还是米窃儿?这俩一男一女我可搞不清. =|HERO|=Wumoran 发表于 2011-11-3 19:38 static/image/common/back.gif
有什么问题请指正. 学习学习 谁帮我要一个?