=|HERO|=nickly 发表于 2012-6-26 23:00:41


Hello everyone
Today is your chance to play with members from DICE — or to grab one of the highly coveted DICE DEV dog tags from us if you’re on the opposing team. Members from DICE will be playing on two specific PC servers today (other formats to follow) so the possibility to catch us should be excellent. This DICE dog tag event is for Premium members only.
full details below. Have fun, and hope to see you online!
How do I join?Look for two servers called DICE :: Game with DEV 1 and DICE :: Game with Dev 2 in the server browser here on Battlelog. Connect to either of them and let the hunt begin!
When is the event?We will be online from 17:00 CST to 20:00 CST. That’s in a little less than 2 hours. The two servers in question will go up when the event is about to start.
PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 events coming upOn the 27th of June PS3 players have the possibility of getting our dog tags, and on the 28th of June Xbox players will have their chance to knife us as well.
How and when do I join on PlayStation 3 on the 27th?You can join through the in-game server browser by searching for DICE GAME WITH DEV between 17:00 CET and 20:00 CET
How and when do I join on Xbox 360 on the 28th?You can join through the in-game server browser by searching for DICE GAME WITH DEV between 17:00 CET and 20:00 CET

=|HERO|=OL.小风 发表于 2012-6-26 23:11:39

看不懂 翻译

=|HERO|=china28 发表于 2012-6-26 23:16:23


=|HERO|=Ht19ES 发表于 2012-6-26 23:59:56


MsKatze 发表于 2012-6-27 00:06:11


cjffly 发表于 2012-6-27 00:25:31

美国中部时间,今天晚上17点到20点,去“DICE :: Game with DEV 1” and “DICE :: Game with Dev 2”这两个服务器,就这么简单

Ghost Y.y 发表于 2012-6-27 02:08:54


=|HERO|=Hawk_Wo 发表于 2012-6-27 16:05:22

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