BF 2自带服务器远程工具使用方法
在游戏安装目录下有一个AdminUtils/rcon目录,为remoteconsole.exe建立一个快截方式,加入以下的参数"X:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\AdminUtils\rcon\remoteconsole.exe" -h 服务器地址 -p 服务器提供的远程端口
在远程控制窗内输入任何命令都需要加 exec ****.*****
rcon>exec admin.kickplay 1
- admin.listPlayers显示服务器中的玩家信息
Lists the players connected to the server.
This command lists the players ID number, their player name and if
the player is remote it also lists the players IP number.
The players ID number is also available on the Scoreboard / Manage Tab
- admin.runNextLevel运行下一张地图
Forces the server to end the round and start the next map in the map
- admin.currentLevel显示当前地图的序号
Shows the map list ID number for the current map being played.
The same as mapList.currentMap.
- admin.nextLevel显示下一张地图的序号
Shows the map list ID number for the next map to be played.
- admin.restartMap 重新启动地图
Restarts the current map.
- admin.banPlayer <player ID number> BAN掉某人,可以带时间参数
Enter the player ID number you would like to ban. Bans the player from
this server by using their IP address.
You can choose from a selection of time outs:
- Entering 'perm' means that the ban is permanent. This is the default
if no time out is entered.
- An integral number meaning the number of seconds the ban will be
active (i.e. 3600 means one hour).
- Entering 'round' means the ban is active until the next map.
- A whole number preceded by a colon (i.e. :1234567), meaning the
epoch expiration time of the ban (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970).
- admin.banPlayerKey <player ID number> BAN掉某人CDKEY,可以带时间参数
Enter the player ID number you would like to ban. Bans the player from
this server by using their CD key hash.
You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out
- admin.addAddressToBanList <IP address> 将IP地址增加到黑名单中,可以加时间参数
Enter the IP number you would like to ban.
You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out
- admin.addKeyToBanList <CD key hash> 将CDKEY HASH增加到黑名单中,可以加时间参数
Enter the CD key hash you would like to ban.
You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out
- admin.removeAddressFromBanList <IP address> 将IP地址移出到黑名单
Enter the IP address you would like to remove from the ban list.
- admin.removeKeyFromBanList <CD key hash> 将CD key hash移出到黑名单
Enter the CD key hash you would like to remove from the ban list.
- admin.clearBanList 清理黑名单
Clears all ban lists.
- admin.listBannedAddresses 查看黑名单
Displays a list of the currently banned IP addresses.
- admin.listBannedKeys 查看黑名单中的CDKEY
Displays a list of the currently banned CD keys.
- admin.kickPlayer <player ID number> 将某人踢出(ID数字)
Enter the ID number of the player you would like to kick.
问一下 服务器提供的控制端口 服务端可以改?? Originally posted by sakuyamai at 2005-6-26 13:28:
问一下 服务器提供的控制端口 服务端可以改??
里面改 谢谢,请问服务器提供的远程端口指的是什么端口?是游戏端口还是平时用来远程维护服务器所用远程软件的端口呢? 后者 NBAGUI,我试过了,连不进去,一直停留在你签名的第一行不动。是否是因为电信不让在DOS下PING的原因?
"E:\Battlefield 2\AdminUtils\rcon\remoteconsole.exe" -h -p 4899
[ Last edited by haiyunNC on 2005-7-6 at 15:07 ] 请教,远程管理密码载哪里设?