=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-23 09:13:04

BF 2有关的命令(原创翻译为苏啊)

Console Commands(控制台命令)
To open the BF2 in-game console press the '~' key (or the key above TAB)(按~键或者TAB键) to open/close the console. To see the list of command categories, press the TAB key twice. To see particular sub-types, enter the start of the command press TAB twice. E.g. enter renderer, then press TAB twice to see the renderer sub-class of commands.
Renderer Commands(渲染命令--关系到画面)
renderer.drawHud - Turns the Heads Up Display (HUD) on or off.--渲染用户界面,0,1控制开或关。
renderer.drawConsole - Turns off access to the in-game console if set to 0.---选0的话,会在游戏中关闭控制台
renderer.drawFps - Displays the current and average frames per second --(FPS) in the top left corner------在左上角显示帧数(相同设置下,FPS越高表示你机器越NB)
Game Commands(游戏命令)
game.sayAll - Says the specified text in global chat----与所有玩家交谈
game.sayTeam - Says the specified text in team chat--与同组玩家交谈
game.lockFps - Caps the game's maximum framerate to specified number----控制游戏最大帧数
game.allowToggleFullscreen - If set to 1 allows toggling of fullscreen/windowed mode game.toggleFullscreen - Toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode----------控制是否全屏

=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-23 09:13:12

Demo Commands---试用版本 命令
demo.recordDemo - Starts recording current gameplay and saves the file as demoname.bf2demo in your \Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\Demos directory----录制。录象(录象名)--开始录制当前游戏,并且会被保存于如下地址:( \Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\Demos directory)
demo.stopRecording - Stops current demo recording-停止录制
demo.ShutdownDemo ---关闭录制

Localprofile Commands-----本地文件命令
localProfile.setName - Sets the name for your current account-----更改目前帐户
localProfile.setNick - Sets the nickname for your current account----更改当前帐户呢称
localProfile.setGamespyNick - Sets the GameSpy login name for your account---设置GAMESPY里面你的呢称
localProfile.setEmail - Sets the email account for the current account---设置帐户的邮箱地址
localProfile.setPassword - Sets the password for the current account--为当前帐户设置密码
localProfile.setNumTimesLoggedIn - Sets the number of times the player has logged in with the current account----设置玩家自动登陆的次数
localProfile.setTotalPlayedTime - Sets the time the game has been played using the current account------设置游戏被当前帐户玩的次数
localProfile.save -存盘
localProfile.addDemoBookmark [ ] ----增加录象的书签
Globalsettings Commands---全局设定
globalSettings.setDefaultUser - Sets the profile to use, the first one being 0001, then 0002 etc.---设置要使用的档案,第一个以0001开始,第2个002,等等

=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-23 09:13:25

Sv Commands-----SV命令(一般是用来控制一些调整参数的,尤其是在服务器端在XXXX路径下)
These commands are used to adjust server settings, particularly in the Serversettings.con file under your \Documents and Settings\\My Documents\Battlefield 2 Demo\Profiles\\ directory.
sv.allowNATNegotiation -
sv.interface -交流界面
sv.timeBeforeRestarting ----重新开局的时间
sv.autoBalanceTeam ---自动平衡
sv.teamRatioPercent ----队伍比率
sv.autoRecord ---自动记录
sv.demoIndexURL ----录象的路径
sv.demoDownloadURL ---录象下载路径
sv.autoDemoHook ----自动切换录象
sv.demoQuality ---录象质量
sv.adminScript ----管理员脚本
sv.sponsorText ---
sv.sponsorLogoURL -
sv.communityLogoURL -交流图标地址
sv.radioSpamInterval ---全局广播
sv.radioMaxSpamFlagCount -广播最大丢包数
sv.radioBlockedDurationTime -广播被拦截时间
sv.useGlobalRank -使用全球排名
sv.useGlobalUnlocks -使用全球解锁
Gamelogic Commands--游戏逻辑 命令
gameLogic.togglePause - Toggles pausing the game.--使用按键暂停游戏
Settingsmanager Commands--设置控制命令
These commands set a range of variables. E.g. SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseObjectCache 1. The command used must match the type of variable (e.g. .boolset for Boolean variables, .IntSet for variables requiring integer input, etc.)---这些命令设置了一组有范围的,多样的·#%%……—,物体缓存,基本不用管它)
SettingsManager.stringSet ---
SettingsManager.boolSet -
SettingsManager.IntSet -
SettingsManager.floatSet -浮点设置
SettingsManager.u32Set -
SettingsManager.stringGet -
SettingsManager.boolGet -
SettingsManager.intGet -
SettingsManager.foatGet -
SettingsManager.U32Get -
Inputdevices Commands--输入设备 控制
InputDevices.setInvertAxis -颠倒飞行遥感
InputDevices.setAxisScale -设置遥感比例

Controlmap Commands---地图控制命令

These settings should be used in the Controls.con file under your \Documents and Settings\\My Documents\Battlefield 2 Demo\Profiles\\ directory.-这些命令应该在路径XXX下面使用
controlMap.deleteControlMap ---删除地图
controlMap.dump ---读取地图
controlMap.setButtonRiseTime ---设置底段控制时间
controlMap.SetButtonFallTime ---设置失败时间
controlMap.SetDoubleTapTime -
controlMap.addAxisToAxisMapping -
controlMap.addButtonsToAxisMapping -
controlMap.addKeyAndButtonToAxisMapping -
controlMap.addKeysToAxisMapping -
controlMap.addButtonToTriggerMapping -
controlMap.AddKeyToTriggerMapping -
controlMap.setAxisScale -设置比例?
controlMap.setYawFactor -
controlMap.setPitchFactor -
controlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping -
controlMap.InvertMouse - Set to 1 for inverted mouse, 0 for default mouse--反转鼠标,1是反,0是不反
controlMap.mouseSensitivity - Determines the sensitivity of the mouse--鼠标灵敏度
controlMap.keyboardSensitivity - Deterimes the sensitivity of the --键盘灵敏度keyboard

=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-23 09:13:34

Maplist Commands---地图列表命令
These commands are used to manage lists of maps by server administrators.
mapList.list - Lists map ID numbers, map name, game mode and the number of players if specified.--这些命令用来列出管理员的地图表
mapList.configFile - Used to specify the location of the _mapList.con file. Default is \My Documents\Battlefield 2 Demo\ServerConfigs\
mapList.load - Makes the server reload _mapList.con--用这个命令来定位于XXXXXX路径的地图
mapList.save - Saves the current map list on the server to the file _mapList.con---保存目前地图
mapList.mapCount - Shows the total number of maps in the current map list--列出目前地图总数
mapList.currentMap - Shows the map list ID number of the current map being --列出目前地图名称
mapList.clear - Clears the current map list-清空当前地图列表
mapList.remove - Removes the specified map from the map list--删除目前选中地图
mapList.append - Add a new map to the end of the map list. You must specify the map name and game mode.--添加一个地图到列表末尾,你必须指明地图名称和游戏模式
mapList.insert - Same as mapList.append command, but with this command you can specify at what map ID number to insert the new map into the list----和添加命令一样,但是这个命令你可以指定地图添加到列表中任意位置

=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-23 09:13:42

Admin Commands-----管理员命令
These commands are used by server administrators.--管理员专用
admin.listPlayers - Lists the players connected to the server, showing their name, ID number and IP number.----列出目前服务器上所有人员的名字,ID,和IP
admin.runNextLevel - Forces the server to end the round and start the next map in the map list.---强制服务器结束当前局,开始下一局
admin.currentLevel - Shows the map list ID number for the current map being played.---列出当前地图的玩家ID
admin.nextLevel - Shows the map list ID number for the next map to be played.---列出下个地图的ID号码
admin.restartMap - Restarts the current map.--重开局
admin.banPlayer - Enter the player ID number you want to ban. Bans the player from the server by using their IP address. The timeout value controls the length of the ban e.g. perm for permanent ban, round to ban them for the rest of the round, and 180 is 180 seconds (3 minutes).-----封锁某玩家ID号,封锁时间由你键如的值确定
admin.banPlayerKey - Enter the player ID you want to ban. Bans the player from the server by using their CD key hash.--封锁你想封的人的CDKEY,(估计井限于当前服务器)
admin.addAddressToBanList - Enter the IP number you want to ban.--输入那个家伙的IP地址,来封锁他
admin.addKeyToBanList - Enter the CD key hash you want to ban.---输入CD-KEY来封他
admin.removeAddressFromBanList - Enter the IP address to remove from the ban list.---将封锁的IP地址解开
admin.removeKeyFromBanList - Enter the CD key hash you want to remove from the ban list.将封锁的CDKEY解开
admin.clearBanList - Clears all ban lists.--清空封锁列表
admin.listBannedAddresses - Displays a list of the currently banned IP addresses.--列出一张当前被封的IP地址表
admin.listBannedKeys - Displays a list of the currently banned CD keys.同上,CDKEY表
admin.kickPlayer - Enter the ID number of the player you --want to kick--踢人

=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-23 09:14:17

Remote Console---移动控制
These commands are used by server administrators.----这些是服务器管理员命令
To setup remote console access to the server, onthe server create a new plain text document in \admin\ called default.cfg and enter the following text into the new file:--为了建立这个能够连接到服务器的控制,在服务器端建立一个新的TEXT文档,在XXX路径,然后进入文档写下面这些命令:
Save the file, and start the server. Now you can access the server remotely by using the following commands from a client:--保存,打开服务器,现在你可以通过这种方式,在客户端随意进入服务器,
rcon login - Use this command to login to the server.---连接到服务器(和CS有点象)
rcon users - This command lists all the users connected to the server. Very similar to admin.listPlayers----列出所有用户
rcon exec - Replace with a console command you would like to execute on the server. For example: rcon exec admin.kickPlayer 3---使用管理员命令
Exit - Quits the game to desktop--退出

苏啊 发表于 2005-6-23 18:49:27


=|HERO|=ttpx@BF 发表于 2005-6-23 19:36:10


=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-24 09:11:43

Originally posted by 苏啊 at 2005-6-23 18:49:


苏啊 发表于 2005-6-24 18:00:24


=|HERO|=NBAGUI 发表于 2005-6-24 21:50:20

Originally posted by 苏啊 at 2005-6-24 18:00:

苏啊 发表于 2005-6-26 21:28:30


jjwteam 发表于 2005-7-9 22:51:56

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