借副图先~~* x- P& l/ Y: |, a: R7 ^
顶上那句绿色字体的话,咋看起来N多语法错误呢?% Y& r& M! R7 V5 @
Player that enjoy Pd others is not welcome this server. T0 N7 b- m+ {) r
我觉得应该是这样- L/ s0 D1 |6 H L
Player who(这里用who比用that更好) enjoys PD(缩写形式大写) the(这个不很确定) others is not welcomed(被动语态) to(介词) thi
L2 M9 K s" k2 As server
" L4 p2 D. v1 z9 ^! c连起来:Player who enjoys PD (the?) others is not welcomed to this server.1 H4 f: _; y r( x0 H, b
貌似服务器提示应该是可以手工修改的吧~~免得让人家看笑话2 z5 j9 _' |' U; I" X2 B
1 F/ y# u$ [8 ~) V, k; E9 L |