戰地風雲 : BF2 v1.50 更新檔再度延期
由於EA的策略性運用,目前進度為Beta 3的 BF2 v1.50 更新擋再度延期推出時間未知
Hey guys, remember me? Just a quick update. We have what we believe is the final version of Battlefield 2 v1.50. We have a little bit of office politics to sort out regarding the update but once that's cleared up we'll be good to release it.
Unfortunately I can't tell you what the office politics decision is about but it is worth the slight extra delay. There won't be another public Beta of this version, instead we will do a closed Beta to get a faster turn around and is basically to make sure things are still OK like the connection to servers issue.
You will need to have Battlefield 2 installed to version 1.41. We won't support installing over a previous 1.50 Beta version (it might work without issue but it might not so to be safe install over 1.41) so feel free to uninstall/delete that version.
I can't give away what the "politicians" are discussing but we know its something you guys will appreciate and that the Battlefield team has been pushing for, for a few months now.
Sorry not everything was fixed that you might have wanted to see implemented. The update contains a lot of requested features as well as some big security fixes. So while you might have some issues you don't feel have been dealt with I think we can say that Battlefield 2 is far from dying.
Mouse acceleration is the same as Beta 3
ALT+TAB works fine on my nVidia machine but I can't say it'll work for everyone and we dont support ALT+TAB since BF2 launched.
Yes Special Forces works
Vehicle drops work fine unless you mean on Operation Blue Pearl which neither team has vehicle drops.
Flash bangs look fine on my machine with latest nVidia drivers.
HUD will always be stretched as BF2 just wasn't made for widescreen resolutions. They were drawn for 4:3 ratio only so for widescreen it gets stratched like you see. Its the trade off between wanting normal HUD and 4:3 or 16:9/16:10 and slightly stretched HUD.
HUD will always be stretched as BF2 just wasn't made for widescreen resolutions. They were drawn for 4:3 ratio only so for widescreen it gets stratched like you see. Its the trade off between wanting normal HUD and 4:3 or 16:9/16:10 and slightly stretched HUD. 已经懒得翻译了
而下一次所放出的补丁包就是正式补丁包或者是绝对的最后一个补丁包 也是LS的意思 我是来秀新头像的~~~~{:3_215:}{:3_218:} 窝巢 我是来秀新头像的~~~~{:3_215:}{:3_218:}
chen84 发表于 2009-8-11 20:22 http://bbs1.heroclan.net/images/common/back.gif
服务如何啊!几多钱哦。。。 就等最后骚一把 别更新了,努力快点出战地3吧