[新闻] 【战地3 FTW】2011年6月10号最新采访,夜战得到官方确认
原文如下Q: What can we expect for PC requirements to run BF3?A: We’d love to tell you, but we’re not quite ready to release minimum specs just yet. I can tell you that the specs will not be anything crazy or Crysis-like. More details to come.
Q: Will we see the command rose or something similar?
A: That’s a good question! We do offer a lot of set up and customization on the PC for people to decide how they want to play. I’m not exactly sure how we’ll be doing the command rose.)
Q: Will there be a server browser for consoles?
A: There will not be a server browser for consoles. We just recently announced "battle log" which is PC based but it’s a really friendly community tool. It allows you to branch out with friends and set up and join private matches. It’s also great for E-Sports, if you’re playing competitively, because it’s going to work with MLG and ESL and all those partners. So you’ll be able to authenticate matches without having to take screenshots and all that kind of stuff because the data feed is going to be encrypted and secure and be sent to them.
Q: How many weapon customizations can be expected?
A: Thousands! Probably tens or hundreds of thousands. This is the biggest battlefield we’ve ever made so the customization is huge and open. There’s three slots on every weapon so you can clip things on like a flashlight or flash suppressor, tons and tons of things. Optics… I can’t even believe how many optics they’ve gotten into the game.
Q: Will there be day and night cycles in multiplayer and if so how will they work?
A: Not so much cycles, instead we have day and night maps.
Today also marks the last day of E3, a lot has been uncovered about BF3, and this is more to add to the list! Also revealed is that jets will not be available in TDM and Rush modes. The maps simply are not large enough for jets, the jets will be in Conquest though. We'll have more post E3 coverage of Battlefield 3 in the coming days.6
要的就是这句话 9. 昼夜交替在多人游戏中的实现
很早之前,DICE就放出了《战地3》昼夜交替的画面,使得玩家们都为之一震,那么昼夜交替是如何在多人游戏中体现的呢?据DICE社区经理的情报,服务器在选择地图之后,还能选择“时间”,这将给游戏带来更大的游戏性! 报道 {:7_322:} 热成像还是夜视玩游戏都太伤眼睛。。。 夜战。。BF2 的资料片:特种部队 给我留下了深刻印象 {:7_281:}夜战。。BF2 的资料片:特种部队 给我留下了深刻印象
=|HERO|=BT808@2 发表于 2011-6-13 02:09 http://bbs.heroclan.net/images/common/back.gif