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发表于 2006-8-20 11:58:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.4 Patch – New content 新增內容- U" n( |+ X( B" e$ r4 J · New level: Road to Jalalabaad (Conquest 16-32-64, Singleplayer, Co-op) , ]- ^6 R* o6 v4 o& r5 I, h新地圖 : Road to Jalalabaad (征服 16-32-64, 單機, 合作模式) 0 [8 x( y; P3 q0 A- ]. h· New Server Option: No Vehicles mode ! k0 d% d- r4 Y8 H: x新伺服器端選項 : 禁用載具 7 K6 _7 U# u1 [& A$ w/ P1.4 Patch – Fix List 修正清單" Y$ L O. O: t0 @+ ]# _3 L Front End: 介面/ M2 }6 p( s. i; Y8 D · Front end - Fixed server browser issues with updating info # g# u& X- \, V) R8 M: C; l# h& B 介面 - 修正伺服器瀏覽的問題及更新伺服器資訊 6 j; Q/ {1 v6 G1 T9 D, c" \. A· Front End - Multiplayer & Co-op - Players on server list can include Bots instead of human players 8 R) ^) H6 p& C7 C: } 介面 - 多人連線 & 合作模式 - 伺服器清單特別會顯示玩家與BOT# E+ N% S" ?- o* P# C" z8 r · Multiplayer Server filter “maps size” will now work 3 A3 u, k6 v. c& j多人連線的伺服器過濾器 \"地圖大小\" 現在恢復作用& E# M# S* Q7 B · Fixed an issue in the front end where pressing tab twice in the IP window would cause the cursor to skip to wrong box ( N3 B% ?" s k' m! g/ s" W/ i# u 修正玩家端因為在IP輸入視窗中, 連按兩次TAB引起的指標指示錯誤問題 ) Z+ M# b8 o6 \Game Server 遊戲伺服器7 }, Q8 L0 h- M# l · Increased server stability9 v: q1 F/ p- V, R5 X 增加伺服器穩定性 2 }/ {" ~) K& p2 m· All levels - Co-op – Fixed a crash after reviving player without a kit- 1st attempt : X/ i# k6 t. I# u# H9 L 所有地圖的合作模式 - 第一次嘗試修正玩家被救起時, 因為沒有武器而導致伺服器當機的問題" _1 O; ?7 ^5 ^, n' r · Server - Linux 32 Dedicated – Fixed the server crash when trying to rotate maps in Special Forces Co- op Mode (fixed on SUSE only. Still present in Red Hat and Fedora) ; S& X# \3 R& s" Z8 H企鵝版伺服器 - 修正執行SF合作模式地圖引起的當機問題 (目前僅有 SUSE 已修正, Red Hat 與 Fedora 依舊會發生); H5 X _6 m B · Adjusted the minimum number of players to start the round. The new values for 16, 32 and 64 players are 6, 6 and 8 respectively. 8 q+ g9 V8 Z8 U! U2 ~& v. s 調整每種地圖大小需要的起始人數, 現在 16 > 6, 32 > 6, 64 > 8 8 z5 i8 y: N6 b2 }· Unlocks are once available on unranked servers. 8 h" ]+ @- N0 ]非排行伺服器再度可以使用解鎖武器 (原本的選項恢復作用)3 y0 j; d" y( { · Ranked server have to have unlocks activated. 9 ^* u3 C* }. {排行伺服器強制使用解鎖武器. _0 w4 \) s3 n+ f1 A0 { · Fixed Issue with the local coop server - If Server Host is kicked and banned although they do not actually get kicked, no other players may join the server after that point. 0 |" G+ d- g P- ~0 ~' h: J 修正區網合作模式伺服器的問題 - 如果主機端踢人或是BAN人, 玩家端可能不會有作用, 而其他玩家再也無法加入該伺服器 ' H4 E/ V4 }8 q) w% v· Fixed a dedicated server crash which was occurring when the user held \"CTRL\" and \"SHIFT\" while selecting a map. 0 a8 f; q( h7 i; u' k9 H修正因為管理員按住 CTRL 或是 SHIFT 選擇地圖時, 所引起的伺服器當機問題( e3 X( P3 P$ q" |8 s! p · Fixed a crash which would occur when c4 was placed on a flag pole and the server rotated maps. 0 G' x/ ?- ~6 Z( _, j% f, C7 E. Y! J修正更換地圖之前, 剛好有C4粘住旗桿時造成的伺服器當機問題 ' w+ C9 ]( ?' o) @ · Fixed a Vehicle drop crash related bug (missing icon). # A& H- ~2 m7 j) N5 D修正空投載具的相關BUG (像是圖示遺失) ! w6 {5 k! i7 k/ n· Co-Op bot console commands do not function on local servers. 4 i9 E$ M, ~% d修正主機端無法執行跟BOT有關的控制指令問題 4 l. ~, t( k8 I! \" HClient / Gameplay: 玩家端 / 遊戲性 & F8 P2 a: r) m, _, s) H· Increased client stability . h2 @' Y( _! ?$ q# k* c 增加玩家端穩定度) Q! Q' i0 }2 t9 b$ s2 [4 B/ X& M2 R · Red/Blue nametag bug – Fix to the issue where players would show up with the wrong color name tag a6 t/ x. ?( x$ S 紅藍BUG - 修正玩家顯示成錯誤陣營.顏色的問題; p. d. q- X- Z5 q* Z9 Z · Introduced a delay from proning to standing to help reduce exploiting % k4 ^$ T, i+ I- x, I增加趴下到站立所需要的延遲時間$ Q p Z5 F6 [; w- a3 A9 L9 U · Adjusted C4 to make throwing more difficult , I/ Q2 j4 }4 k# P 增加丟擲C4的難度 / a6 ~( P* \3 r' b7 L· Fixed the issue where a red distance marker appears on the ground + H! p j, E& j4 Y/ \* a8 E6 \ 修正地圖中會顯示紅色距離的問題1 j0 [" }" y5 Q/ O& p2 w O ]6 C · Fixed the issue that caused players arms to become invisible after switching weapons when using throwable items / m/ P' j1 A: b9 x: ~修正玩家切換武器當中, 手上武器有時候會消失的問題 / ^1 ~( \- T% g, L· Made adjustments to reduce the damage taken by vehicles when driving , j Y0 N2 Q9 I4 h. D( b) J 減少載具在行駛中受到的損害 (像是AF的跑車不再那麼容易受傷)( A7 e; a7 g. F6 \ ^! `) n · Commander options will no longer available whilst dead. 4 R/ C/ B7 D0 O' u指揮官倒地時將無法再開啟指揮畫面 ' H7 f6 m7 T8 w, k3 Y# J· Fixed the issue with a spawn point showing up as selected when a player has spawned in during preview round7 M2 Y! h6 T/ ^. \* c9 C2 d 修正更換地圖以後, 玩家重生選單顯示錯誤已選擇重生點的問題 (事實上是還沒有選) , d& b w. l- C- r· Fixed the issue that would cause infantry players to be revived with no kit. ! D( h- x/ @& l, L _) N修正玩家被救起時沒有武器的問題 6 @, y" g O. V4 h3 x* U( L, G· Fixed several rare graphics crashes. 4 B9 k" ~3 j' {8 l8 i# \$ a修正幾個罕見的圖形問題 ( y5 M9 B0 _6 Z6 X4 a· Fixed issue with players crashing while clicking \"Join Game\" in the front end 7 v, R' D( e: z/ d0 G 修正玩家點擊\"加入遊戲\"後跳出的問題 6 K# Y) l! R: f( L! r2 h· Car-Drop: Made adjustments to the car drop feature to help prevent players from exploiting into buildings. ' r2 w- [ o$ R5 v" H6 x 空投載具: 調整空投範圍, 以防止玩家利用BUG進入建築物內部 5 v7 B- _, ~$ k5 L· Fixed an issue tied to projectiles which would sometimes allow tanks to fire two shells, support to fire multiple rounds, and other issues (all maps). ' U: H. k# }2 w! V" J3 ~! C 修正物件發射的問題, 像是坦克有時候可以一次打兩顆砲彈% y- V# B) I/ {5 R6 C · Fixed bug where after 2 rounds on the same map, the top player stars are awarded to the wrong people in the menu 5 H+ L$ }- Y, L, H修正同一張地圖跑兩次以後, 最佳玩家資訊畫面會顯示為其他玩家的問題 6 j* G. s: g9 {; Y5 o c· Transport Helicopters – Increased the armor of all transport helicopters + B7 F) `8 H q8 \9 @運輸直昇機 - 增強運輸直昇機的防禦力 1 ^6 p8 v, I& R2 I& f 6 ^( y6 E9 Y( Z

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 11:59:47 | 显示全部楼层
Fixed the issue that would cause infantry players to be revived with no kit.
) r( \3 {) h. `5 [/ m7 `修正玩家被救起時沒有武器的問題
- n2 S% W. {) ]' N
8 P+ C4 q: h; E4 p( k! h. x9 p

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 12:01:05 | 显示全部楼层
诶  这么多服务器当机的问题

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 12:03:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 12:10:57 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 12:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 =|HERO|=Along@BF2 于 2006-8-20 12:03 发表
6 }: s6 ~& \: k' K8 k4 }防空载具太弱,没修改

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 12:16:02 | 显示全部楼层
7 F7 [5 {- ~" p* s$ S" d
4 |9 ?3 {( G: S& Z# _很强吗现在?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 12:38:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 14:26:02 | 显示全部楼层
8 S5 u- Q4 m( o7 w, F7 S) f8 t5 a* o9 m& U/ V
8 r" J' N! Q, }5 v' H3 C2 ]
& m' Y7 B0 L, X又要升鸟!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 14:48:17 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 17:30:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 18:38:17 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 18:41:50 | 显示全部楼层
· Transport Helicopters – Increased the armor of all transport helicopters
2 o' g% s% S, u6 h運輸直昇機 - 增強運輸直昇機的防禦力

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 18:52:15 | 显示全部楼层
特种马上就要成为废柴了) a- s4 P. @" L+ r: X. P  A! D" t
不知道是不是非要削弱到只能望静止载具上贴C4 EA才满意

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-20 19:41:28 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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