


楼主: harrier

第一时间向大家报告,BF2 v1.4补丁已发布!

发表于 2006-9-5 23:43:27 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 harrier 于 2006-9-5 23:35 发表
) K3 Y6 o4 O! Y- `& g1 E  o5 h
& g' l+ T" K8 n6 w6 Z
" h: _. W7 K1 L' v
7 u" h5 s* i( q$ Pwww.filefront.com
3 P8 u1 m) g) y0 Y" {- t5 R7 |% L2 I" ~# T$ u& Z6 U; Z7 O
www.fileplanet.com6 w( J8 c# q7 P: d8 f

& M: E4 _% T/ v$ A& Awww.fileshack.com
! u: {  ]4 U, q4 T; f* w& c8 a: V/ t7 E
0 _5 \! T+ z! ^
4 Y) g+ q/ R! ?: I- j/ C4 I3 [- c" d. k2 U0 v
给你一个FileFront的好了,这个网站不用注册就能下载) i& _0 D# s5 k! F
" r1 T& ~, [3 C& f( ]7 x
h ...

1 T) s, L; q- h- z' z/ o谢谢了。。。能问一下都修正了哪些BUG,有没有修正读完图点加入游戏就退出游戏的BUG??

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-5 23:44:01 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-5 23:44:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 =|HERO|=Yuchuan99 于 2006-9-5 23:44 发表2 X3 S, ], _# m) Z- E6 `

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-5 23:44:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 harrier 于 2006-9-5 23:33 发表
. [$ x4 \) l! J7 j* H% W台湾和新加坡的那几个服务器ping都稳定在120多,为什么不能玩?
! F; A. U$ H/ g- |! X
* g+ J4 Q3 J2 ]. n还有以前玩过阵官服,那些家伙的水准,无聊。。。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-5 23:46:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 =|HERO|=KIM 于 2006-9-5 23:43 发表
8 S% P0 C/ i4 O' [) }1 k9 ^# U% i8 B: T
3 i& L( {8 r; U- H  L: |7 b0 x/ \" z7 w" Y

" l! d! O/ D8 n" B9 b4 q1 X3 k, l
( X+ |0 j8 G1 f % `% Q- P) S$ F, A$ J) w0 O
Gameplay Tweaks:0 M7 O& y; t2 f% e
- The vehicle drop has been modified to help prevent exploits such as blocking enemy vehicles, destroying vehicles and commander assets, or as an alternative to artillery./ D/ D3 E+ W( v$ l  n) \/ Z4 U8 P
- C4 tossing distance has been reduced.# o# p3 X/ U" k3 h* F
- A prone->crouch delay has been added.
( b) F3 O! M- W$ ^- T$ @( y$ @1 \3 x* V% ]  W
Bug Fixes:
- f! h1 c: l# E5 j- Fixed the Linux server hangs when trying to load a Special Forces Co-Op map.6 q# q! T3 J# K4 B+ e
- Another attempt at fixing the Red/Blue nametag bug.
  }/ J7 S3 @6 n  A2 m- Fixed the missing server info on the map briefing screen.
. Z$ F/ i/ }7 q8 q$ l- Fixed the server browser issues with updating info.
! R2 [6 G( p$ `0 s; \* U- Fixed the filter by maps size option in the server browser.+ j+ S" r+ x8 H
- Fixed a low reproducibility crash bug related to the vehicle drop.
# G" E, g2 Z9 U, h- F/ p) @- Fixed a crash in Co-op after a player is revived without a kit.% u$ G: c( \0 c( }$ b; A
- Fixed a server crash on Linux 32 when trying to rotate maps in Coop Mode.
9 N& m- a) R, r) w: \- Fixed the occasionnal red distance marker appearing on the ground.
9 t1 L. _$ g! w! X- x- Fixed the bug that caused the player's arms to become invisible when switching weapons.
7 a) j' i( A6 e- |2 V; u* K' O- Co-Op bot console commands now function on local servers.  c( N" b" J% u/ }
- Fixed the excessive damage taken by the Muscle Car.5 f; |3 V. l9 S
- Adjusted the minimum number of players to start the round on ranked servers. The new values for 16, 32 and 64 players are 6, 8 and 8 respectively.
2 X0 o* ?' _; P2 O7 B/ L$ h- Re-enabled unlocks on unranked servers.8 P) D  X# L) M2 g- v  w4 ]
- Commander options are no longer available whilst commander is dead.
) d( Z7 Z$ q0 |  n0 ~- Fixed bug where a spawn point is shown as selected when it is not if player has spawned in during the preview round.0 K$ z; Y1 p: r2 r5 I. |
- Co-Op (Local Server) - Fixed the issue where no other players may join the server if the server host is kicked and banned.
& \, f" {* _+ ?+ Y- Ranked Servers now force unlocks.
$ y' y$ J: q6 z" e& n  n- Added support for multiple gamemodes in single maplist for mods

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-5 23:47:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 harrier 于 2006-9-5 23:46 发表3 [+ r7 f! _; b( A! N1 I! _
Gameplay Tweaks:
. E0 P" k' c1 G  P9 e4 @- The vehicle drop has been modified to help prevent exploits such as blocking enemy vehicles, destroying vehicles and commander assets, or as an alternative to artillery.
7 `; \" u6 E* P( n; H- ...

. P! a% \1 a9 }+ |* I% [. Q请翻译。。。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-5 23:48:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ttl 于 2006-9-5 23:44 发表
& M( u" N. z$ S2 e
, u& W0 G' L1 T1 F: A' `
2 F+ d# Z6 Z. w8 M3 R+ h' ?' B120多,打步战死的快,顶多玩玩飞机了。。。
3 L  e* m  m7 p$ |还有以前玩过阵官服,那些家伙的水准,无聊。。。
5 ^1 U+ x, ^5 g3 S+ I' r. H' S2 Q( t

: S0 d3 Z4 R8 p. G呵呵,我对游戏的态度只是玩玩而已,死得多点就多点了,无所谓,只要不要丢包太严重造成走路一顿一顿的就行了' [; N; m) _2 O0 B) P6 h; _% d! [: ]

6 A8 q' D; i) Z& W$ R4 v' ` 9 X/ H: m% x2 A, a8 D

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-5 23:48:32 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-5 23:48:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ttl 于 2006-9-5 23:47 发表( g. {9 r$ I5 q6 D; y' e' U
  k& B. @1 q7 o8 q) N

+ X) I  ?. L7 q2 a8 b# u6 W请翻译。。。
* V% m/ P& n# e2 O- E' k' o
' f' Q. \, n, I' \4 M% r4 o

3 F4 v+ X* F" O6 [; Y# U。。。。。自己去论坛搜吧,以前有人发过中文的

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-5 23:50:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 =|HERO|=Yuchuan99 于 2006-9-5 23:48 发表
6 e. Y' f2 m- ?; {! k& v恩~貌似没有反HERO-Rank

5 h7 U1 k9 Y% a. y( h% F4 C  [ . a& W+ a  O$ n1 S

  d: ]7 s* z0 q' E# b/ l! i7 n# r现在FH的官方论坛上服务器列表那里能够显示HERO的FH1号服务器(我记得以前好像是没见那里出现过),而且现在Game-Monitor网站搜索中国的Rank服务器,HERO的服务器都在里面

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-6 00:07:31 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-6 00:10:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 harrier 于 2006-9-5 23:50 发表( w! z2 b; [( P5 ?$ p

4 X' h% e% j9 Y* ?! X
6 W8 W* w8 i9 ^% j) b7 O- _5 n9 J  X
, H  |* [# ~* U5 i2 n  `

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-6 00:26:53 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 =|HERO|=RainbowSix 于 2006-9-6 00:10 发表
) G" \+ b: |# C9 Z
# T1 O% s' }  y7 v. I树大鸟~~~要招风鸟~~~
8 f/ v# |: T- m+ e+ m# k) m

  w! C& W3 e$ k2 |7 a! H唉,可惜就是一直是0人啊,我现在只能去WOLF服务器玩,380的ping虽然不太能打得死人,不过不丢包还是蛮爽的

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-6 01:36:49 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-6 10:09:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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