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发表于 2006-9-14 10:25:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The different command trees in Company of Heroes are quite different, and can accommodate many different playing styles. Here you will find an overview of the different command trees, strengths, weaknesses, and usage.
Overview of the Command Trees

Your selection of command trees will greatly influence your strengths and weaknesses later on. If you know what your enemy is going to do, you can select the tree that will be most useful in defeating him. In a team game, coordinating your command trees is a must. A defensive axis player can build 88s to back up his allies, while the terror player keeps the allied players off the resource points, and the blitz player spams mass amounts of tanks. If you and your teammates all use the same tree, you all have the same strengths, and weaknesses. For example, if all three allied players go armor, they sacrifice any offmap indirect fire, which is a big thing to not have at all.
Some trees play very well against others. Infantry does very well against Defensive, because a howitzer can knock out all those 88s pretty fast. Terror can do pretty well against an Airborne player, thanks to propaganda spam and firestorm. In a 1v1 it all comes down to playing style. In a team game, you should make sure you have a well-rounded team. Experiment with all of them to learn their strengths and weaknesses.

Allied Command Trees

Some good stuff here, although some of the tier 3 abilities are lacking late game. If early game is your thing, go Airborne. If you want a stronger armored presence late game, go Armor. If you like an all around utility tree, go Infantry.


This tree is a great all around tree. Offmap artillery is neat, rangers are awesome, and howitzers go along way to late game superiority. Offmap combat group is pretty useless, but overall this tree is well balanced against anything.
Rapid Response - Tier 1

Costs 1 command point. Passive ability. Your infantry will build faster. I'm not sure just how much faster - anyone who knows the exact figure should feel free to edit this.
Defensive Operations - Tier 1

Costs 1 command point. Passive ability. Your riflemen will be able to build defenses, and your engineers will build defenses faster. Riflemen able to build defenses can be a huge boost early game if used right. Remember, barbed wire, sand bags, etc, are all free. Use them!
Rangers - Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total, and 400mp. The best troops allies can get, period. A bit expensive, so take care of them! They are good against armor, buildings, infantry, pretty much everything except an Ostwind :P.
Off-Map Artillery Support - Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total, and 200 ammo. Calls in artillery from off map. Drops some smoke and takes a bit for the rounds there, so your enemy can usually make it out of the blast radius if he is fast. Fairly accurate, and does alot of damage. The damage can be kinda random, as you don't know exactly where the shells will land. If you get in some lucky hits though, you can take out armor and do alot of damage to a building. Pretty useful.
Off-Map Combat Group - Tier 3

Costs 4 command points, 7 command points total, and 800mp. Calls in a random assortment of vehicles and infantry. It's expensive, but for the amount of units you get, it's a discount. The problem is most of the units you get are worthless or not what you need. If you're battling with a bunch of axis tanks and mash this button in desperation, don't be surprised if you get a couple greyhounds and some mortar teams instead of some useful anti armor.
105mm Howitzer - Tier 3

Costs 2 command points, 5 command points total, and 475 manpower and fuel. It's a stationary weapon that is built by engineers. Very powerful, long range, and more accurate than most other forms of artillery. Downside is that it's expensive as hell, and dies easily if attacked. Make sure you can defend it if you build it.

This tree is excellent for early game superiority, although it is lacking end-game. Paratroopers are great early game for taking over everything, but bombers are too unreliable and they have nothing to compete with the likes of tigers and 88s. But if you totally rape them early game, will there even be a late game? I think not.
Paratroopers - Tier 1

Costs 2 command points, and 375 manpower. Infantry that can be airdropped anywhere you can see. Can't drop into the fog of war. Has some neat abilities like satchel charge, Fire-Up, and can be upgraded with a recoilless rifle. Not very powerful, and very expensive. Their greatest asset is their deployment speed. Can also reinforce squad in the field, but has a high reinforcement cost...
Air Recon - Tier 1

Costs 1 command point and 50 ammo. Basically just a cheap scout. Use it to scout the enemy base so your ally can target the important buildings with howitzer fire, find enemy weaknesses, or use it as a spotter to drop in airborne. Just remember that it can be shot down by flaks. Neat ability, cost is pretty low.
Paradrop AT Gun - Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 4 command points total and 320 MP. Awesome unit/ability. You can drop it anywhere you can see, and you don't need to build a motor pool. Useful for dropping it behind enemy tanks to get in some rear hits. Don't forget to have the guys that drop with it crew it.
Strafing Run - Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total, and 150 ammo. Calls in a plane for a strafing run. It does some damage to infantry, if it hits. Very inaccurate and doesn't do much damage. Not anywhere the level of firestorm/offmap artillery/propaganda. Plane can be shot down.
Supply Drops - Tier 3

Costs 2 command points, 6 command points total, no ammo or MP cost, on a long cooldown. Gives 40 fuel, 100 ammo, and some heavy weapons (MG and Mortar). Free stuff is always nice, but not the most useful tier 3 ability... if you use the weapons, it can be a good idea to crew with a squad of 4 or more. This leaves at least one left over, which you can then reinforce to full strength for half the cost of buying a new one. Then again, who needs mortars and MGs when tanks are running around?
Bomber Run - Tier 3

Costs 3 command points, 6command points total, and 250 ammo. Drops bombs in a line. Does a huge amount of damage, but very inaccurate (surprise!). If you manage to hit something with it, it's well worth the cost. May be a good idea to use a recon plane to pinpoint enemy positions, then bomb with this.

This is a very solid tree mid game and late game. Allied war machine makes this tree more than a match for axis tanks later on. This does well against the other trees, although if you run into flak 88s they can become something of a bother because armor has no form of offmap damage. Calliopes can be useful artillery, but the cost is prohibitive. This tree arguably has the best tier 3 abilities.
Raid - Tier 1

Passive ability. Costs 2 command points. Allows all light vehicles like jeep and greyhound to cap points. Pretty useful if you're playing against a propaganda spammer. Since these vehicles are fast and usually pretty durable, it's a nice point harassment ability.
Fast Deployment - Tier 1

Passive ability. Costs 1 command point. Your vehicles and tanks will build faster. I'm not sure exactly how long this decreases build time, so chime in here if you know...
Calliope Rocket Launcher - Tier 2

Costs 3 command points, 5 command points total, and 600 MP. Basically a Sherman with a bunch of rocket launchers on top. This vehicle also gets upgrades you purchase for your shermans, which is pretty neat. The rockets cost 125 ammo to fire, and they're pretty devastating. Demolishes infantry, tanks, and buildings. If you have alot of spare ammo, it's good for base bombing. The cost of the tank is kind of prohibitive, and they're pretty much identical to shermans. Generally using the ammo on allied war machine or field repairs is a better use, so I wouldn't recommend spamming too many of these.

Field Repairs - Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total, and 200 ammo. Repairs all your tanks a bit while active. Nice if your tanks are all a bit beat up. Doesn't heal a huge amount of damage, though, so don't expect them all to be 100% healed. Useful on occasion but also kinda meh.
M26 Pershing Heavy Tank - Tier 3

COsts 4 command points, 9 Xp total, and 900 MP. The biggest, baddest tank allies get. It'll beat pretty much anything but a tiger 1v1, and makes a good meat shield for your weaker tanks. Is the only Allied vehicle that can roll over tanktraps without any upgrades. Fairly useful, even if it can't beat a tiger most of the time, and isn't nearly as cost effective...
Allied War Machine - Tier 3

Costs 3 Xp, 6 command points total, and 250 ammo. Oh yeah. This instantly replaces all tank losses that occur within 30 seconds of this ability being activated. Can you get a cooler ability than this? I don't think so. Awesome for suicide zerging a well fortified base, losing them all, then instantly replacing everything.
10 Shermans: 4200 mp and 900 fuel.
2 Pershings: 1800 MP.
Allied War Machine: 350 ammo.
The look on the other guys face when they all roll back into his base 30 seconds after destroying them all: priceless.
Axis Command Trees

No one can say that axis doesn't have some sweet tier 3 abilities. Defensive does defensive well, although 88s are a little too easy to take out with artillery... Blitzkrieg is great for spamming tigers and other units, although it is skimpy on indirect fire (it has none). Terror is properly terrifying, with some really devastating stuff in its arsenal, although its tier 3 abilities are expensive.

A good tree for those who like to play it safe. Widely considered to be the weakest overall axis tree, it has some good uses but a lot of it seems to be lacking. Flak 88s are the gem in this tree, and are absolute monsters. The 280mm rockets do some really good damage, also.

For the fatherland – Tier 1

Costs 1 command point, 75 ammo. This ability gives your units a heavy armor and HP bonus while on friendly soil. It may be a tier 1 ability, but I doubt the bonus is worth it early on for its cost. Maybe later on when you have masses of infantry. Not sure how much this affects tanks, but if it's a lot, might be a good, cheap, late game use.
Advanced Warning – Tier 1

Passive ability. Costs 1 command point. Allows your captured points to see further. Not the most useful ability ever, but not useless. Helpful for seeing sneaky allied troops while they move about in your territory.
Fortify the Perimeter – Tier 2

Passive ability. Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total. Upgrades your base buildings with MGs, and allows you to reinforce troops from bunkers. This is a great ability. Nice on Semois when you have paratroopers and silly Engineers trying to plant Demolitions in your base. Place a bunker in a place with heavy fighting, and use it to reinforce squads just like the HQ. In combination with the self-healing infantry veterancy upgrade, this insures your front lines will remain strong.
Registered Artillery – Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total and 125 ammunition. Calls down artillery fire near one of your buildings. It has a quick recharge, and a huge area of affect. The damage is very random, it may miss everything, or or may pulverize anything nearby. The response time is also very low – you have little time to see the smoke before the shells begin to land. As big as the potential radius is, even if the allied player immediately retreats his troops, he may still lose some. Doesn't damage the building. If your building is getting zerged, and you don't have any of your units nearby, can clear enemies out quick. Works for bunkers too. Drop a bunker, and when it gets zerged, drop arty on their heads. It's best use is probably anti-capture. This can be very useful for stopping squads from capturing your territory sectors. And you can't complain, considering it costs a measly 125 ammunition.
88mm Flak 36 AT/AA – Tier 3

Costs 2 command points, 5 command points total, 425 MP and 65 fuel. Allows your pioneers to build a flak 88 immobile gun emplacement. This thing is incredible – it will blow huge holes in anything foolish enough to get within firing range. Not to mention it can fire further than it's line of sight as well. Place at choke points and use to defend your base. While it's main purpose is anti-tank defense, it can shoot down allied Airborne doctrine planes if they pass by, and is effective against small amounts of infantry as well due to it's pretty good accuracy. If you can pull it off, cap a sector near the enemy base and drop one there, then enjoy the fireworks. Use in conjunction with tank traps and barbed wire to make it nearly impossible for the enemy to advance. The only downside is that they are pretty vulnerable to artillery fire. Very expensive, but a single offmap artillery will wipe them off the map... howitzers can take them out easily, too.
Rocket Artillery – Tier 3

Cost 4 command points, 7 command points total and 250 ammunition. Calls in some really devastating 280mm rockets. These do a huge amount of damage and will demolish anything in their area of effect. The area of effect is pretty damned big, too. The response time is fairly short, but your opponent can get his troops or vehicles out of the area with no casualties if he notices the smoke quickly enough. Does pretty good damage to buildings, but don't expect it to tear them down in one barrage.

A popular tree, this is a great all-around tree. You get stormtroopers and tigers from this tree, what's not to like about that? While this tree may have some great units in it, that's all you have to fight with. You have zero indirect fire abilities. And no flak 88 for defensive use.
Infantry Assault Team – Tier 1

Costs 2 command points, 400 MP. Call in some stormtroopers. They comes in squads of four, have grenades, can be upgraded with Panzershreks, and can camouflage. Their camouflage is probably their best ability. You can sneak behind enemy territory and cut vital supply lines, sneak up behind infantry and toss grenades on them, etc. Invisibility is a powerful tool, and these guys aren't weaklings like snipers. With a little imagination, the possibilities for these guys are endless.
Assault Grenadiers – Tier 1

Costs 1 command point and 50 ammo to use. Your infantry squads gain the ability to assault enemies with a lot of grenades. Once activated, your troops begin to throw a stream of grenades that end when the target dies or the squad dies. The grenades don't do a huge amount of damage to buildings, but they do more than guns. Kills infantry pretty good.

Urban Assault Team – Tier 2

Costs 3 command points, 5 command points total, and 700MP. Gets you a StuH 42 Assault Gun (stug with a 105mm mortar) and a stormtrooper squad. If you factor in the cost of stormtroopers, it's like getting the StuH for 300mp. The StuH is good against buildings and infantry. The blast radius from the 105mm is huge, and can destroy large portions of infantry at once.

Resource Blitz – Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total, and 200 ammo.. Spend 200 ammo and get 900mp. Not bad at all. This will cripple your manpower income for the next three minutes though. Doesn't effect fuel or munitions intake. Great for popping a couple units or a tiger out real quick. The tooltip says it reduces your income by 50% for three minutes, but it is more than 50%, The actual amount that is reduced seems to be kinda random, so I'll need to do tests to see exactly what this does to your economy.

Armor Assault Force – Tier 3

Costs 3 command points, 8 command points total, and 1000 MP. The crown jewel of the Blitzkrieg tree. This calls in a stormtrooper squad, and a tiger tank. Considering stormtroopers cost 400mp, that's like paying 600mp for the most powerful tank in the game. You can have two tigers at any one time, and unlike the tiger ace, it gains veterancy upgrades(except for the roof MG gunner). The tiger does massive damage and will walk all over any allied tank.
Blitzkrieg Assault – Tier 3

Costs 3 command points, 6 command points total, and 150 ammunition. For a short period of time, make your imba units even more imba! All units will move and fire faster, destroying everything in their path for 30 seconds. And it's cheap, too. Use this in any major confrontation.


A well balanced tree, though the tier 3 abilities are expensive. They more than make up for that in sheer power, however. The earlier abilities are pretty cheap, and highly effective. Propaganda is an insanely effective and cheap infantry counter early on. Firestorm is decent offmap damage, and Zeal is just plain great. The tiger ace rocks, but you can only build one. The V1 is death incarnate, and will leave a big fxxking crater in place of whatever was there before. Good stuff.
Zeal – Tier 1

Passive ability. Costs 1 command point. As your infantry takes losses, the remainder grows stronger. An MG team with only one member left can still wreak havoc with this ability. This is a great ability, and remains useful even late game.
Inspired Assault – Tier 1

Costs 1 command point, 75 ammunition. Your infantry will have greater firepower, but take more damage. Great for an MG team in a building taking on infantry, not so great for assaulting said MGs in a building. Makes a great combination with Zeal.
Firestorm – Tier 2

Costs 2 command points, 3 command points total and 200 ammunition. Fairly standard offmap artillery fare. Pretty long time between the smoke markers and the landing of the first bomb, not to mention bombs drop slowly at first as well and are spread over a big radius, so escaping from the area of effect without any casualties once you see the smoke drop is not a problem. Very effective against clustered infantry and deployed weapon teams, pretty weak against buildings or vehicles.
Propaganda War – Tier 2

Costs 3 command points, 4 command points total. The ability that allied players love to complain about. Costs 100 munitions, almost impossible to avoid, quick cooldown, makes infantry instantly retreat. Great as a way to force that sneaky infantry trying to cap a point behind your lines to go home. Also really useful for scaring away the infantry that supports allied armor. If your lone stug runs into a sherman with 2 ranger teams, just use this on them and proceed to make a mess out of the sherman.
Tiger Ace – Tier 3

Costs 5 command points, 8 command points total, and 900 manpower. This is basically a regular tiger on steroids. It has about 500 more hp, it's faster, and 20% better armor penetration on its main gun. It does not benefit from tank veterancy upgrades, however. Sadly, you can have only one of these at any time.
V1 Rocket Attack – Tier 3

Costs 4 command points, 8 total, and 350 ammunition. Blow shit up, this will. It will outright destroy most buildings or tanks, and is the most powerful thing in the game, period. It is also the only thing in the game that can destroy an HQ under 15 seconds. Takes awhile to land, and is noisy. This gives your opponent a lot of time to get out of the way, so use wisely.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-14 10:26:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-14 10:31:39 | 显示全部楼层


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本条指游戏 英雄连
本条基本概况各类abilties指挥,擅自知道基本的应用程序和指挥. 如果你对此事一无所知,见 指挥部介绍树 .
[table=560] </P>这棵树非常四周树木. OFFMAP炮是工整、令人生畏的突击,自行前往比赛地推迟优势. OFFMAP作战群相当无用,但对总体平衡这是什么树.
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1成本指挥所. 消极能力. 你步兵建设速度. 我不知道有多少快人知道确切的数字,不受约束地编辑.
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1成本指挥所. 消极能力. riflemen你能防建设,你工程建设速度防. riflemen能建立可防早比赛,大大提高了使用权. 记得铁丝网、沙包等,都没有. 用.
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别动队 -2级

指挥费2点、3点,总司令部,400mp. 盟军部队最能,期. 有点贵,照顾他们. 他们对好的装甲建筑物步兵,但几乎所有的Ostwind:P
[ 编辑 ]

指挥费2点、3点,总司令部、200 . 炮兵要求产自图. 部分,以减少吸烟对发一点,,你的敌人往往使他的爆炸半径迅速. 比较准确,那么也损害. kinda可以随意破坏,你不知道,弹落脚. 只要打虽然有些幸运,可以把生意做装甲和建筑物受损. 相当有用.
[ 编辑 ]

指挥费4点七站总指挥部,800mp. 各种车辆随意停靠和步兵. 这费用,但多少能单位,是折扣. 问题是多数单位能不值得你需要. 如果你在战斗坦克和一批核心人物这个按钮绝望,只要不感到意外数 Greyhounds 而一些迫击炮和一些有益的反装甲小组.
[ 编辑 ]
105mm榴弹炮 -第三级别

指挥费2点5点总指挥部,475 人才 , 燃料 . 这是固定的武器,建造工程. 很强,远程、准确比其他大炮. 变,是昂贵的地狱,如果攻击容易死亡. 它可以使你建立维护.
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这棵树良好提前比赛的优势,但缺乏终局. 国庆大年初接管所有游戏,轰炸机太不可靠,他们没有象与老虎,88s. 但如果他们全部被提前比赛,甚至在比赛后. 我认为不会.
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空降兵 -1级

2成本指挥站,375 人才 . 步兵可局部地方可见. 不落的战争雾. 有一种像小孩才能收费 火了 和提升,无枪. 不是很强,非常昂贵. 最大的财富是快速部署. 军方面也加强,但加强成本高.
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指挥费150点 . 基本上廉价侦察. 用来侦察敌人基地,你可以针对最重要的建筑物 榴弹炮 消防找到敌人的弱点,即如果在下跌空降检举. 只记得Flaks可以击落. 整齐的能力,成本相当高.
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2点费指挥4320项,总司令部问题. 令人单位和Ability. 它可以减少地方,你看,你不需要建立汽车库. 这有助于减少在敌坦克后获得一些打击. 别忘了有男人,有人员减少.
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指挥费2点、3点,总司令部、150 . 请在管理机的位置. 但有些损失步兵,命中. 很无助,不破坏. 没有任何的灾难和炮兵OFFMAP(Propaganda. 飞机可击落.
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指挥费2点6点总指挥部、勤、杂项费用没有在cooldown长. 为40 燃料 , 100 以及重型武器居住的房屋. 一直没有好的东西,但最有效的3层能力. 如果使用武器,可以做很好的人员,以上四队. 使得至少留下一个,你可以全力加强对一半费用购买. 同样,他需要在迫击炮和坦克四处强.
[ 编辑 ]

指挥费3点6command点共250勤. 30点线. 并大量损失,但不很(奇怪! . 如果能有一些冲击,值得成本. 可以做很好用recon机针对敌阵,这种炸弹.
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这是一个非常牢固树和游戏中后期的游戏. 这使有关战争机器相比多核心树后坦克. 这对其他树木好,但如果出现防弹88s,成为一个没有用的,因为装甲OFFMAP损失. calliopes有助于炮,但成本极高. 树说这是最好能力3级.
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消极能力. 2点费指挥. 让所有轻型车和吉普车与澳门站冠. 如果你对游戏非常有用的宣传spammer. 由于这些车辆相当快,一般耐用,是很好的骚扰问题的能力.
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消极能力. 1成本指挥所. 坦克车,你将以更快. 我不知道该如何减少长期建设,在这里,如果有人知道.
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指挥费3点,5点总指挥部,600 杂项 . 基本上 谢尔曼 有一批火箭炮上. 这也给升级你购买汽车你的西门子,很干净. 火箭费用125 射击,他们相当严重. 拆除步兵、坦克和建筑物. 只要勤余手,这对基地的轰炸. 费用昂贵的坦克是,他们几乎一致曼谷. 一般用战争机器并由专职或维修方面是利用,我不建议这些垃圾太多.

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指挥费2点、3点总指挥部,并由200. 修理你的坦克,活动一下. 你坦克都好打一点. 不愈合大量损失,但是,他们不希望是百分之百痊愈. 有时也有用kindameh.
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费四点指挥9架其中,900项. 最大,使盟军坦克拖着. 打这以后,几乎什么都虎1v1,你是好肉盾牌坦克较弱. 只有联合汽车可以顺延tanktraps没有更新. 相当有用,即使不打老虎大部分时间,几乎没有成本效益.
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费3架,全部6站指挥,并由250. 哦啊. 即时取代坦克损失发生这种能力在30秒钟内启动. 你有能力比冷? 我不相信. 自杀有巨大zerging巩固基础,失去他们,立即将所有.
10 西门子 :4200项、900燃料.
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谁也不能说没有核心能力有3层甜. 防御是防御,但是88s是太容易了,买炮. 网上大虎等单位的垃圾,虽然轻薄间接火警有没有. 正确恐怖可怕,真正有破坏性武器的东西,但是3级能力较高.
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好树人要发挥其安全. 被认为是最弱的整体轴树,有很多很好用,似乎没有. 这是宝防弹88s树,绝对是魔鬼. 280mm火箭做了很好的损害也.

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指挥费1点75 . 这种能力使你重装甲部队和奖金,惠普友好土壤. 也许是第一级水平,但奖金是值得怀疑的初期费用. 也许你后来大批步兵. 不知多少影响坦克,但如果有很多,可能是好便宜,最近比赛使用.
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消极能力. 1成本指挥所. 你还可以看到被点. 不是最有用的能力不断,但没有用. 帮助他们看到身着联军的行动,而你的领土.
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消极能力. 指挥费2点、3点,总司令部. 你强,提高建筑基地,使大家加强部队掩体. 这是一个伟大的能力. 可爱的 Semois 如果你的看法和空降兵 工程师 想厂 拆除 你的基础. 有机地在激战,以此加强总部队一样. 结合自我治疗师veterancy提高,保险你战线仍然强劲.
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指挥费2点、3点,总指挥部和弹药125. 炮击了近一个需要你包围. 它快速充电、大面积的影响. 很偶然的损害,可能失去一切,也可以和任何碾碎附近. 响应时间也非常低你很难看到烟雾弹开始在地. 可能不如半径,即使相关者立即撤退军队,还损失. 不破坏建筑物. 正在建设zerged你,你没有你单位附近的敌人就可以快速. 也为掩体. 一落机,在获得zerged,头顶落窗. 它可能利用反占领. 这是非常有用防止班子由你掌握地区行业. 你不能抱怨,认为微不足道的费用125弹药.
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指挥费2点5点指挥部共425项,65 燃料 . 你可以建立防弹先锋进驻88动枪. 这是不可能的事,就打击什么愚蠢到大洞到达靶场. 更何况还可以比火的视线和. 参加制止,以维护自己的基本点. 而这主要是反坦克防御,可以击落盟军飞机空降理论如果经过,有效地防止少量步兵也因为是不错的准确性. 只要拉过,限制了对方基地附近,机构减少一个,就得到烟花. 使用与库雷和铁丝网,使敌人几乎无法推动. 唯一不利的是,他们很容易受到炮击. 很贵,一炮OFFMAP将彻底摆脱地图. 他们可以轻易加也.
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价值400点的指挥,指挥7250点,总弹药. 一些真正需要破坏280mm火箭. 这是一个巨大的损失,破坏任何地区的效果. 习惯方面相当大的影响,也. 反应时间比较短,但你可以反对他的部队在该地区使用或不吸烟的人如果发现得够快. 建筑物破坏是不错,但预期不会扯出来一大堆人.
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民众树,非常全面树. 能stormtroopers,这树老虎,为什么不喜欢? 这棵树,有一些大单位,就是只要打. 您零间接火力能力. 没有使用防弹防御88.
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指挥费2点40项. 请stormtroopers一些. 他们是在四队,手榴弹,以提升panzershreks,可以伪装. 也许是伪装的最好水平. 敌人躲在后面可以重点地区的重要补给线,先后支持了步兵掷手榴弹,他们等是隐形的有力工具,这家伙不喜欢狙击手生存. 一点想象,这些家伙无可能.
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费150点,并由指挥使用. 你的步兵队能够取得大量手榴弹攻击敌人. 一旦启动,你把部队开始一连串手榴弹因此,本目标死亡或者死亡. 手榴弹在不损失大量建筑,那多枪. 杀步兵不错.

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指挥费3点,5点总指挥部,700mp. 你得到42stuh枪攻击(stug的105mm迫击炮和一队stormtrooper. 如果stormtroopers成本因素,就像对取得stuh300mp. stuh良好的步兵和大厦. 爆炸半径105mm的巨大,可以摧毁大部分步兵之中.

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指挥费2点、3点总指挥部,并由200. . 花200900mp勤取. 不错. 这将破坏未来收入人才你三分钟了. 不影响燃料和弹药量. 数或单位,对出现的实际虎快. tooltip的说你减少收入50%的3分,但超过50%,实际金额减少似乎kinda随意,我要做的测试准确判断这是你的经济.

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指挥费3点,8点,总指挥部和10项. 官方的作品专辑树. 这需要一个stormtrooper队,虎战车. 400mpstormtroopers考虑成本,像最强大的同时600mp库游戏. 两虎可以在任何时候,不象虎女,提高收益veterancy除屋顶装置毫克. 老虎是伤害,各行库对任何有关.
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指挥费3点,6点,总指挥部和弹药150. 在短时间内,你更IMBAIMBA单位. 大家提出,加快火灾,摧毁所有的道路30秒. 且便宜也. 利用这一重大的冲突.

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平衡树但能力3层参考. 他们多补,绝对的权力,但是. 以前很有能力的廉价高效. 疯狂的宣传,有效打击步兵早便宜. 火灾损失是合理OFFMAP,热情是非常明显. 老虎石好手,才能建立. 死亡的发射场景,将于fxxking大弹坑,是在什么地方. 好东西.
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消极能力. 1成本指挥所. 你把损失步兵,其余强大. 每一个小组的成员,也使这个能力肆虐. 这是一个伟大的能力,更是有用晚游戏.
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1成本指挥所、弹药75. 步兵你更有火力,更损害. 每一个伟大的建筑队步兵自己并不大强说,袭击的建设. 加上很大的热情.
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指挥费2点、3点,总指挥部和弹药200. 收费标准相当Offmap炮. 相当长的时间,烟标,陆首炸弹,何况弹落慢慢开始和分布在大半径,避免地区实施无伤亡一看到烟雾落没有问题. 非常有效的反步兵多武器部署小组相当薄弱、汽车大厦.
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指挥费3点,4点总指挥部. 能力,有关投诉者喜欢. 费100弹药几乎无法避免,快速cooldown使步兵立即撤退. 大逼,造成步兵要一点都不知道线帽回家. 确实有助于吓跑步兵支援盟军装甲. 如果你遇到了孤stug 谢尔曼 2护林队借此他们开始作乱,从学术的.
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指挥费5点、8点,总司令部,900人力. 这是一个正常的虎类. 有大约500多HP,是更快、更好的装甲20%的普及率主要任务. 没有得到改善veterancy库中. 遗憾的是,其中只有你了.
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费四点指挥,总8、35弹药. 打击的地区,将. 它将彻底摧毁大部分建筑和坦克的事,最强大的比赛时间. 也是唯一的游戏,可在15秒内摧毁总部. 若不考虑土地和噪音. 这就是你的对手很多时间边缘化,使用的举措.

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