Greetings Valued Customer,$ ? ? M! R. C1 T
Thank you for preordering Battlefield 2142 with us. We are pleased to inform you that the Battlefield 2142 Limited Edition Box Set is now ready for preorder at only $64.90. Nevertheless standard pack is still retailing at S$54.90 and not S$59.90 (price was wrongly tagged!).
2 g* P( \9 w6 T+ j% t The Limited Edition Box Set includes a metal case as well as a mobile strap (shown below):4 Z& g u& ?6 x' }
We would like take this opportunity to extend this offer to you to upgrade your preorder to the Limited Edition Box Set since you have previously preordered with us.
9 @4 a! d1 _; j6 u) DProcedure is simple, reply to this email to express your interest. Please do note that each Limited Edition Box Set will cost $10 more than the standard pack. A new confirmation email will be resent to you with the updated order so you can print it out for payment at your selected pick-up location.
7 h* ~1 s- K8 G! tIf we do not hear from you before 29 September your preorder remain as the standard package @ $54.90.
% e4 w2 d, d1 ^& P5 M# [- ]Thank you,: N% W* p5 P& `& K# C& O
EA Singapore
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