/ B, c& v, N9 d - L3 F* i- n$ ^! T7 k: h5 }, S
1.老实型% g& t! }% M1 I4 y. d7 T5 W
i wait 我等 i watch tv 看电视
c$ x' b6 j4 M' Shope i load fast enough to get a helo/tank or i go and smoke 希望自己loading够快抢到飞机/tank 或者吸一根烟$ V# A+ c3 d7 t
Hover my mouse over where "Join Game" button will appear, thinking:" GOD PLEASE LET ME HAVE THE TANK/HELI/etc"把我的鼠标放在"加入游戏"按钮即将跳出来的地方并祈祷..愿主保佑我抢到载具..- d5 _! p0 Y/ {8 k4 }# O0 ]8 C
* y* P' G& k- ~2 O2.无聊型" j2 a& @& T8 N
I play with the twirling 2.... I make it loop around spawn points and then when i get bored i take a piss 我玩那个旋转的2,绕着出生点转鼠标,实在无聊了就去尿尿..% ?7 s! ^" [$ j, A6 ^( Q" v
i usually just sit and listen to the music,analyzing every aspect of the different instruments they´ve used 我坐着听那背景音乐,分析他们用了什么乐器
2 S* v) }5 y+ b: i- k9 I% a, C* O
: g( c4 j, X8 S. ]* z# W5 V3.抱怨+愤怒型, Q6 L: H+ u6 U
i kick my computer..我踢我的机子
, J( r( l: h% ]
1 x8 Q3 h3 L, P: f SVERIFY YOU BASTARD! VERIFY! dont you dare crash on me, DONT YOU DARE CRASH!
7 X6 R, f, P" ? G6 S*brrrrrrrrrr crash*. }( H6 I7 Q7 P2 U5 y1 v, T2 G
YOU BASTARD! ILL KILL YOU! ILL KILL YOU!验证!!tmd给我验证!!!你md别告诉我弹回桌面,你tm敢弹回桌面!!!!!
8 A" U2 m3 c7 U: E(弹回了桌面)
0 S2 N9 X7 C, E" m6 d7 |: S5 u+ |/ o你个杂种!!我要杀了你!!!
- k9 `: j0 I$ b& F/ M' ~ 4 e. ~0 d P2 r* P! `$ f
Go into the kitchen and fix up a meal, after that 20 mins....it still says "VERIFYING CLIENT DATA".去厨房弄点吃的..20分钟后,,还是显示 验证客户端资料
: m+ {! B5 H3 z: Q9 F
8 o- J8 _( E: E3 k1 }Sit on my ass thinking " fxxkING HELL LOAD ALREADY..."坐在我的屁股上想..loading你妈个完毕!还不是要等验证!
( i/ Q8 l) o0 a2 O& B/ q. p % m% x4 q' y% e. L& ~' k; R3 J
4.炫耀型7 S6 t. J% Y* w# m+ s* W, O
i eather read a magazine or do push ups....but mine loads fast so only can get 30 quick push ups in:D翻翻杂志或者做几个俯卧撑,不过我的电脑读取太快了,通常只够我做30个
! O3 o$ o, g3 b& @ 7 Y& |4 e" w% ^& T1 T/ F
i dont have to wait for it to load my pc is lighting quick
2 o {; f @" w" |4 A5 s# E我不用等,我的电脑读取像闪电一样快!: U7 f( e* B# |% k
With my SATA II @ 10,000RPM and 2 GB of memory, I really dont have to wait.我有SATA2和2g内存..我不用等: r9 f" _' |7 {* u
7 \: }) u! W& _5.BT+JR型 * \2 N" v5 j7 F( z% t9 u
8 | W# Y; G5 w/ c6 M; A% T; s+ zMy computer can't handle BF2 and porn at the same time....... i tried我的电脑不能在读取BF2的时候放A片,我试过了..1 J. r* [; h! v5 `8 u
When ever the map is loading i run around my house to get exercise.....我绕着屋子跑当作锻炼" B8 D6 v) v" [ K3 s7 W
scratch my penis. look around, then scratch it again抓我的JJ..看看周围,然后再抓
- E$ B" u6 ^* G) S7 T1 S! ^; k+ \beat the dog for smelling so bad我的狗太臭了所以抓起来打一顿
! m1 }0 |, B& O4 d+ v; C6 ustick my thumb up my arse..... then suck it把手指头放进菊花..然后拿出来添$ C( T& A8 ]( @* |
sing opera wilst licking chocolate off my monitor唱歌剧,然后把喷到显示器上的巧克力添掉
8 F- o' }; o, y$ L) g还有人 决定如果本局拿不到前3,就狠狠拧自己的...奶头
3 Z3 ^, H% a x! @' F% ]; I) H) x另外一个 如果自己拿到了前3..就让自己的JJ出来透透气& f% ~& H5 c$ B& {5 d4 F
- l' ^) A6 w% y: ]( H) k( r
4 h2 I V, u7 H
: U7 Y' l9 U) Z, G+ ^9 x. O5 r
* V$ @' {9 f& c* k暂时就这些,相信黑肉的JR们有更BT的...) L6 M, L! i7 }9 f
- M% K! w! x; H& q/ A9 D