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FH2 10月23日更新,德军四号坦克现身

发表于 2006-10-24 09:55:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Heinz's 57 Varieties . [- |. k1 W; |* [0 sHello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we have a short but nonetheless stunning update for you. Another of the most important vehicles of the North African campaign is ready for mass production. The Panzerkampfwagen IV (PzKpfw IV) SdKfz 161, more commonly referred to as the Panzer IV, was a tank developed by Germany and used extensively in World War II. It was designed as an infantry tank to work in conjuntion with the Panzer III, but later on it proved itself reliable and effective and was it was up-gunned and up-armored, and took over the tank-fighting role while the Panzer III actually slipped into the role the Panzer IV should cover. q7 p4 d$ X2 r The Panzer IV was the most common German tank of World War II with more than 9,000 produced during the war. It was also used as base for many other vehicles like Anti Air Artillery or tank destroyers. The two versions we would like to introduce today are the Panzer IV F1 and F2. While the F1 was equipped with a 75 mm KwK L/24 the F2 got upgraded with a longer barrel, the 75 mm KwK 40 L/43. The Panzer IV's were made by OMNI. ~2 E+ r% F; ^ h2 |+ m That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news. % \% K* V& F, l- g大家好,欢迎来到FH2的本次更新!今天我们为你们送上一份简短但是非常出色的更新内容。北非战场的又一种重要载具我们已经准备好量产了。 Panzerkampfwagen 4型(PzKpfw IV) SdKfz 161,通常被称为4号坦克,是由德国制造并且德军在二战中普遍使用的一种坦克。它当初被设计为一种步兵坦克,用来跟3号坦克协同作战,可后来发现强化它 的火力和装甲之后,它以出色的可靠性和效率在坦克战中最终取代了3号坦克的角色。0 E; w0 o/ q* D- D6 l9 O 4号坦克是二战中使用最普遍的德军坦克,战争期间总共生产了9000多辆。4号坦克的车身和底盘也用来制造很多防空火炮和坦克歼击车。今天我们介绍的两种 型号是4号F1型和4号F2型。F1型装备了一门75毫米KwK L/24火炮,F2型升级为长炮管,也就是75毫米KwK 40 L/43型火炮。4号坦克是由OMNI制作的。 * I) B$ {; }9 D: r好了,今天的新内容就是这些了,记得下周同一时间回来看我们的下次更新!另外也别忘了来我们的论坛参与讨论本次更新!: v9 i; b: y, o' W4 [2 R: a" W0 N1 n FH官方网址 * A3 f# R/ X. H5 z' E- J7 v+ [(英文原文来自FH小组,中文由Harrier翻译,英文水平有限,如有翻译错误之处敬请指出,谢谢) 9 ` j2 `% }+ \ " `# z+ o- s& Q: n

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发表于 2006-10-24 09:56:25 | 显示全部楼层
大家好,欢迎来到FH2的本次更新!今天我们为你们送上一份简短但是非常出色的更新内容。北非战场的又一种重要载具我们已经准备好量产了。 Panzerkampfwagen 4型(PzKpfw IV) SdKfz 161,通常被称为4号坦克,是由德国制造并且德军在二战中普遍使用的一种坦克。它当初被设计为一种步兵坦克,用来跟3号坦克协同作战,可后来发现强化它 的火力和装甲之后,它以出色的可靠性和效率在坦克战中最终取代了3号坦克的角色。
5 ?9 J& H. o2 n- _% ~. q0 h  R6 o$ C( N  T2 d- h; d, @

' m* t& K# ^0 {) a1 L" r4号坦克是二战中使用最普遍的德军坦克,战争期间总共生产了9000多辆。4号坦克的车身和底盘也用来制造很多防空火炮和坦克歼击车。今天我们介绍的两种 型号是4号F1型和4号F2型。F1型装备了一门75毫米KwK L/24火炮,F2型升级为长炮管,也就是75毫米KwK 40 L/43型火炮。4号坦克是由OMNI制作的。+ o5 W4 t8 K. U

' x' V: ]- D+ O- ^( @' R
, d: L2 t' F: f. X3 G+ h* i好了,今天的新内容就是这些了,记得下周同一时间回来看我们的下次更新!另外也别忘了来我们的论坛参与讨论本次更新!
8 D' A$ d, Z% f1 O9 H/ }3 b- X7 U% q7 F8 _8 T( Y7 C9 j
  k7 V8 U4 t- P. K2 G; l; H0 A& @, R1 L3 M; y. ?1 O* b
http://forgottenhope.bf1942files.com/main.php?lang=chinese; @, C7 m7 X- [; V, u0 x- |

7 b) P1 N7 q$ Q2 F
+ i4 Q/ V: I/ J5 M(英文原文来自FH小组,中文由Harrier翻译,英文水平有限,如有翻译错误之处敬请指出,谢谢)

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发表于 2006-10-24 09:56:48 | 显示全部楼层
  @, ]1 n" r; [& U0 }; @9 e
/ U  I: J$ D3 D* w3 d6 `俺日

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