发表于 2007-1-3 10:12:57
打开你的战地2文件(每个人的安装路径不一样) & w$ A4 T4 {3 E4 G% |
路竟是:战地2\python\bf2\stats 这个文件夹 里面找到unlocks文件 用记事本方式打开 文件内容如下:
! L& t& U C9 r5 ?% N在这里面找到:“defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]” 这句话
7 x" D+ M+ ]# b) n; @+ a/ H+ b然后把“0”全部改成“1” 然后保存退出 注意~! 只改正这一句 里面有句跟这句有点相似别改错了~!
2 @/ I$ d1 \/ `8 R最后说明:本方法只用于网上服务器对战(并且服务器武器已解锁而你机器上则没有时),单机和局域网无法使用~~!% _" a f+ |1 w4 e' M
+ }6 S; T5 ]+ L% ^( D' X' |* _
import host+ M% ^/ ]1 w7 r
import bf2.PlayerManager2 o3 Y: P( ^0 R& A
from bf2.stats.constants import *
/ k7 G0 T4 H/ xfrom bf2 import g_debug
- n3 k7 N9 J B
9 d) Q, ~! V1 o: z1 X8 J% Y$ \3 j, x( I0 x; v1 c) K3 X! G
. h1 d+ F. R/ g4 c7 V- m# h# map gamespy item ids to kits7 H: T) `1 B; v: n. Z* }* O) O
unlockItemMap = {
5 }- J. S, d/ U 11 : 0, p0 h8 B) c" T3 f0 x q
22 : 1,9 n L* L5 {5 f$ q2 X# P
33 : 2,
4 K0 J* f1 A4 Q$ Q, B 44 : 3,- v8 _* t& {) {# ]2 B7 p' W9 A% o
55 : 4,
( Z( X1 z) L5 |/ @ 66 : 5,/ n8 v$ Y( Z! H* Y
77 : 6,' g; `# ]; l0 g0 [* J8 I
88 : 1,
9 W' l7 ]$ I2 H( Z# j9 o 99 : 2,
$ s" S# \# I/ A3 K) j5 x1 i$ @ 111 : 3,7 W. B2 Q c5 k8 L) f1 q
222 : 4,
4 I+ q S+ U( B$ i8 L. Q$ U 333 : 5,6 a2 S. J( U7 A/ J" U2 T% N
444 : 0,' J# y$ @1 L% G& T1 q
555 : 6,- L, b) T( o0 [) x1 y' c
}/ W: G) [7 Y" A$ c9 F) D3 T. }
/ V. G B% o+ m, a
sessionPlayerUnlockMap = {}* U! _1 d- G; p9 H. G, G' ]( d7 m
8 n" e1 r9 H7 @7 J
6 M5 @" G8 n3 k4 ^/ n
4 G/ g7 U7 ?' _; ~8 C6 r) _
def init():9 p/ C e) R1 K* z. A% `+ R
# Events! T e4 ?# J3 w! L3 a7 L2 W
host.registerHandler('PlayerConnect', onPlayerConnect, 1)3 S" e6 ?5 [2 T: t. F
B/ A$ P+ |3 H& D0 L, R1 k3 V if bf2.serverSettings.getUseGlobalUnlocks():
& B/ w1 B6 n" C8 } host.registerHandler('PlayerUnlocksResponse', onUnlocksResponse, 1)
; ^0 ^3 q5 ]- q: x h5 o7 k2 [$ l |
0 x: z2 h! I1 L5 J0 t- s& ~ # Connect already connected players if reinitializing" y& o% r# u; _8 @
for p in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers():7 M2 R7 V' K" O" c* z
" P: x H8 u8 M- z- ^1 Q3 i0 i, D' ~
if g_debug: print "Unlock module initialized"
1 V( ]( A$ N) `, G
' v4 w3 \4 H% {; |1 x6 e$ A2 p; [. f5 l; Y( @" q8 R L1 |
" C# a) U5 X" L; t* e0 wclass UnlockSet: pass
9 X4 ]# G+ ?0 w0 W
" j4 x: q E; Q1 C6 y2 c$ ]- T* Q+ e F! F# U* m5 v5 r. A
% c* V, a0 f5 f( P
def onPlayerConnect(player):
4 t7 o: ~2 O: O) W$ a/ G" |1 Y' d6 G5 y
defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
7 K# l- b0 ]5 p& a host.pers_plrSetUnlocks(player.index, defaultUnlocks, defaultUnlocks)- L& Y8 Z( G8 t r
$ h# j& k$ V2 e if not player.isAIPlayer():
* x) R5 X' u& y4 x; a# K! E ~ id = player.index8 d+ C. a- y* `3 W& i7 z
reconnect = id in sessionPlayerUnlockMap
+ b/ ~/ I* M8 i5 Z
3 m# a& V' [5 |# i7 h" S9 { z # always get new unlocks on reconnect/map restart/map change etc4 W2 z& C& x3 I) V1 U& T, Z( S* w
if reconnect:
! u- V, y; h& n del sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]
8 z% ?* a0 q0 p: @% A9 @, e1 P4 E" c. c" X * W7 J4 _4 w5 l/ B% I# ?( I$ N
newUnlockSet = UnlockSet()
. p4 S. F9 a% T* G C
; |; z+ a6 ~2 Q newUnlockSet.unlockLevel = {}3 {+ s1 a5 `" ]/ h
for i in range(0, NUM_KIT_TYPES):. [/ |6 r s J- ~, |
newUnlockSet.unlockLevel = 0
9 E% Y7 L% F1 a* G- p: ~8 p. s/ J# H8 O8 |; R4 ]1 m
sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id] = newUnlockSet: U* e/ h* f4 N
% r8 R- e5 R6 i
player.unlocks = sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]
% v' z; f+ U* t4 ]/ ^
2 w- t. p& S0 ~# n: t* A) _ if bf2.serverSettings.getUseGlobalUnlocks():
6 |' h* B" m6 u/ @# w if player.getProfileId() > 2000: ( J/ Y$ J9 d+ d( @
success = host.pers_plrRequestUnlocks(player.index, 1)0 e& Q: p# s* f) X+ @2 z
if not success:
6 O) `$ ~2 T6 f8 c if g_debug: print "Failed requesting unlocks"# ?/ e- Q1 X, E4 Z
else:. q6 d+ s, U& J* f6 ?( u- {
if g_debug: print "Player %d had no profile id, can't request unlocks" % player.index
6 x6 Y* h+ {- o/ e " [+ U# A$ M2 Z( j0 y
if g_debug: print "Added player %d to unlock checking" % (player.index)) _$ F+ _3 o H, C
5 z" t! w% y- b! f+ [2 T
" J1 @+ u3 P# r8 U
# `" K& i" D( j8 b, b: o5 fdef onUnlocksResponse(succeeded, player, unlocks):' x( ? T" Y& g/ E& F# M. y. g! k
if not succeeded:
$ {' ]* g, {( X' X) m# i print "Unlocks request failed for player %d %d: %s" % (player.index, player.getName(), unlocks)6 {: R& C* u6 U9 d+ W4 R
6 t2 l! E( Y$ V, c; G/ B
- I# ]6 H% B0 J+ n # print "Unlocks received for player ", player.getName(), "(",player.index, ") : ", unlocks7 j" w4 Q0 ~8 {$ \5 v# I1 q- a) z) F
' o" Z8 F" ~: f4 |9 C+ B: S% y
# translate gamespy item vector into a kit-based unlock vector handled by game
- [% t' i! z ~- J3 T kitUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]/ u! x; A) i7 D I
for item in unlocks:5 \+ _; n/ {+ C5 ]( z
if item in unlockItemMap:/ `. E. X8 e8 \3 O/ o& }5 y _! ^
kitUnlocks[unlockItemMap[item]] = 1
1 ^2 r* y9 ]" I4 u
, a5 Q' R- q. x6 V( v if g_debug: print "Kit unlocks: ", kitUnlocks
p! i9 H/ \' b) ~+ e3 ` #We do not yet support giving different unlocks to different teams% a2 K2 N6 [7 m# z( b
host.pers_plrSetUnlocks(player.index, kitUnlocks, kitUnlocks) |