: d0 j/ w% B3 k" K7 P美国1月18日指责中国向太空发射了一枚弹道导弹,摧毁了一颗老化的气象卫星。 美国表示中国上周成功地试验了一种攻击卫星武器,并对此表示关注。
- O$ a3 m' z' Y0 E# `3 yBBC中文网消息,航空周刊杂志最先报道说,美国情报机构得出结论说,中国在1月11日成功地试验了一枚攻击卫星武器。
3 ?' A0 _/ B' u3 T h8 I杂志还说该武器是一个由弹道导弹带入太空的“动能攻击载体”,一个老化的中国气象卫星被此武器击毁。& t T+ h* K8 j, K0 t6 V [
; k1 G& n) B# N. f美国表示,中国的太空试验违背了美中两国希望在太空民用领域进行合作的精神。
6 z) B' ]9 c- @) u0 _( B+ Y在华盛顿美国国家安全事务委员会的一个发言人说,澳大利亚和加拿大已经对中国此举表示关注,其它国家也可能发出同样批评。2 |& q. s& b3 X* ^
8 G3 P) _, f# a+ w( i. `' L# `目前北京没有对此作出反应。 : O# \6 e |8 q& h% x# ~/ [0 M% n
6 e w# U; v3 {- W# M( iUS condemns China 'space weapon'5 K W! U+ g( [
The United States, Australia and Canada have criticised China over a weapons test it is said to have carried out in space last week.
* Y& F5 o) o' V3 K; RThe Americans say the Chinese sent up a ballistic missile to destroy an ageing weather satellite.
: G. J5 j1 I1 ? o, C5 B4 ^They say the test went against the spirit of co-operation both countries aspire to in the area of civil space.: ?8 B9 g4 U0 @( z' ]2 O
Reports say Britain, South Korea and Japan were expected to express their concerns to China soon.
$ w3 V4 H; H% KEarlier, a report in the American Aviation Week magazine said that US spy agencies had concluded that China conducted a successful test of a satellite-killing weapon on January 11.4 H0 j; G. n, M$ O$ @: \% Y3 c
It said China knocked out the weather satellite with a "kinetic kill vehicle" launched on board a ballistic missile." S( D+ Q8 W. R
The impact occurred at more than 500 miles (800 km) above Earth. & A4 V+ m4 G7 h: m/ K) \5 e& I
$ V7 o& R8 `6 E& r& y6 LUS tells China concerned by satellite-killer test
/ ^( O$ v7 [1 S# f1 `$ D! ]+ KThu 18 Jan 2007 19:01:25 GMT6 w2 M9 S9 H6 Y8 [# {5 ^' e3 o
(adds details, analysis)
& m9 b+ S v( [# H( A! B' [+ H) ~By Jim Wolf: {! G' J& V2 {0 N
WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) - The United States, Australia and Canada have voiced concerns to China over a test in space of a satellite-killing weapon last week, the White House said on Thursday.
) s, G* T7 f# ], o1 N! x& Z: M"The U.S. believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area," National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said. "We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese."* T) X% u3 O# ^; U
Using a ground-based medium-range ballistic missile, the test knocked out an aging Chinese weather satellite about 537 miles (865 km) above the earth on Jan. 11 through "kinetic impact," or by slamming into it, Johndroe said.; o0 Q! g) I' G4 |
Canada and Australia had joined in voicing concern, he said.7 S" G i, N' e5 O1 h8 T% t3 I
Britain, South Korea and Japan were expected to follow suit, an *****istration official added.
0 j0 c+ R9 X$ r9 ?; _' TA key concern is debris that could interfere with civilian and military satellite operations on which the West increasingly relies.! ?) Z' T+ h' a$ ~$ B1 |8 |
On the day of the test, a U.S. defense official said the United States was unable to communicate with an experimental spy satellite launched last year by the Pentagon's National Reconnaissance Office. But there was no immediate indication that this was a result of the Chinese test.9 ?3 l; ~" S& R! ?' p. D* n0 {
No such publicized destruction of a satellite in space has occurred in at least 15 years, said Marco Caceres, a space expert at the Teal Group, an aerospace consulting firm in Fairfax, Virginia.
Aviation Week & Space Technology, the first to report the test, cited space sources as saying a Chinese Feng Yun 1C polar orbit weather satellite, launched in 1999, was destroyed by an antisatellite system launched from or near China's Xichang Space Center in Sichuan Province.
# U% \/ V6 E3 @) p" q! NThe satellite-killing capability demonstrated by China was no surprise to the Bush *****istration, which revised U.S. national space policy in October with an eye on boosting protection of U.S. civilian and military satellites.
* ^5 m3 _) L2 o; R7 cIn a major speech about the policy last month, Robert Joseph, the State Department's point man for arms control and international security, said other nations and pos***ly terrorist groups were "acquiring capabilities to counter, attack and defeat U.S. space systems."; s+ U5 w! U. j
"No nation, no non-state actor, should be under the illusion that the United States will tolerate a denial of our right to the use of space for peaceful purposes," Joseph said on Dec. 13.5 y* A0 s0 C4 X8 P5 [$ \9 O5 S
In classified projects shielded from public debate, the United States ha***een widely reported to be developing satellite-killers of its own, using more advanced technologies, including lasers.
. n8 I9 l$ o* b' TCaceres said he expected the test to strengthen the Pentagon's hand in seeking funds from Congress to press a host of costly military space programs, almost all of which are over budget and behind schedule.
) O/ d( Y9 x+ b7 H$ U"They are going to use this for as much as they can," he said, referring to Pentagon officials. Major corporate beneficiaries could be Lockheed Martin Corp. , Boeing Co. and Northrop Grumman Corp. , which build U.S. communications, surveillance and early-warning satellites, Caceres added.5 ?8 @0 D8 G- V* Z. a5 \* k
(Additional reporting by Iren Klotz in Cape Canaveral, Florida) # e' ]5 x5 N- D8 D% b" L
刚刚看到美国《航空周刊》的报道,称根据中央情报局消息,中国在本月11日美国东部时间下午5点28分左右,从西昌发射了一枚反卫星导弹,成功地击毁了已经退役的“风云1C”气象卫星。据称这次试验使用了动量杀伤弹头。吃惊之余,赶紧到美国空军Space-Track网上查了风云一号的轨道数据(由北美防空司令部雷达系统提供)。结果显示,风云1C的轨道在格林威治时间11日21:44至12日13:03之间,从845x864公里突然升高到 869x876公里。对一颗燃料基本耗尽的退役卫星来说,这么明显的轨道提升确实是不正常的。12日之后,该网站没有发布过任何新数据。据《航空周刊》透露,中央情报局对这次导弹发射事先有知。Space-Track在11日发布的风云1C轨道数据达5次之多,大大超过平时的1-2次,说明当日雷达系统有意识加大了对风云1C的跟踪。从以上情况判断,这个报道有一定的真实可能。当然,也不排除风云1C由于某种我们未知的原因发生了轨道变化,而中央情报局或者记者,出于对中国的偏见,臆断和制造了这个事件。 [% ]7 ~! ?: \) g: K5 J
如果这个事件是真实的,那么说明中国的反卫星技术已经领先世界。这是一个令人兴奋的、里程碑式的事件。风云1C是1999年5月10日发射的,轨道高度近900公里。从地面发射的导弹,能够在这个高度上准确地直接击中一颗高速飞行、大小2米左右见方的卫星,技术难度非常大。历史上只有美国进行过类似试验。1985年美国从F-15上发射的一颗导弹击毁了一颗500公里高度的卫星。这是已知仅有的一次反卫星导弹击毁卫星的试验。前苏联虽然进行过天基反卫星试验,但还没有进行过地基反卫星导弹试验。中国的这次试验从卫星高度上看,已经超过了美国。! z2 h/ }* H5 N4 [# `
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