Splinter Cell.....不是个好干的职业啊....4 l7 j% p( m4 i; D B8 Q
$ g2 p. C) b/ @, Y$ {- a% O- e8 ]In the fictional universe in which itexists, a "Splinter Cell" is an operative of Third Echelon of theNational Security Agency (NSA) that is sent out into the world toexercise the use of the "Fifth Freedom": the freedom to spy, steal,destroy, extort, and assassinate to protect the United States ofAmerica. They are elite intelligence-gathering forces consisting of alone field operative supported by a remote team. The driving conceptbehind the development of this type of force is complete deniability:if the field operative is captured or killed, the United Statesgovernment will disavow any and all knowledge of his actions orexistence.
* v. r( ], G9 s& `9 g, d. F5 bThe first Splinter Cell in Third Echelon was Sam Fisher, although thereis known to be at least one other Splinter Cell team working withinThird Echelon (who, incidentally, believe they are the first and onlySplinter Cells).
6 J$ Z% X6 \; }" ESplinter Cell 是指单独行动的特工,即使被抓也不会被AMI承认是AMI的人....
& h- n) n" y7 H想想Fisher在4里最后的结局...想想Fisher在1-3里的贡献...还有Lambert...哎......默哀啊...期待5我们的英雄SAM...昏重名了....我们的英雄FISHER能有个好的结局...& j( P6 R0 w. z# v
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