ATC从05年开始就一直没有更新过,尤其是威克岛地图的出现使战术安排遭遇到不便" L* t! t, p; ]7 S A& U! _. R
3 h% {8 w) L$ |; W$ {3 @. E7 j刚上去猛然发现,ATC Complete 竟然已经出了,而且……我迟到了两个月/ k5 W& D+ N6 J$ _
" ^% Q% K, ]$ J新版ATC COMPLETE的菜单界面是这样的,没有那个手写体的COMPLETE就是老版
6 w* p& C y! J+ g I4 O3 w' E- |4 E+ J6 W, K+ I
* A" t/ _; R& N) W, J4 C
0 K7 T9 O# `! r% \& d1 M" K
5 @. _% F1 b, N/ t0 I$ K. }
6 i4 |; p- |" S地址用IE6 DOWNER扒的,ATC的主页开始防下载了,虽然扒地址不大厚道,但是要发地址只有这样了
7 R4 Y- I8 X8 {) v下载地址:http://se000612.temp.pi.se/atcbf2_setup.exe
4 o1 h1 `' G' w0 Q# s, [
5 u; C0 |# R b- t----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# P% f: S1 V- g% f" B
4 ?+ Z8 O" z; D首先添加了对AF EF SF的支持,各增加EF 3张图 AF 3张图 SF 8张图(对于我们来说,只能聊胜于无)
# F; x- s' K/ D7 V7 s# b; M
1 y0 J2 P2 h0 i. O- q增加BF2 威克岛2007和贾拉巴德之路二张图,目前在BF2这块ATC已经支持所有地图(威克岛只有在64人选择中才能看见)8 H, x7 P+ x; b! i5 g
2 g, d% b7 E4 `- ^3 z6 }; m7 q增加了小队界面中共计8个组织,原版只有中东美国中国,不过那些组织都是AFEFSF中的" z) A; [ V$ v
1 t+ X9 Z5 z1 H |3 C增加聊天室锁闭功能
7 N3 y- d! g& E3 V1 Y7 z. w; b6 H: C
单位图标因为AFEFSF的增加出现了诸如A10攻击机,EU部队,SF部队的特殊单位,在BF2排赛中没有任何意义) v i# N$ i7 j' V& |; V" M
& d7 ^- \" R" u. V: y2 @% _8 e7 B
8 M6 F) r' b( D- u, ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ \+ N/ Z+ e: u, u
$ b1 l! w1 K9 W/ r2 [" jATC for Battlefield 2 Complete released!: Y4 i$ \. S- q; ~0 X. ?
2006-11-16* x* P- q0 ~' @3 X& \0 i
Foolish Entertainment is proud to announce the
" g' _( f! U& `* u+ v+ s, c# k! Wrelease of the much anticipated Advanced Tactical Center for Battlefield 2 Complete.
! R, ]! _6 a8 ]# p8 l" e/ B: ?- i2 @ P/ w% c6 Z
Advanced Tactical Center is a tool for clans and * C3 s, V! }4 Y2 k) \
communities to plan and discuss tactics before
3 L T- [: E( b( C- rplaying a game. With the provided palette of tools everyone can make advanced tactics swift and , ?$ P, `. l0 E4 s* p- I
easy. Take full advantage of Advanced Tactical ! [- H* a' y, C
Center to make sure your whole clan improves
?) N) Y4 O( F* d- ]& i5 G, Q: q in online performance and gain the upper hand
, `* {7 K- e# U! i/ y& D$ c% zon your rival clans!
8 f2 a. c% U: X4 ?* x% f$ U* @/ x1 t9 i0 \
More than 1000 registered clans# k. b7 R2 ~" g1 X% W$ j) S
Since release in July 2006 ATC has been download 9 {0 h; B1 ]6 J! ?2 R
more than 175 000 times. And with more than 1000 clans registered worldwide this is a tool that no serious clan can be without. , V( |: i1 q6 z9 t
: D: c# u3 v. EFoolish Entertainment now releases ATC for BF2 complete, offering the whole Battlefield 2 community the equipment to face every opponent fully prepared and ready to deliver a tactical masterpiece on the battlefield. With added support for all official maps for Battlefield 2, ATC is the tool to use when playing Battlefield 2.$ @9 U) J5 Z- e* f! u7 n
8 }8 y; y/ W) S) @1 ?6 O2 W
New features include:
" F" k) S( U: H' p. E. i/ |- Added support for Special Forces& v3 f$ V( E4 V6 E5 R2 l7 y' \
- Added support for Armoured Fury* M% ^2 g9 s' D+ W% P
- Added support for Euro Force' @ a+ v' c$ ~5 s) J
- Added support for Wake Island 2007 and Road to Jalalabad
6 x/ a0 d) ], o! g9 |- Ability to lock chat
# ?4 C6 u1 A! i; |4 d6 Y2 j9 q& o4 T
$ K) p& b7 A2 o, ^, x+ B ~! d; h. k[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=UnHappy 于 2007-1-29 20:04 编辑 ] |