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发表于 2004-3-17 00:39:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Battlefield Vietnam™ Free Stand Alone Server v1.0
Read Me File
March 02, 2004

Thank you for playing Battlefield Vietnam.
This readme file contains some information on the system
requirements together with some detailed information on various
features of the stand alone server.

Maps available in Stand Alone Server v1.0

- Operation Irving
- Operation Flaming Dart
- Operation Hastings
- Operation Game Warden
- Quang Tri - 1968
- Hue - 1968
- Siege of Khe Sahn
- Fall of Lang Vei
- The Ia Drang Valley
- Landing Zone Albany
- Reclaiming Hue
- Quang Tri - 1972
- Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Cambodian Incursion


We highly recommend Battlefield servers to be run on dedicated
server platforms. Currently, the best performance is on a machine
with the following specifications:

WinOS/933Mhz processor/256MB RAM/ADSL connection

WinOS/1.6Ghz processor/256MB RAM/T1 connection

WinOS/2Ghz processor/256MB RAM/T3 connection (You will need at
least 4Mbit of bandwidth)

NOTE: Depending on your hardware and bandwidth you may be need
to set the max players lower to limit lag. If you have a high-
end server with a bandwidth which allows 1MB or higher upload
you can experiment with setting the max number of players higher
than 32.

As always, if you can increase any of the above hardware, you will
improve your overall gameplay experience.


The following functionality exists in the Dedicated Server

- Server Name: set the name which will display in the in-game
  browser window.
- Password: set a password to allow people to connect to your
- Time Limit: Set the time limit for each round of a map.
- Max number of player: Set the maximum number of players you want
  to allow on your server. NOTE: EXPERIMENT WITH LOWER SETTINGS
- Rounds per level: This determines how many rounds will be
  played before the map ends.
- Welcome Message: Set important information here for people to
  see as they join your server.
- Bandwidth Limit: Based on your bandwidth connection, set the
  appropriate limit to the information to and from your server.
- Internet/Local: Select if you want to start an Internet or Local
  Area server.
- Automatic Restart: In the event that the dedicated server shuts
  down, this feature will allow it restart automatically.

- Game Mode: Select the game mode you wish to host: CONQUEST,
- Map List: Select the maps you want to have in your server

- Spawn Time: This sets the delay before the player can spawn.
- Start Delay: This sets the delay before players start each map.
- Ticket Ratio: This is used to change the number of tickets being used
  to be anywhere from 10% of the default to 1000%.  The game automatically
  scales the tickets based on the maximum number of players.
  100% equals 100 tickets for a team of 8 (16 player game).
  It would equal 200 tickets for a team of 16 (32 player game), and so on.
- Team Ratio: This sets the difference in number of players per team
  so that the teams are unbalanced.
- Friendly Fire on/off: Toggle whether Friendly Fire is on or off.
- Infantry: Set the percentage of damage a player would take if
  shot by another teammate.
- Vehicles: Set the percentage of damage a player would take if
  shot by another teammate who is in a vehicle.
- Infantry Splash: Set the percentage of damage a player would
  take if a teammate exploded a bomb or grenade nearby.
- Vehicles Splash: Set the percentage of damage a player would
  take if a teammate in a vehicle fired a shell or dropped a bomb
- Projectile backfire: Set the percentage of mirror damage to a
  player if he shoots another player on his team with any bullet
  or shell.
- Explosion backfire: Set the percentage of mirror damage to
  player if he explodes a grenade or bomb near another player
  on his team.

- Target nametags: Set the distance at which enemy nametags
- Friendly nametags: Set the distance at which friendly nametags
- Free spectator camera: Toggle this to allow the spectator
- External views: Toggle this to allow external 3rd person camera
  views in vehicles.
- Nose Camera: Toggle this to allow players to turn off the cock-
  pit view while in airplanes.
- Punkbuster Enabled:  This will provide punkbuster protection.
  Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information.

- Detect Automatically: check this if you want the game to
  check for the IP automatically.
- IP Address: manually set the IP address you want the game to
- Port: manually set the port you want the game to use.

- Teams/Kits:  Use the drop down window to set the force for the blue team.
  This may be the default for the map or any of the other available forces.
  Note that you cannot have the same two forces facing off.  The kits and
  weapons that are checked are active for the team.  To deactivate a class,
  kit, or weapon slot check off the corresponding checkbox.  Each team has
  its own settings so be sure to check both sides before starting a server.
- Land:  All available land vehicles are listed here.  For each default
  vehicle, there is a corresponding dropbox.  By selecting another vehicle
  in this box the selected vehicle will replace the default vehicle.
- Sea:  All available sea vehicles are listed here.  For each default
  vehicle, there is a corresponding dropbox.  By selecting another vehicle
  in this box the selected vehicle will replace the default vehicle.
- Air:  All available air vehicles are listed here.  For each default
  vehicle, there is a corresponding dropbox.  By selecting another vehicle
  in this box the selected vehicle will replace the default vehicle.



- Game.listplayers                       
Every player has an ID number, which is used for kicking/voting
off the player. This command lists those numbers.

- Game.listmaps                               
Every map on the server has an ID number, which is used for voting
to change maps. This command lists those numbers.

- Game.enablefreecamera *               
This enables free look mode on clients who are waiting to spawn.
For *, 1 turns free look on, 0 turns it off.  Note that this
command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has
remote server access.


- Admin.kickplayer *                       
* is equal to the player id number. Note that this command can
only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server

- Admin.banplayer *
* is equal to the player id number. Note that this command can
only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server

- Admin.removeaddressfrombanlist *
* is equal to the IP of a banned player. Note that this command
can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote
server access.

- Admin.changemap *
* is equal to the map name. Note that this command can only be
run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.

- Admin.addaddresstobanlist *
* is equal to the IP address to the client that is to be banned.
Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a
user that has remote server access.

- Admin.clearbanlist
This allows all users that were previously banned to once again
connect to the server. Note that this command can only be run
from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.

- Admin.externalviews *
This command enables/disables external camera views on clients
connected to the server. For *, 1 turns external views on, 0
turns it off. Note that this also disables the nose cam. Also,
note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a
user that has remote server access.

- Admin.listbannedaddresses
Lists the IP addresses that are banned from connecting to the
server. Note that this command can only be run from the server,
or by a user that has remote server access.

- Admin.allownosecam *
This command enables/disables the ability for clients to turn
off the airplane HUD.   For *, 1 turns nose cam on, 0 turns it  
off. Also note that if external views are turned off, nose cam
cannot be used. Note that this command can only be run from
the server, or by a user that has remote server access.


- Bans can be set on CD key hashes as well as IP addresses.
  - Timeouts can be specified in these ways:
    admin.banPlayerKey <player_id> [timeout]
    Where timeout can take one of these formats:
        - Omitted or 'perm' meaning that the ban is permanent
        - An integral number meaning the number of seconds the ban
          will be active (i.e. 3600 means one hour)
        - 'round', meaning the ban is active until the next map
        - An integral number prepended by a colon (i.e. :1234567),
          meaning the epoch expiration time of the ban (number
          of seconds since 1 Jan 1970).
      This option is most usable by external tools.
  - Bans are stored as absolute times in banlist.con.


- Game.votemap *
This command will initiate/cast a vote to change maps on the
server. * is equal to the map id number.

- Game.votekickplayer *
This command will initiate/cast a vote to kick a player. Players
on both teams can participate in this vote. * is equal to the
player id number.

- Game.votekickteamplayer *
This command will initiate/cast a vote to kick a player. Voting
is restricted to the team of the player who initiated the vote.
* is equal to the player id number.

- Admin.votingtime *
This command sets the amount of time clients have to cast a vote
after it has been initiated. * is equal to the number of seconds
clients will have to vote. Note that this command can only be run
from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.


- The following command will enable Remote Admin access on the

Admin.enableremoteadmin <password>

- The client that is to have remote admin access is to execute
this command. The password must be the same as the one set on
the server

Admin.enableremoteadmin <password>

- To execute a command from a client, one would type the
admin.execremotecommand, followed by the desired admin command
in quotation marks. For example, to kick someone with the player
id of 7 from a client machine, one would type the following
(after going through the first two steps of this section.)

admin.execremotecommand "admin.kickplayer 7"

Or, to change maps, one would use this command:

admin.execremotecommand "admin.changemap hue"


- Console.showfps *  
This toggles the FPS display on and off. For *, 1 turns FPS on
and 0 turns it off.

- Game.changeplayername *
This allows a user to quickly change his name. * is equal to the
player name.



If you start the dedicated server executable without using the
frontend, you must add the flag "+restart 1" to the commandline in
order for the server to function properly.  This goes for the linux
release as well.

e.g. "BFVietnam_w32ded +restart 1"

Furthermore, if you want to run EVOLUTION mode in the above scenario,
you need to either add or modify the line in the ServerSettings.con
file that says "game.serverResetEvolData" and change its value from
"0" to "1".  This needs to be done every time the server is started.


Using the "-m" switch on the RemoteConsole.exe command line is not
supported by the BFV dedicated server.

Useful Web Sites

Keep your Windows installation up to date.

The official Battlefield Vietnam website.

Developer's homepage.

DICE Copyright

Copyright ?2004 Digital Illusions CE AB.


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