


查看: 683|回复: 1


发表于 2007-7-8 11:35:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
-- system commands
escape ="Escape",
accept ="Enter",
commandqueue ="Shift",
pause ="Pause",
systemmenu ="F10",
company_commander ="Control+Z",
select_focus ="Apostrophe",

-- tactical map commands

tactical_map ="Numpad0",
tm_exit ="Numpad0",
tm_reset ="Backspace",
tm_objectives ="O",
tm_toggle_rotate ="R",

-- Universal taskbar commands (any hotkeys used here cannot be used elsewhere)

builder_cycle ="Comma",
infantry_cycle ="Period",
vehicle_cycle ="Slash",

manage_hq ="F1",
manage_barracks ="F2",
manage_armory ="F3",
manage_light_motorpool ="F4",
manage_heavy_motorpool ="F5",
manage_supply_yard ="F6",

event_cue_cycle ="Space",

-- Global Commands

attack ="A",
retreat ="T",
repair ="E",
reinforce ="R",
attackground ="G",
halt ="H",
rally ="Y",
unload ="U",

ping_attack ="Control+A",
ping_defend ="Control+D",
ping_capture ="Control+C",

cancel_construction ="Escape",
retire ="Delete",

-- Global Build

build ="B",
buildadv ="V",
sand_bag ="S",
land_mines ="M",
barbed_wire ="W",
tank_traps ="T",

-- Global Abilties

cut_wires ="C",
camouflage ="C",
convert_ambient ="B",
hold_fire_toggle ="F",

mortar_barrage ="B",
mortar_smoke_barrage ="S",

-- multiple selection hotkeys

focus_primary_selection ="Control+Tab",
next_primary_selection ="Tab",
prev_primary_selection ="Shift+Tab",
-- checked with mouse click (removes clicked items from selection)
-- note: must only be one key
remove_selection_modifier ="Control",
-- checked with mouse click (selects all units of the same type) -- note: must only be one key
crop_selection_modifier ="Shift",
--same for axis**

-- hotkey group hotkeys
-- Select the group #

hkgroup_select0 ="0",
hkgroup_select1 ="1",
hkgroup_select2 ="2",
hkgroup_select3 ="3",
hkgroup_select4 ="4",
hkgroup_select5 ="5",
hkgroup_select6 ="6",
hkgroup_select7 ="7",
hkgroup_select8 ="8",
hkgroup_select9 ="9",

-- Set the group to be the current selection

hkgroup_set0 ="Control+0",
hkgroup_set1 ="Control+1",
hkgroup_set2 ="Control+2",
hkgroup_set3 ="Control+3",
hkgroup_set4 ="Control+4",
hkgroup_set5 ="Control+5",
hkgroup_set6 ="Control+6",
hkgroup_set7 ="Control+7",
hkgroup_set8 ="Control+8",
hkgroup_set9 ="Control+9",

------------------- Allies ------------------

-- Global Allied Abilities

allies_throw_grenade ="N",
allies_fireup_ability ="F",

-- Allies HQ

allies_engineer ="E",

allies_upgrade_demolitions ="D",
allies_upgrade_wire_cutters ="C",

-- Allies Engineer

allies_observation_post ="P",

allies_medic_station ="N",
allies_mg ="E",
allies_105mm_howitzer ="H",

allies_barracks ="B",
allies_weapons_support_center ="W",
allies_motor_pool ="M",
allies_tank_depot ="T",
allies_supply_yard ="S",
allies_triage_center ="C",

allies_upgrade_flamethrower ="F",
allies_upgrade_minesweeper ="M",

allies_plant_demolitions ="D",

-- Allies 105mm Howitzer

allies_howitzer_barrage ="B",

-- Allies Barracks

allies_riflemen ="R",
allies_jeep ="J",

allies_upgrade_grenades ="N",
allies_upgrade_stickybombs ="S",
allies_upgrade_bar ="B",

-- Allies Riflemen

allies_throw_sticky_bomb ="S",
allies_suppression_fire ="F",

-- Allies Airborne

allies_upgrade_recoilless_rifle ="O",

allies_throw_satchel_charge ="S",

-- Allies Rangers

allies_upgrade_thompson_rifles ="U",

-- Allies Weapon Support Center

allies_mortar_team ="M",
allies_hmg ="H",
allies_sniper ="S",

-- Allies HMG

allies_armor_piercing_burst ="P",

-- Allies Motor Pool

allies_m3_halftrack ="H",
allies_m8_armored_car ="A",
allies_57mm_anti_tank_gun ="T",

-- Allies M3 Halftrack

allies_upgrade_quad_50_cal_maxson ="U",

-- Allies M8 Armored Car

allies_upgrade_m2hb_50_cal_machine_gun ="U",
allies_upgrade_m8_greyhound_armor_skirts ="S",

allies_greyhound_mines ="M",

-- Allies 57mm AT Gun

allies_armor_piercing_shells ="P",

-- Allies Tank Depot

allies_m10_tank_destroyer ="M",
allies_m4_crocodile ="C",
allies_m4_sherman ="S",

allies_upgrade_76mm_gun ="U",
allies_upgrade_smoke_screen ="N",

-- Allies Sherman Flamethrower

allies_upgrade_sherman_bulldozer ="B",

allies_bulldozer_toggle ="B",

-- Allies M4 Sherman

allies_upgrade_sherman_crab ="C",
allies_upgrade_sherman_m2hb_50_cal_machine_gun ="U",

allies_fire_smoke_canister ="S",
allies_crab_mine_clearing ="M",

-- Allies Calliope

allies_calliope_barrage ="B",

-- Allies Supply Yard

allies_supply_yard_upgrade1 ="U",
allies_supply_yard_upgrade2 ="U",

------------------- Axis -------------------

-- Global Axis Abilities

axis_medical_kit ="K",
axis_assault ="S",
axis_defensive_bombardment ="B",
axis_fire_panzerfaust ="P",

-- Axis HQ

axis_pioneer ="P",

axis_escalate_to_skirmish ="E",
axis_escalate_to_battle ="E",
axis_escalate_to_war ="E",

-- Axis Pioneer

axis_observation_post ="P",
axis_bunker ="B",
axis_88mm_flak ="F",

axis_wehrmacht_quarters ="W",
axis_krieg_barracks ="B",
axis_sturm_armory ="S",
axis_panzer_command ="P",
axis_kampfkraft_battleschool ="K",

axis_upgrade_minesweeper ="M",
axis_upgrade_flammenwerfer ="F",

axis_salvage ="S",

-- Axis Bunker

axis_goliath ="G",
axis_goliath_detonate ="D",

axis_upgrade_bunker_mg42 ="M",
axis_upgrade_bunker_aid_station ="A",
axis_upgrade_bunker_repair_station ="R",

-- Wehrmacht Quarters

axis_motorcycle ="M",
axis_volksgrenadier ="V",
axis_hmg ="H",
axis_sniper ="S",

-- Axis Volksgrenadiers

axis_upgrade_volks_mp40 ="U",

-- Krieg Barracks

axis_halftrack ="H",
axis_grenadier ="G",
axis_mortar_team ="M",
axis_50mm_pak_38 ="P",

-- Axis Halftrack

axis_upgrade_halftrack_flammenwerfer ="F",
axis_upgrade_halftrack_stuka ="S",

axis_stuka_rocket_barrage ="B",

-- Axis Grenadiers

axis_upgrade_panzercheck ="P",
axis_upgrade_mg42 ="U",

axis_throw_grenade ="N",

-- Sturm Armory

axis_puma ="P",
axis_lieutenant ="L",
axis_nebelwerfer ="N",
axis_stug ="S",

-- Axis Puma

axis_upgrade_puma_50mm_turret ="U",

-- Axis Lieutenant

axis_observed_fire ="O",
axis_supervise_ability ="S",
axis_force_retreat ="F",

-- Axis Nebelwefer

axis_nebelwerfer_barrage ="B",

-- Panzer Command

axis_knights_cross ="K",
axis_ostwind_flakpanzer ="O",
axis_panzer ="Z",
axis_panther ="P",

-- Axis Stormtroopers

axis_upgrade_mp44 ="U",

axis_throw_bundled_grenade ="N",

-- Kampfkraft Battleschool

axis_train_veteran_infantry_level_1 ="I",
axis_train_veteran_infantry_level_2 ="I",
axis_train_veteran_infantry_level_3 ="I",

axis_train_veteran_support_level_1 ="S",
axis_train_veteran_support_level_2 ="S",
axis_train_veteran_support_level_3 ="S",

axis_train_veteran_vehicles_level_1 ="V",
axis_train_veteran_vehicles_level_2 ="V",
axis_train_veteran_vehicles_level_3 ="V",

axis_train_veteran_tanks_level_1 ="T",
axis_train_veteran_tanks_level_2 ="T",
axis_train_veteran_tanks_level_3 ="T",

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-8 17:15:04 | 显示全部楼层



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