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太阳啊,女马白勺,是在忍不住拉(fool chinese个呆鸟)

发表于 2008-1-21 20:04:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
太阳啊,女马白勺,是在忍不住拉(fool chinese个呆鸟)。
今天19:00进温州没玩2下,一个叫id:Fool Chinese的煞笔一会中文一会英文的叫嚣,“ben dan...oh...my...god...chinese is fool....”,气的老子。。。#◎¥%※×%#◎。。。开骂还击:“qu ni ma de jia yang gui zi(这时还不知道这厮那里的)”“日本人与狗不得入内,jap and dog get out(这时以为是日本鬼子,因为中文它能看懂)”,最后才知道它是korea,奶奶的,高丽棒子也不是啥好东西,据说屠杀南京高丽棒子出力巨多,但是没有看到op在场一时拿猪没办法。幸亏不一会seely op来了,踢他奶奶的。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-1-21 21:39:40 | 显示全部楼层
2008-1-21 18:32:01 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 18:32:04 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: chinese  
2008-1-21 18:32:10 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: switcher  
2008-1-21 18:36:50 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ban dan  
2008-1-21 18:37:15 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: chung gung ban dan  
2008-1-21 18:38:09 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: it's a chinese server?  
2008-1-21 18:38:18 : # [Global] Hello: yes  
2008-1-21 18:38:21 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: oh  
2008-1-21 18:38:24 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: my  
2008-1-21 18:38:28 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: god  
2008-1-21 18:38:34 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I am  
2008-1-21 18:39:07 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: stop say your chinese  
2008-1-21 18:39:19 : # [Global] NOKIA 7650: gun  ni  ma   jia  yang  gui  zi  
2008-1-21 18:39:29 : # [Global] Hello: hhaha  
2008-1-21 18:39:44 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :)  
2008-1-21 18:39:50 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 18:40:02 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ni how ma?  
2008-1-21 18:40:05 : # [Global] NOKIA 7650: zai bu gai  ming  zi  ,  hu jiao   op  ban  le  ni   
2008-1-21 18:40:20 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 18:40:27 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: heheh  
2008-1-21 18:40:48 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: are you Bejin?  
2008-1-21 18:40:51 : # [Global] E Sunday: you  are  folish  
2008-1-21 18:41:28 : # [Global] NOKIA 7650: lao  zi  ye hui  guo  ma:  shit !  
2008-1-21 18:41:31 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 18:41:34 : # [Global] 3721: r  
2008-1-21 18:41:52 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: China is under attack  
2008-1-21 18:42:39 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ne shi ban dan  
2008-1-21 18:42:51 : # [Global] =SAGA=M16: fool chinese is a pig  
2008-1-21 18:42:51 : # [Global] xiaoxiou: you mei zi dan le   
2008-1-21 18:43:09 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: what?  
2008-1-21 18:43:15 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: what do you mean?  
2008-1-21 18:44:13 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: do you say chines really?  
2008-1-21 18:44:43 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Wu chi di na bu shin Chinese  
2008-1-21 18:45:29 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: me gan xi  
2008-1-21 18:46:48 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: are you happy?  
2008-1-21 18:46:54 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Chinese  
2008-1-21 18:47:03 : # [Global] E Sunday: op   kick   fool  chinese  
2008-1-21 18:47:12 : # [Global] xiaoxiou: op bu zai   
2008-1-21 18:47:12 : # [Allies] NOKIA 7650: xili  jijie  
2008-1-21 18:47:18 : # [Allies] NOKIA 7650: jieji  
2008-1-21 18:47:18 : # [Global] =|HERO|=SEELLY: a   
2008-1-21 18:47:20 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: whi shi mu?  
2008-1-21 18:47:21 : # [Allies] NOKIA 7650: jiejie  
2008-1-21 18:47:24 : # [Global] E Sunday: he  is  animal  
2008-1-21 18:47:33 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: shi ma?  
2008-1-21 18:47:40 : # [Allies] NOKIA 7650: ma  zhong  guo  ren  de na  ge   ke  yi  kao  lv  ti  
2008-1-21 18:47:52 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ne xan mu shan wa  
2008-1-21 18:48:16 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I can say Chinese  
2008-1-21 18:48:20 : # [Allies] NOKIA 7650: ming zi   he  shuo  hua   dou  bu  di  dao  
2008-1-21 18:49:29 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lai  
2008-1-21 18:49:35 : # [Global] =SAGA=M16: FOOL CHINESE is a Japanese  
2008-1-21 18:49:44 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: why  
2008-1-21 18:50:06 : # [Global] NOKIA 7650: bu  shi   jap  and  dog  bu  de  ru  nei  ma ?  
2008-1-21 18:50:20 : # [Global] E Sunday: su  zhi  tai  di  
2008-1-21 18:50:24 : # [Global] E Sunday: ti  le  ta  
2008-1-21 18:50:27 : # [Global] NOKIA 7650: jap     yu  gou   bu  de  ru  nei  
2008-1-21 18:50:49 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: wu bu shi jap  
2008-1-21 18:50:55 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ne ban dan  
2008-1-21 18:51:01 : # [Global] E Sunday: japan  and  dog  get  out!  
2008-1-21 18:51:13 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: dan shi wu bu shi  
2008-1-21 18:51:16 : # [Global] NOKIA 7650: no  jap,  just  dog !  
2008-1-21 18:51:43 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I am in your other side  
2008-1-21 18:52:04 : # [Global] Killer: !nextmap  
2008-1-21 18:52:14 : # [Global] NOKIA 7650: shan mu  ?  
2008-1-21 18:52:35 : # [Global] E Sunday: shi   se  me   bu  shi  shan mu  
2008-1-21 18:52:38 : # [Global] E Sunday: ben  dan  
2008-1-21 18:52:38 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: i am korea  
2008-1-21 18:52:53 : # [Allies] Killer: you are bitch  
2008-1-21 18:53:05 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: north korea  
2008-1-21 18:53:29 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: heheh  
2008-1-21 18:53:54 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I am Ging Chin shi  
2008-1-21 18:54:27 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: are you happy ?  
2008-1-21 18:54:33 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Chinese  
2008-1-21 18:54:43 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :D  
2008-1-21 18:54:43 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :D  
2008-1-21 18:54:46 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :D  
2008-1-21 18:54:52 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :O  
2008-1-21 18:54:52 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :D  
2008-1-21 18:55:19 : # [Global] E Sunday:   ni   BT  
2008-1-21 18:55:27 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ?  
2008-1-21 18:55:49 : # [Global] E Sunday: you  are  SM  
2008-1-21 18:55:59 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 18:56:26 : # [Global] 3721: r  
2008-1-21 18:56:32 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ne man do kam tai du AV  
2008-1-21 18:56:51 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Chinese like Av  
2008-1-21 18:56:51 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :D  
2008-1-21 18:57:00 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I know  
2008-1-21 18:57:42 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ne ji yan gai zi  
2008-1-21 18:58:31 : # [Global] E Sunday: korea  very  like   japanese  
2008-1-21 18:58:55 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Chinese need some woman to F**K  
2008-1-21 18:59:01 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ?  
2008-1-21 18:59:14 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ne chi kao ma/  
2008-1-21 18:59:50 : # [Global] E Sunday: because   your  mama  too   beautiful  
2008-1-21 18:59:56 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: wu shin ne man very chi kao  
2008-1-21 19:00:08 : # [Global] E Sunday: i  like   her  
2008-1-21 19:00:20 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ya  
2008-1-21 19:00:29 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: your mother is too ugly  
2008-1-21 19:00:35 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: so I don't like  
2008-1-21 19:00:45 : # [Global] E Sunday: fxxk  your  mama   ,i  very  happy  
2008-1-21 19:00:45 : # [Global] 3721: kick  
2008-1-21 19:00:45 : User operator at console kicked player E Sunday (5be5cff146704e9bfda9f2e3565de123) at for banned words in chat messages.
2008-1-21 19:00:45 : User operator at console said '[BFSM] Kicking E Sunday for using banned words'.
2008-1-21 19:00:48 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 19:02:46 : # [Global] 3721: hi, 12#, where r u form ?  
2008-1-21 19:03:07 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: your other side  
2008-1-21 19:03:23 : # [Global] 3721: name ?  
2008-1-21 19:03:50 : # [Global] 3721: tell us your country name, pls  
2008-1-21 19:04:24 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: my country is your country  
2008-1-21 19:04:36 : # [Global] 3721: OMG  
2008-1-21 19:04:42 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: we all say Chinese  
2008-1-21 19:04:48 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: have some panda  
2008-1-21 19:04:54 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: hahah  
2008-1-21 19:04:57 : # [Global] 3721: pls speak chanese  
2008-1-21 19:05:06 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: but  
2008-1-21 19:05:15 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I say Pandaese  
2008-1-21 19:05:45 : # [Global] 3721: just fight, stop talking!  
2008-1-21 19:06:07 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: stop fgiht  
2008-1-21 19:06:16 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: just talking  
2008-1-21 19:06:46 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: wu shi panda  
2008-1-21 19:07:14 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: :O  
2008-1-21 19:08:27 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: my country is your country emnery  
2008-1-21 19:09:55 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Taiwan is in your sountry?  
2008-1-21 19:10:04 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: country  
2008-1-21 19:10:10 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ?  
2008-1-21 19:10:13 : # [Global] zy: bie zai tk  
2008-1-21 19:10:31 : # [Global] zy: op  
2008-1-21 19:10:31 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ?  
2008-1-21 19:10:37 : # [Global] =|HERO|=SEELLY: ?  
2008-1-21 19:10:47 : # [Global] zy: mei hi le  
2008-1-21 19:10:47 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I want to go to taiwan  
2008-1-21 19:11:02 : # [Global] zy: gang cai 3 # gu yi tk,da shang wo you bu xue  
2008-1-21 19:11:11 : # [Global] zy: kao  
2008-1-21 19:11:17 : # [Global] zy: hai tk  
2008-1-21 19:11:23 : # [Global] zy: xi li   
2008-1-21 19:11:26 : # [Global] =|HERO|=SEELLY: ji hao  
2008-1-21 19:11:32 : # [Global] zy: 3#  
2008-1-21 19:11:44 : # [Global] zy: hen hao de ping a  
2008-1-21 19:11:44 : # [Global] =|HERO|=SEELLY: ban le ta   
2008-1-21 19:12:36 : # [Allies] Fool Chinese: ?  
2008-1-21 19:12:39 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: ?  
2008-1-21 19:13:22 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Taiwan is not your country?  
2008-1-21 19:13:52 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: your country is Ching?  
2008-1-21 19:17:49 : # [Global] =|HERO|=SEELLY: bang ni ban ren zi ji diao xian   
2008-1-21 19:18:59 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: Chinese is yellow?  
2008-1-21 19:19:48 : User operator at console kicked player SmalBridg
2008-1-21 19:20:06 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: I think that they have a poor English  
2008-1-21 19:20:54 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: pa  
2008-1-21 19:20:57 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 19:21:16 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: lol  
2008-1-21 19:21:25 : # [Global] Fool Chinese: a lot of Chinese  
2008-1-21 19:21:33 : Ban added on keyhash e16891eebd2a5e3f54017568df6ea6c8.
2008-1-21 19:21:33 : Ban added on GUID 9a0656219bec58b098d1ad9ae84c6b0d.
2008-1-21 19:21:33 : User SEELLY  banned player Fool Chinese (e16891eebd2a5e3f54017568df6ea6c8) until Mon Jan 28 19:21:33 2008  for unknown reason.
2008-1-21 19:22:13 : # [Global] =|HERO|=SEELLY: ban le na sx

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发表于 2008-1-21 21:43:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-1-21 21:45:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-22 10:19:34 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-22 11:48:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-22 18:30:19 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-23 10:23:27 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-23 13:43:35 | 显示全部楼层
学英语 是重要的 ,关键深刻还需要问候一下这个分裂 分子的老母!

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发表于 2008-1-23 14:52:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-23 21:34:07 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-24 17:13:37 | 显示全部楼层

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