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战地:叛逆连队 简介

发表于 2008-4-13 13:52:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美商艺电和DIGITAL ILLUSIONS共同发表针对次世代游乐器研发的《战地风云:恶名昭彰》(暂译)
金牌FPS游戏系列针对Xbox 360和PlayStation 3推出的最新力作
加州,红衫市 – 2006年8月21日 – 抛开一切交战守则,全面开战!
美商艺电(NASDAQ: ERTS)今天发表了针对Microsoft® Xbox 360影像娱乐系统和PlayStation®3电脑娱乐系统所研发的《战地风云:恶名昭彰(Battlefield: Bad Company)》(暂译)。
《战地风云:恶名昭彰》(暂译)是一款採用Digital Illusions的Frostbite?尖端游戏引擎全新打造的次世代游乐器游戏,将带领玩家和一班变节士兵深入敌后阵线,为了黄金和复仇挺而走险进行个人冒险。在这深刻、有如电影情节般的单人游戏过程中,穿插着冒险和黑色幽默,并且融入了该系列着名的沙盘游戏特色,让玩家置身于一个几乎所有东西皆可毁坏的游戏世界中。
「疯狂、无法预料的沙盘体验本质,是DICE多人游戏的中心精神,任何事物都有可能在任何时刻发生,而我们也将这种特色注入了《战地风云:恶名昭彰》(暂译)的单人战役核心架构,」DICE的资深製作人卡尔.马格努斯.特勒德松(Karl Magnus Troedsson)说道。「在一个百分之九十的景物皆可毁坏的世界中,游戏拥有近乎无穷的变化性 – 战场无时无刻在变动,迫使玩家、队友和敌人必须做出适当反应。玩家能随心所欲地适应和应付各种极富创意的《战地风云》式挑战。」
如电影般的单人游戏体验 – 充满敌视态度的战役,让玩家随着一群反覆无常的平凡士兵,冒险展开个人任务。
以你的方式作战 – 《战地风云:恶名昭彰》裡,有百分之九十的环境物件是可摧毁的,这意味着任何建筑物都可以被剷平。玩家能够随心所欲地改变战场 – 可能性无穷无尽。
新载具、新武器和新玩具 – 数十种陆海空新装备等着玩家去体验。《战地风云:恶名昭彰》赋予玩家可以发挥创意的积木,迎接属于他们自己的「战地风云时刻」新纪元。
Frostbite?游戏引擎 – DICE的Frostbite 游戏引擎,为次世代游戏竖立了新标竿,带来了人物、载具环境皆栩栩如生的震撼HD画面。
定义类型的多人游戏 – 支援24人参与的线上游戏*,所有玩家将置身于可大肆破坏环境物体的世界之中。
真正的「枪枝在手」体验 – DICE相当重视武器发射的每个环节。针对FPS方程式做了众多细微修正,大幅提升射击感受。

* BF:BC 仅出在 XBOX360 与 PS3 上
General Info
High Dynamic Range Audio – mixes sounds in real time with prioritization allowing the player to hear the most important sounds.
高动态范围的音效 - 複数的音源让玩家不会漏听重要的变化
HDR lighting on everything even debris. Sun also shifts with the HDR light affecting all objects.
HDR光源应用在每个物件上. 太阳的光线效果也有应用到HDR
Multiplayer map – Ascension – Lots of shrubbery and trees. Houses in the map to provide cover
多人连线地图 - Ascension - 有许多森林与灌木丛. 有房屋可以提供掩护
More gold bars attackers have the faster reinforcements come
Goal is to capture enemy's 2-3 stashes of gold. Heavily armored. Can be blown open with 4-5 grenades or place explosive charge then protect until detonated. Charges can be defused.
游戏目标是找出敌人隐藏的资金. 它的保护装置可以用 4-5个手榴弹或是放置爆略物破坏. 所需费用可以被忽略?
Each chest the offense destroys they gain more advantages. Example: closer respawn points, advanced weapons and vehicles unlocked
破坏每个放置犯罪所得的箱子会有奖励. 例如: 更近的重生点, 进阶的武器与载具可以使用.
Standard Battlefield classes system.
Classes – assault, demo, recon, spec-ops, support. Customizable weapon load outs. Each weapon has accuracy, damage, rate of fire stats next to each weapon. Some have healing items such as syringes.
兵种 - 突击兵, demo?, 侦查兵, 特种部队, 支援兵. 可以自订武器装备. 武器有 准确率. 伤害值. 射速 的各种数值. 某些道具有治疗效果例如针筒.
Ability to respawn at your current base or with your squad
Gold Rush Game Mode – attacking team that want to get the gold, defending team defending gold. More focused action. Clear frontlines where everyone fights in the same place. As more cases of gold are captured more parts of the map are revealed. This mode ties into the single player aspect of the game as well.
资金冲突模式 - 攻击方要抢夺资金, 防御方要保护它. 集中的行动. 清楚的战线会让大家集中在一起战斗. 看来只要得到地图上的越多地方, 就可以有更多资金.
Map called Ascension is in a European village with infantry combat only, no vehicles.
Ascension 这张地图在欧洲的乡村. 纯步兵战没有载具.
Attackers have a limited amount of respawns to capture the gold
Defenders have no limit on respawns. Their goal is deplete the attackers respawn tickets.
防御方重生次数无限制. 必须要消减攻击方兵力值以获得胜利.
Many game modes in the works, but the main one is Attackers vs. Defenders.
还有一些游戏模式正在开发, 但主要以 "攻防为主"
Known vehicles - tanks, hummers, boats, and helicopters
已知载具 - 坦克, 悍马车, 汽艇 与 直昇机.
Single Player
Campaign mission - Acta Non Verba – mission is to take out Russian supply lines by taking down a weapons depot and fuel dump.
挑战关卡 - Acta Non Verba - 靠佔领武器仓库与燃料站来中断俄罗斯补给线
The frames of buildings will always remain standing to prevent complete leveling of the battlefield. Trees can be knocked down as well. Although if a sniper is in the 2 nd floor you can't blow the floor out from under him or blow the roof out. Some parts are not destructible
大楼的框架会永远站立, 以防止战场变成毫无遮拦. 树木跟牆会倒下. 儘管一个狙击手躲在二楼, 你也不能打垮二楼地板或是屋顶来攻击他. 某些物件不是可以被破坏的.
Each mission lasts between 1-2 hours.
每关大概需要 1-2小时来玩
Each map has optional hidden gold bars. Not a required task to find these.
每关都有些许隐藏的资金. 没拿不影响过关.
No penalty to dying. Auto respawn.
没有待救援时间. 自动重生.
Lots of cut scenes and humorous interaction between characters



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