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FH2 7月16日更新新闻-----Tigers in Africa

发表于 2008-7-17 12:08:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today's news item is no doubt the most requested and anticipated vehicle for Forgotten Hope 2, so without further ado we would like to present the Tiger! As you can tell from its sand-coloured skin, this is the early Tiger I model, which was used in North Africa. In patch 2.15 you will be able to find this vehicle on the Mareth Line map. The Tiger was modeled by K96, skinned by Toddel and coded by ctz.
Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today's news item is no doubt the most requested and anticipated vehicle for Forgotten Hope 2, so without further ado we would like to present the Tiger! As you can tell from its sand-coloured skin, this is the early Tiger I model, which was used in North Africa. In patch 2.15 you will be able to find this vehicle on the Mareth Line map. The Tiger was modeled by K96, skinned by Toddel and coded by ctz.

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发表于 2008-7-17 22:12:59 | 显示全部楼层

這次要介紹二戰中最有名的戰車,有名到美軍提到德國戰車時,第一個想到的戰車,那就是 德國 VI號 虎式戰車(早期型)   



1941年6月,德蘇開戰,遭遇到蘇聯的T-34中戰車和KV重戰車之後,德軍決定更進一步強化40噸級戰車,結果成了57噸重戰車。當時由保時捷和亨謝爾來設計一輛能搭載88mm kwk 36砲(這是由88 mm高射砲開發的56倍徑的長砲管戰車砲,在當時具有強大的威力,使用39式穿甲高爆彈時,在1000m時可擊穿100mm的裝甲,足以摧毀當時任何種類的敵軍戰車,而且彈道低伸、命中準確高,在射擊1000m目標時命中率約93%,射擊1500m目標時為74%)的重戰車,最後德軍在1942年7月測試時,選用亨謝爾的重戰車,並於1942年8月開始生產,於1942年8月29日投入實戰中。


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