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FH2 8月6日新闻--------展示德军侦察机新涂装和新装甲车

发表于 2008-8-7 18:32:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天带来的是Storch侦察机的欧洲战场新涂装 以及德军Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf. D.系列的两部装甲车,之前在沙漠战场中已经见到过的是Ausf. C.系列,D型相对于它的前辈C型来说设计更为简洁,D型是Ausf.系列装甲车里生产最多的型号,总共生产了10,000多部 第二部装甲车又被成为Stuka On Foot(陆地斯图卡 ),因为它带有6个火箭弹发射器,有趣的是,由于载员舱没有顶盖保护,在发射火箭弹之前所有载员需要离开装甲车至安全距离才能发射火箭弹 新闻的最后内容是WaW社区地图包的广告,之前已经发过了,在此不再赘述。 Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. This week we are showing another three German vehicles for Normandy. We also have an advertisement for an FH2 mappack from the guys at World at War. The second item for today is the new version of the German APC - the Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf. D. (You've already seen the Ausf. C in Forgotten Hope 2's desert maps.) These half-tracks were made in as many as 23 specialised variants and one of those is our third news item - the Sd.Kfz 251/1-II "Stuka zu Fuss". Both those models were made by K96 and Toddel. The Stuka zu Fuss (Stuka on foot) is quite simply an Sd.Kfz. 251/1 with 6 rocket-launching frames attached. It could fire 280mm high-explosive rockets or 320mm napalm rockets. To aim the rockets one had to turn the entire vehicle, as the frames could only be turned vertically. Since the vehicle did not have a roof to protect the crew from the rocket blast, they had to leave the vehicle and launch the rockets from a safe distance. The wurfgerät 40 rocket launcher (the type mounted on the Stuka Zu Fuss) was nicknamed the "Heulende Kuh" or "Bellowing Cow". Finally, we have an advertisement from one of Forgotten Hope's communities, Battle for Europe: World at War:

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