Alle Armi! by: Lightning 02.07.2008 19:00 GMT
Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope.Today we will be showing you what we have in store for the Italian armyin our upcoming 2.15 patch. As you may know, we already had someItalian equipment in previous versions, but in 2.15 we hope to give theItalian army a more complete arsenal of small arms.
In the first render we have the two Carcano rifles, ported for FH 0.7, which were made by Mc Gibs - The bayonets for the Carcano rifles and the M39 combat knife, made by Seth Soldier and - The Bomba a Mano 35 O.T.O, made by Knoffhoff. In the second render we have the Breda 30 light machinegun, made by Seth Soldier.
The Breda 30 was the standard light machinegun of the Italian armyin World War 2, although production of the weapon had already ceased in1937. It is widely regarded as an extremely poor machinegun. Itsmagazine capacity was only 20 rounds (of the weak 6.5mm type) and itfired at a low 500 rounds per minute. Its design was complex, leadingto high production costs and due to the blowback system it used it washighly prone to jamming, especially in the African desert.
The Bomba a Mano (hand grenade) 35 O.T.O. is an Italian offensivegrenade that exploded on impact. To use the grenade, you would have topull out the safety strip by the leather handle, unlocking the blacksafety lever (the cap). When thrown, the safety lever would catch airand be separated from the body, thus unlocking the safety bar betweenthe firing pin and the primer. This mechanism had a tendency not towork however and the grenades were extremely dangerous in theirunexploded state, leading to the British giving them the nickname "RedDevils".