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FH2 9月17日更新新闻,展示美制“黄油”枪和意制武装车

发表于 2008-9-18 19:09:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. This week we have a render of an American sub machinegun and in game screenshots of an Italian vehicle you might remember from Forgotten Hope 0.7. Finally, we will end today's update with a message from the World At War tournament about the start of their latest compaign. Before we go on to the pictures we would first like to welcome German Bratwurst to our development team. As a beta tester German Bratwurst has already added many sounds to the current versions of Forgotten Hope 2 and this week we have finally decided to officially add him to our staff list. Welcome! First up today then is the American M3 sub machinegun, also known as the 'Grease Gun', made by Seth Soldier. Next up is the Italian Sahariana, armed with two Breda 37 machineguns and a 20mm Solothurn 18 anti-tank rifle. This vehicle was modeled for Forgotten Hope 0.7 by Montoya and upgraded to Forgotten Hope 2 standards and coded by Jodonnell, Gunnie, Ctz and Rad. You will be able to find this vehicle on the map Mareth Line in Forgotten Hope 2.15. 首先,团队欢迎German Bratwurst加入团队成员行列。German Bratwurst是一名Beta测试员,为以前的FH和现在的FH2都制作过很棒的声效补丁包,FH团队现在决定欢迎他加入团队! 第一样要展示的东西是美制“黄油”枪(M3 Grease Gun)。这种冲锋枪的设计初衷跟英制Sten一样,是为了让汤普森这种造价昂贵的冲锋枪有一种更为便宜,设计更为简单的替代品。它和汤普森使用同样的子弹,但也很方便改制为使用像Sten和MP40使用的9mm手枪弹。除了造价便宜之外,“黄油”枪的性能也颇为可靠,由于它的射速较低,它在战斗中也相当好掌控。“黄油”枪的射速只有每分钟400发,其他的冲锋枪则要高得多,比如Sten和MP40能达到每分钟500发,而M1汤普森则能达到每分钟650发的射速。在二战期间总共生产了大约2,600,000支“黄油”枪。 接下来要展示的是意大利的Sahariana武装车。它装备了一挺Breda 37机枪以及一架20mm的反坦克步枪。在2.15的Mareth Line地图中将能见到这种车辆。 更新新闻的最后部分仍然是WaW社区的战斗活动广告。

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