Total Gaming Network Visits DICE[通过访问获悉的战地2补丁1.5及2142补丁1.51] | 时间:2008-12-22 12:31:09 来源: 作者: |

1 a1 t4 I$ z+ p- u- y: ^DICE工作室
" C* |/ L: ]; J, F2 ]2 R" u
" ~$ b7 g% A/ R/ `$ XBattlefield 2142
: O9 Y- b8 t# z# t
( \6 J* E8 n* I7 p; a- F# r5 fQ: Will the security measures in the forthcoming BF2 patch be implemented into 2142? Are there ANY coming updates?
' ~+ k# m! F9 @7 N+ m! O6 e( e+ ~; M/ K2 \4 N- p
A: Yes, Battlefield 2142 Update 1.51 is currently in the works and addresses security additions that Battlefield 2 has. Battlefield 2142 1.50 currently has account verification to prevent name/ID spoofing built into it.9 G1 q( n: c" X3 V( K
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Q: DICE is noted in the community for its imaginative games such as BF2 and Mirrors Edge. How do you encourage developers to be creative?
1 }6 m- r; `, }) t8 {% S
. ~+ d, R6 E" k: N9 l6 R4 Y, CA: Everyone at DICE is already creative in their own ways which is why we work here! DICE is very supportive of everyone’s creativity even to the point that every week time is set aside for everyone at DICE to come up with their own game and put them forward to management. Who knows, a game that gets released in the future could have originated from an idea thought up during this process.
, s5 ~5 Z. ?; p; U+ E
& a1 Y3 G6 |! ~% F7 _, `3 KThe cool office doesn’t hurt the creativity either. :)
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Q: Do you believe modding groups such as the Sir. Community, Project Reality and Forgotten Hope have had a positive impact on the Battlefield series?
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A: The modding community has been a massive boost to Battlefield over the years and the work they all do is great to see. We have worked with modding groups in the past and even been proud to release Battlefield 2142 content officially from Jason Brice and The Sir. Community. The modding community is an area we would like to support more in the future. y) Z: q! t* _1 O( Q- L9 S
* b* e6 U% S% q/ {0 i4 {% l" K4 F
Battlefield Series 8 z- N8 D3 v) ^( T2 b7 _+ V- N t: D. p% Y
0 X/ H9 N* Y; S4 e9 _Q: Do you see yourselves ever returning to the WW2 or Vietnam eras?
: c9 ~/ G2 g2 a% x" _! T* B1 ^ N/ Y. }- w5 M% N
A: It's not something we have ruled out, they are both very epic settings so it certainly is a possibility.2 J4 q L* |8 C) h( x
, y' H1 S; l: M/ D1 z: J
Q: Or do you see yourselves expanding into other conflicts like the Korean War, WW1 or maybe something fictitious like a open cold war conflict etc?# \. R) k; l4 v$ w
3 e0 Y# J" R" H$ Q: z I
A: The conflict which has the biggest appeal to our core players is what we are going to look at. We try to listen to our players and if they want another World War 2 setting then maybe we’ll make one.7 S( C- v7 o7 \
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Mirror's Edge ]3 _7 ]7 ~0 G) Q. I! V% Y J
. {" g9 G9 |3 @/ d' i% D8 HDuring my visit I managed to get 5 minutes with Tom Farrer, Producer of Mirror's Edge, to ask a couple of questions.
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7 j6 a! H3 [# G$ a; I/ D4 i% q
Q: How did you model the body and the movement?) E2 ]% O3 D2 _: `$ ^
2 @5 Y3 u1 J8 [2 c
A: We had to create a new kind of first person animation rig to handle the body and movement mechanic in Mirror’s Edge. Typically first person views are just a camera that pivots on itself but we wanted to create much more organic and natural movement so we had to build a neck and a spine to create the kind of feel we wanted. The animations are the result of an iterative process where we implement moves, test them and continually refine the animations until they feel just right.
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4 @5 x/ F/ v* x8 u) `Q: What do you think of the controversy surrounding Faith of Mirror’s Edge. Will they continue to portray women in realistic terms?5 d! r- o, B+ ]1 V- e& Q8 v/ Q
! s6 A, f, s) R, IA: We are pleased that the issue was brought up and that it has created discussion around the subject of how women are portrayed in games. For our part we are very proud of Faith and will continue to use realistic female characters.: x; A8 o. [" a; h! g
2 x, m3 I% q8 M- _! q* q# n5 R6 u- f0 s! N" ~; A
/ o; E7 c3 I+ ~$ |# z0 B0 A, C" v& J$ K' b7 j
Q: Will you be using any influences from Mirror’s Edge, Battlefield Heroes, or Bad Company in any of your future games? 2 n. u, |/ R5 V
* w9 R# W" N8 Z+ T2 O
4 G6 `: X0 \" s" ZQ: Would you ever again make games that are not from a first person perspective? A new genre?
9 f! |' U Y0 w8 e5 ]% y6 \' q0 _! @6 h9 V* V5 W0 m2 L
A: We want to keep doing what we’re good at. For example we couldn’t create a great sports game like other sports dedicated studios while they couldn’t do Battlefield like we do. Of course you never know what could happen in the future but right now we feel that we want to focus and get even better at what we’re doing now. Mirror’s Edge is a good example of how we try a completely new concept, while still using the FPS genre.5 B5 `/ S- n" b) X& d
6 s+ _: _5 _5 C! i6 E: cEA’s got a massive line of different studios who are all specialists in their area. DICE is never going to make a game in a new genre just to be able to say we did.
6 H# t& X: m' e' D* n' [/ d& y; g% x+ T" x9 z7 z6 N3 Y4 s2 f. N
Q: How has the studio changed since EA bought DICE?
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A: It’s not a very big difference because we had a good relationship and close cooperation with EA before they bought us, ever since the release of Battlefield 1942. They trust us to make good games so we get quite a lot of independence to do what we want. As long as we do good games that is, I guess they would step in if we started making bad games but I don’t see that happening. There’s also a lot of knowledge exchange between the different studios within EA which is good for everyone.7 H( N. J# r4 p" l7 q
$ L, V9 ]9 ~: T$ @2 }4 w
Being part of EA also opens up a lot of opportunities for the people working here, such as working abroad both temporarily and moving to other studios.+ F; J( \ K. p& w2 v& h4 X
; h$ U& e5 C1 E ^# [' ]* _Q: Do you think there will ever be a movie based on one of your games?
9 t$ d7 a. E1 u3 ^' I( X
0 K3 H) l7 P1 q: lA: It’s mostly the last couple of years we have done single player games, which are the ones suitable for movies. As we all know it’s a big challenge to make a good movie out of a game, and we wouldn’t want to do something we couldn’t be proud of.
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& t0 N/ ^, `( z1 }) A) g( @Speaking of film; we really like the machinima videos being made by the community. Two favorites are Mine and Dattlefield.8 l8 F$ z' A2 p# Y; u) W& h
! f! }! M% {: a/ B( LEA发布的内容, v4 ?, r9 |* t$ {: B: k% G5 E
# j K4 W: g: l0 C; E4 p: v& ^
" c7 F5 t" H8 J" N" x& N: `原文地址
2 O: G' O6 E* nhttp://www.totalgamingnetwork.com/page.php?do=dicevisit( B4 D6 h% B# c* C
W! r" R# h! t4 ]+ D* }BF2和BF2142 补丁内附加的新地图预览+ O. n6 q* u6 Z2 V5 U* M: J; X
http://www.totalgamingnetwork.com/page.php?do=dicevisitpictures |