如图,预购版拥有 “提前重要解锁4个”“2把二战武器” 解锁不重要,可以通过升级得到,重要的是那两把枪,想想大陆的2142市场,谁有那把限定枪? 没一个有!
最新更新:想提前玩上战地:恶人连2 吗?想提前测试吗?EA开放BFBC2的测试时间为北美时间1月28日-2月25日将近一个月的时间,如何得到内测资格呢?
答:要在赠送Beta测试Key的商店购买游戏,目前可得到BFBC2 测试Beta Key 的商店有3家,分别是
如果你在ebey 淘宝 等 预订盒装版 ,或在以上3家以外的在线商店购买游戏,很遗憾,您将不能参加为期1个月的BFBC2内测,因为游戏内不包含Beta-KEY 。甚至丧失掉6项提前解锁和2把二战武器。
4 Vehicle Warfare Unlocks
1. 加强型载具装甲– An Up-Armor package mounted on all vehicle types decreases the effect of both explosive and penetrating warheads, significantly improving vehicle survivability.
2. 载具机枪位开放- Additional weapon packages mounted for the driver of all armored vehicles, greatly expands the range of targets the vehicle can successfully engage and destroy.
3. 载具探测步兵声纳装置(相当于2142里给坦克贴一个支援兵的小型声纳)– Upgraded Sensor to locate enemy units in direct proximity to the vehicle.
4. 暗影追踪手枪(给WZ或敌人任何载具打上一针,工兵的筒子变为可追踪型炮弹,BFBC2里是没有86的)– Launched by compressed air, this magnetic dart attaches to any vehicle surface, allows friendly shoulder launched rockets to lock on to and track moving targets even beyond line of sight.
2 Classic Battlefield 1943 Weapons 两只战地1943经典武器
5. M1A1 冲锋枪(别名:汤普森冲锋枪)– Popular with Paratrooper and Commando units in WW2 for its rate of fire and stopping power the M1A1 is still seen in the hands of paramilitaries today. Reliable but heavy this classic weapon is still a powerful force in the hands of a Battlefield Veteran.
6. M1911 手枪 全称:柯尔特M1911 0.45英寸自动手枪(打敌人身上3枪就死,还不是爆头) – Adopted in 1911 by the US Army the M1911 saw heavy service in WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Highly customized M1911 are still favored by Special Operations forces for its reliability and the power of its large .45 caliber round.
以上图为 M1911 汤普森 和 暗影
不知大家还记得那段经典剧情吗?《拯救大兵瑞恩》结尾片段里,身受重伤的米勒中尉最后掏出手枪,向几米外迎面冲来的德国坦克射击。米勒中尉当时使用的便是M1911手枪。米勒临死前对瑞恩说:"Earn this. Earn it ." 别辜负。。。不要辜负。 说玩就死了,我当时眼泪哗哗的。
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