I just received the answers and here they are:
1- why was the AT4 nerfed?
Demize99 is on semester at the moment so we need to ask him when he gets back. (not for public) (The person who can answer this is currently on vacation).
2- is the chatbox bug going to be adressed soon?
We know this has been an issue and we are looking into bugs within the last patch including the chatbox issue.
3- what are the ETA´s on the mode packs release?
The map pack release dates will be announced prior to their release for each pack usually at 16:00'clock upon the days of release.
4- does DICE plans to release any new maps at all? and when?
DICE is releasing map packs with new game modes on already existing maps. Vietnam will bring new maps to Bad Company 2.
5- is the all bronze star insignias requirements an error that needs to be adressed or will we have to buy the SPECACT to get them?
It is a bug within the game and SPECACT isn’t required to obtain the insignias. We had to remove SPECACT from the patch due to it was causing problems but we are looking to add it as soon as we locate the problem.
6-is the removal of the revive inv. beeing considered still or is forgotten?
This is something we are investigating on how to best implement a new system for reviving with invulnerability removed.
7- scopes on G3 and M14? yes or no once and for all?
We are receiving many questions about this and Demize99 has already explained they won’t be in there anytime soon and is constantly under review.
8 - How is DICE going to deal with the leaked server files.Will they officially release them,bring down the modified servers or just do nothing?
We are aware of this and are urging everyone not to play on those servers. We are working on bringing down the leaked servers already. Server files will not be officially released.
9 - wasn´t the friends list suposed to be increased to 100 in this last patch?if yes an ETA on the fix?
This is a backend stability limit. When the game released we needed to keep the load down by limiting friends to 20. We may increase the limit in the future but this hasn’t been confirmed yet.
10 - wasn´t the G3 suposed to return to its former glory in the 1.03 patch?is it going to be corrected? when?
There were no plans to return the G3 to what it was but to balance it more with other guns.
11 - any chance of getting friendly mine indicators on the gadget or the mini map like the c4 has?
It is something we haven’t considered adding but is a possible addition in the future. We however don't know when this will happen.