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发表于 2006-9-28 13:42:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
M10 Tank Destroyer
M10 坦克杀手

Relying on a powerful 3-inch cannon and a quick speed, the M10 Tank Destroyer can be a formable threat to any armor division. However, be sure to use buildings and environmental cover to your advantage, as the M10's weak armor leaves it at a disadvantage against more powerful foes.

凭借强大的3吋炮和很快的速度,M10坦克可以破坏装甲师任何威胁. 但一定要利用你周围的建筑、环境优势来掩护M10装甲薄弱的缺点,使敌人得到强大打击.

Vital Stats

生命值:                     400
生产时间 (秒):           45
PopCap Modifier:     6
加速:                        1.7
减速:                        3.8
旋转速度 :                 36
最高速度:                   6.2
炮塔旋转速度:             60
炮管上下瞄准速度:      45

Resource Cost

人力: 300
弹药: 0
燃料: 60

Veterancy Upgrades

等级 1: 最高速度提升25%
等级 2: 武器穿透力提升50%
等级 3: 武器攻击力提升50%

Weapon Ratings
M7 3 英寸 (76.2mm) 坦克炮: 2的步兵伤害,8的轻装甲伤害, 7的重装甲伤害, 4的建筑物伤害(2,8,7,4)

Vehicle Weapons  车辆武器
: M7 3 英寸 (76.2mm) 坦克炮

最远: 40
远距离: 40
长距离: 40
中距离: 20
短距离: 10

远距离: 0.75
长距离: 0.75
中距离: 1.0
短距离: 1.0
移动准确度: 0.5%

最大: 87.5
最小: 87.5

远距离: 0.84
长距离: 0.84
中距离: 0.92
短距离 1.0

最长: 4.2
最短: 4.2

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-11-16 14:23 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 13:43:35 | 显示全部楼层
M4 "Crocodile" Sherman
M4 雪曼 "鳄鱼"

A modified version of the M4 Sherman Tank, the Crocodile is equipped for assault missions. Using its flamethrower, it can easily burn out enemy troops garrisoned nearby, and is effective at both devastating infantry and clearing out enemy defenses. With an upgradeable bulldozer attachment, the Crocodile can clear its own path to reach its target, making it an excellent demolition unit.


Vital Stats 重要统计

生命值: 636
生产时间(秒): 55
PopCap Modifier: 8
加速: 1.6
减速: 4
旋转速度: 40
最快速度: 5.2
炮塔旋转速度: 48
炮管上下瞄准速度: 35

Resource Cost 消耗资源
人力: 320
弹药: 0
燃料: 110

Abilities 能力
能力 1: 推土机部件升级(75 弹药)
能力 2: 部署推土机

Veterancy Upgrades 升级
第一级: 最高速度提升25%
第二级: 武器穿透力提升50%
第三级: 武器杀伤力提升25%

Weapon Ratings 武器等级
鳄鱼火焰喷射器:     8,2,0,7
.30 Cal Hull 机枪: 1,0,0,0

Squad Weapons 主要武器

武器: 鳄鱼火焰喷射器
最远: 30
远: 30
长: 30
中: 20
短: 10

远: 0.9
长: 0.9
中: 0.9
短: 0.9
移动精准: 0.5%

最大: 50
最小: 20

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

武器: .30 Cal 车身机枪
远: 0.05
长: 0.05
中: 0.1
短: 0.3
移动精准度: 0.5%

最大: 4
最小: 4

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

最远: 25
远: 25
长: 25
中: 12.5
短: 6.25

装弹时间 (秒);
最大: 6.5
最小: 6.0

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-9-30 10:56 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 13:43:51 | 显示全部楼层
M4A3 Sherman
M4A3 雪曼

The workhorse of the Allied forces, the M4A3 Sherman counters the strength of the Axis armor with its versatility and speed. Capable of upgrading to a .50 cal machine gun and firing smoke rounds, the M4 Sherman can act as a threat to any infantry. In addition, it can receive utilize a Crab Mine Flail, allowing it to clear mine fields and chew through both scenery and enemy troops.

Vital Stats 重要数据
生命值: 636
生产时间 (秒): 55
PopCap Modifier: 8
加速: 1.6
减速: 4
旋转速度: 35
最大速度: 5.2
炮塔旋转速度: 38
炮管上下瞄准速度: 35

Resource Cost  消耗资源
人力: 420
弹药: 0
燃料: 90

能力 1: 防御烟雾(50 弹药; purchased from Tank Depot for 150 manpower & 40 fuel)
能力 2: 扫雷铰链(75 弹药)
能力 3: 部署扫雷铰链
能力 4: 车载机枪(100 弹药)

Veterancy Upgrades 升级
第一级: 最大速度提升25%
第二级: 武器穿透力提升50%
第三级: 武器杀伤力提升25%

Weapon Ratings 武器等级
M3 75mm 坦克炮: 3,5,5,4
升级为M1A1C 76mm炮:0,+2,+3,0
升级车载机枪: +3,0,0,0
.30 同轴机枪: 1对步兵
.30 车身机枪: 1对步兵
升级扫雷铰链: +3,0,0,0

Squad Weapons 主要武器
武器: M3 75mm坦克炮
最远: 40
远: 40
长: 40
中: 20
短: 10

远: 0.75
长: 0.75
中: 1.0
短: 1.0
移动中: 0.5%

最大: 87.5
最小: 87.5

远: 0.83
长: 0.83
中: 0.92
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (Seconds);
最长: 6
最短: 6

武器: 升级为M1A1C 76mm 坦克炮
最远: 40
远: 40
长: 40
中: 20
短: 10

远: 0.75
长: 0.75
中: 1.0
短: 1.0
移动中: 0.5%

最大: 87.5
最小: 87.5

远: 0.838
长: 0.838
中: 0.92
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (Seconds);
最长: 7
最短: 7
炮塔旋转速度: 48
炮管上下瞄准速度: 35

武器: .50 车载机枪
最远: 35
远: 35
长: 35
中: 22.5
短: 11

远: 0.1
长: 0.1
中: 0.25
短: 0.25
移动中: 0.5%

最大: 7
最小: 7

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最长: 6
最短: 5

武器: .30 同轴机枪
最远: 25
远: 25
长: 25
中: 12.5
短: 6.25

远: 0.05
长: 0.05
中: 0.1
短: 0.3
移动: 0.5%

最大: 4
最小: 4

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最大: 6.5
最小: 6.0

武器: .30 车身机枪
最大: 25
远: 25
长: 25
中: 12.5
短: 6.25

远: 0.05
长: 0.05
中: 0.1
短: 0.3
移动: 0.5%

最大: 4
最小: 4

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最长: 6.5
最短: 6.0

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-9-30 10:57 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 13:46:57 | 显示全部楼层
M26 Pershing Heavy Tank    M26 "潘兴" 重坦克

Better protected and better armed than the M4 Sherman, the Heavy Tank M26 Pershing sacrifices mobility for power. Armed with a powerful 90mm main gun, the Pershing is considered to be an equal terms with the Panther, making it a powerful vehicle feared by many.


Vital Stats  重要统计
生命值: 990
PopCap Modifier: 14
加速: 2
减速: 4
旋转速度: 25
最大速度: 5
炮塔旋转速度: 25
炮塔上下瞄准速度: 10

Resource Cost 消耗资源
人力: 900
弹药: 0
燃料: 0

Veterancy Upgrades 经验升级
等级1: 提升25% 的速度
等级2: 武器穿透提升50%
等级3: 杀伤提升25%

Weapon Ratings 武器等级
M3 90mm "潘兴"主炮: 6,8,8,8
.30同轴机枪: 1,0,0,0
.30机身机枪: 1,0,0,0

Squad Weapons 主要武器
Weapon: M3 90mm "潘兴"主炮
最远: 40
远: 40
长: 40
中: 20
短: 10

远: 0.75
长: 0.75
中: 1.0
短 1.0
移动中: 0.5%

最大: 137.5
最小: 137.5

远: 0.9
长: 0.9
中: 0.95
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最大: 6
最小: 6

武器: .30 同轴机枪
最远: 25
远: 25
长: 25
中: 12.5
短: 6.25

远: 0.05
长: 0.05
中: 0.1
短: 0.3
移动: 0.5%

最大: 4
最小: 4

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最大: 6.5
最小: 6.0

武器: .30 车身机枪
最大: 25
远: 25
长: 25
中: 12.5
短: 6.25

远: 0.05
长: 0.05
中: 0.1
短: 0.3
移动: 0.5%

最大: 4
最小: 4

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最长: 6.5
最短: 6.0

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-9-30 10:54 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 15:10:55 | 显示全部楼层
M4 Sherman Calliope  M4 "管风琴"雪曼

An upgraded version of the M4 Sherman, the Sherman Calliope has a mounted rocket projector rack on top of its existing turret. Designed to lay down a barrage of deadly fire, the Sherman Calliope is well suited to removing enemy fortifications and troops with its deadly barrages.

M4 "管风琴"雪曼是一个M4 雪曼的升级型号,它的炮塔上安装了一个火箭发射架,给予敌军或者防御设施致命的打击.

Vital Stats 重要统计
生命值: 636  
PopCap Modifier:10
加速: 1.6
减速: 4
旋转速度: 35
最快速度: 5.2
炮塔旋转速度: 38
炮管上下瞄准速度: 35

Resource Cost 消耗资源
人力: 600
弹药: 0
燃料: 0

Veterancy Upgrades 经验升级
第一级: 最高速度提升25%
第二级: 武器穿透力提升50%
第三级: 武器杀伤力提升25%

Weapon Ratings 武器等级
T34管风琴"多管火箭炮发射台: 5,5,3,4
M3 75mm 坦克炮: 3,5,5,4
.30 同轴机枪: 1对步兵
.30 车身机枪: 1对步兵

Squad Weapons 主要武器
武器: T34管风琴"多管火箭炮发射台
最大: 250
远: 250
长: 250
中: 60
短: 40
最小: 25

远: 0.25
长: 0.25
中: 0.5
短: 0.75

最大: 50
最小: 30

杀伤范围百分比 (Percentage of full damage done to enemy units at range);
远: 0.5
长: 0.5
中: 0.75
短: 1.0

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

炮塔旋转速度: 58
炮管上下瞄准速度: 35

武器: M3 75mm坦克炮
最远: 40
远: 40
长: 40
中: 20
短: 10

远: 0.75
长: 0.75
中: 1.0
短: 1.0
移动中: 0.5%

最大: 87.5
最小: 87.5

远: 0.83
长: 0.83
中: 0.92
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (Seconds);
最长: 6
最短: 6

武器: .30 同轴机枪
最远: 25
远: 25
长: 25
中: 12.5
短: 6.25

远: 0.05
长: 0.05
中: 0.1
短: 0.3
移动: 0.5%

最大: 4
最小: 4

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最大: 6.5
最小: 6.0

武器: .30 车身机枪
最大: 25
远: 25
长: 25
中: 12.5
短: 6.25

远: 0.05
长: 0.05
中: 0.1
短: 0.3
移动: 0.5%

最大: 4
最小: 4

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最长: 6.5
最短: 6.0

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-9-30 11:15 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 15:39:28 | 显示全部楼层
M2A1 105mm Howitzer   M2A1 105mm 榴弹炮

Primarily used to pummel dug in units and defenses, the M2A1 105mm Howitzer Artillery is an impressive piece of machinery. Able to reach distances of 11,200 meters, it is a capable infantry support weapon.

主要用于连续打击敌人防御工事,是个令人印象深刻的机器.M2A1 105mm 榴弹炮的射程是11,200米,步兵的支援武器.

Vital Stats 重要统计
生命值: 250
制造时间(秒): 90
旋转速度: 30

Resource Cost 消耗资源
人力: 450
燃料: 75

M2A1 105mm榴弹炮炮兵
生命值: 210
每秒火力伤害: 8
PopCap Modifier: 3
最大速度: 3

Abilities 能力
能力 1: 地区火力压制

Veterancy Upgrades 经验升级
第一级: 精准提升50%
第二级: 穿透提升50%
第三级: 精准提升25%

Weapon Rating 武器等级
M2A1 105mm 榴弹炮:8,6,6,6

Unit Weapon 武器单位
: M2A1 105mm 榴弹炮
最大: 275
远: 275
长: 275
中: 150
短: 80
最小: 35

远: 0.25
长: 0.25
中: 0.5
短: 0.75

最大: 200
最小: 200

远: 1.0
长: 1.0
中: 1.0
短: 1.0

装弹时间 (秒);
最大: 2.5 (每轮火力压制之间)
最小: 2.5 (每轮火力压制之间)

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-9-30 12:52 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
Sniper  狙击手

A master of marksmanship, the swift sniper is a deadly addition to any army. Following his “One shot, one kill” motto, snipers can use their long-ranged, scoped rifles to successfully pick out and eliminate enemy targets from a distance. Well versed in field craft, snipers can utilize camouflage, allowing them to sneak around undetected and out of harms way. A well placed sniper can often turn the tides of battle.


Vital Stats 重要统计
生命值: 75
每秒火力带来伤害: 8
生产时间(秒): 50
PopCap Modifier: 4
加速: 5
减速: 8
最大速度: 5
Capture rate: 1

Resource Cost  消耗资源
人力: 340

Abilities 能力
能力 1: 伪装
能力 2: 伪装中停止射击

Veterancy Upgrades 经验升级
- Incoming munitions accuracy decreased by 20%
第二级: 狙击手在伪装状态中更难察觉,移动速度增加
- Squad 25% harder to suppress fire
- Incoming munitions accuracy decreased by 15%
第三级: 射程提升15%
- 对敌伤害提升15% (as of 1.16.0 a bug slashes damage dealt to enemy units to just 15% of the normal value, effectively making level 3 snipers useless)

Weapon Rating 武器等级
M1903A4 Springfield Sniper Rifle: 9,0,0,0

Squad Weapon

Weapon: M1903A4 Springfield Sniper Rifle

Firing Range;

Max: 50
Distant: 50
Long: 50
Medium: 25
Short: 12


Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 0.75


Max: 65
Min: 65

Weapon Penetration;

Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0

Reload (Seconds);

Max: 7.5
Min: 5.5

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-10-1 12:14 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:22:52 | 显示全部楼层
Jeep  吉普

Fast and lightly armored, the Allied Jeep is perfectly suited for reconnaissance work. Armed with a mounted machine gun, it's also the perfect choice for removing enemy snipers, and is speedy enough to get behind enemy lines and remove weapon support teams from the battlefield. Use its speed and manoeuvrability to your advantage.


Vital Stats

生命值: 185
生产时间 (seconds): 35
PopCap Modifier: 3

Capture rate: 1

Acceleration: 5.5
Deceleration: 6.5
Rotation Speed: 85
Max Speed: 7.2

Resource Cost

Manpower: 220

Veterancy Upgrades

Veterancy 1: Max Speed increased by 25%
Veterancy 2: Weapon accuracy increased by 25%
Veterancy 3: Weapon damage increased by 25%

Weapon Ratings

Weapon Rating: 1 vs. infantry Vehicle Weapon

Weapon: .30 Cal M1919A4 Mounted Light Machine Gun

Firing Range;

Max: 35
Distant: 35
Long: 35
Medium: 15
Short: 6


Distant: 0.25
Long: 0.25
Medium: 0.4
Short: 0.55

Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%


Max: 5
Min: 5

Weapon Penetration;

Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0

Reload (Seconds);

Max: 6
Min: 6

[ 本帖最后由 =|HERO|=JANKAN 于 2006-10-8 13:56 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:23:52 | 显示全部楼层
M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun

Towed by standard infantry, the M1 57mm Anti Tank gun offers protection against enemy tanks. Capable of firing Armor Piercing Shells that penetrate even the stronger defenses, the M1 57mm AT gun can be a fearsome threat to any armored division. While designed for taking out enemy armor, it is equally as effective at damaging enemy structures. However, be sure to keep in mind that it is both slow and susceptible to flanking attacks and grenades from enemy infantry, so ensure that your Anti Tank gun is well protected.
Vital Stats

Hit points: 300
Build time (seconds): 37
PopCap Modifier:
Max Speed: 3.5
Resource Cost

Manpower: 160
M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun Crew

Vital Stats

Hit points: 210
Fire Damage taken per second: 8
PopCap Modifier: 3
Max Speed: 3
Resource Cost

Manpower: 150

Ability 1: Fire amour piercing anti-tank shells (50 munitions)
Veterancy Upgrades

Veterancy 1: Weapon accuracy increased by 50%
Veterancy 2: Weapon penetration increased by 50%
Veterancy 3: Weapon accuracy increased by 25%
Unit Weapon

: M1 57mm Anti Tank Gun
Firing Range;
Max: 60
Distant: 60
Long: 60
Medium: 40
Short: 20
Distant: 0.65
Long: 0.65
Medium: 0.9
Short: 1.0
Max: 150
Min: 150
Damage Range Percentage (Percentage of full damage done to enemy units not directly next to ordinance at time of explosion);
Distant: 0.3
Long: 0.3
Medium: 0.75
Short: 1.5
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 0.85
Long: 0.85
Medium: 0.9
Short: 1.25
Reload (Seconds); Max: 3.5
Min: 3.5

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:25:19 | 显示全部楼层
M3 Halftrack

Equipped with a .50 cal M2 machine gun, the M3 not only offers basic protection from standard firearms, but also acts as a transport, allowing you to move troops around the battlefield. Capable of upgrading to quad-cannons for anti-personal purposes, the M3 Halftrack is effective at getting troops safely behind enemy lines.
Vital Stats
Hit points: 315
Build time (seconds): 40
PopCap Modifier: 4
Acceleration: 3
Deceleration: 5.5
Rotation Speed: 50
Max Speed: 7
Resource Cost
Manpower: 220
Fuel: 20
Ability 1: Upgrade to Quad .50cal Anti-Aircraft Gun (100 munitions)
Veterancy Upgrades
Veterancy 1: Max Speed increased by 25%
Veterancy 2: Weapon accuracy increased by 25%
Veterancy 3: Weapon damage increased by 25%
Weapon Ratings
Halftrack Front-Mounted M2 Machine Gun: 4 vs. infantry
Quad .50cal Anti-Aircraft Gun: 5 vs. infantry
Vehicle Weapons
Weapon: M3 Halftrack M2 Machine Gun
Firing Range;
Max: 35
Distant: 35
Long: 35
Medium: 22.5
Short: 11
Distant: 0.2
Long: 0.2
Medium: 0.45
Short: 0.45
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 7
Min: 7
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds);
Max: 6
Min: 5
Weapon: Quad .50 cal M2 Machine Gun
Firing Range;
Max: 45
Distant: 45
Long: 45
Medium: 22.5
Short: 11
Distant: 0.2
Long: 0.2
Medium: 0.4
Short: 0.4
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 5
Min: 5
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds);
Max: 12
Min: 10 Weapon Rotation Speed: 75
Weapon Vertical Speed: 60

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:26:30 | 显示全部楼层
M8 Greyhound

A fast recon vehicle, the M8 Armored Car is useful for both harassing enemy infantry and engaging lightly armored vehicles. Capable of dropping mines onto the battlefield, the M8 can threaten even the most fearsome Axis tanks. Armored side-skirts and a .50 cal mounted machine gunner can both be added to the M8 making it even more versatile.
Vital Stats
Hit points: 150
Build time (seconds): 45
PopCap Modifier: 4
Acceleration: 4.5
Deceleration: 4.5
Rotation Speed: 25
Max Speed: 6.4
Turret Rotation Speed: 100
Turret Vertical Speed: 35
Capture rate: 1
Resource Cost
Manpower: 280
Fuel: 30
Ability 1: Add armoured side-skirts (75 munitions)
Ability 2: Add .50 cal mounted heavy machine gunner (75 munitions)
Ability 3: Drop mine (50 munitions)
Veterancy Upgrades
Veterancy 1: Max Speed increased by 25%
Veterancy 2: Weapon penetration increased by 50%
Veterancy 3: Weapon damage increased by 25%
Weapon Ratings
M6 37mm Cannon: 3 vs. infantry, 3 vs. light armour, 1 vs. heavy armour, 1 vs. structures
M8 .50cal machine gun: 4 vs. infantry
Vehicle Weapons
Weapon: M6 37mm Cannon
Firing Range;
Max: 40
Distant: 40
Long: 40
Medium: 20
Short: 10
Distant: 0.75
Long: 0.75
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 50
Min: 50
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 0.66
Long: 0.66
Medium: 0.83
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds);
Max: 9
Min: 9
Weapon: Turret Mounted M2 .50 cal Machine Gun
Firing Range;
Max: 35
Distant: 35
Long: 35
Medium: 22.5
Short: 11
Distant: 0.1
Long: 0.1
Medium: 0.25
Short: 0.25
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 7
Min: 7
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds); Max: 6
Min: 5

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:30:34 | 显示全部楼层
Airborne Infantry

Elite troops dropping from the sky, Airborne Infantry are a force to be reckoned with. Armed with M1 Carbines, and capable of upgrading to Recoilless Rifles, Airborne Infantry are a threat to both infantry and enemy vehicles. In addition, they can use grenades and satchel charges, making them effective at all situations.

Vital Stats
Hit points: 420
Fire Damage taken per second: 8
PopCap Modifier: 5
Acceleration: 5
Deceleration: 8
Max Speed: 3
Capture rate: 1.25
Reinforce cost: 1%
Resource Cost
Manpower: 375
Ability 1: Fire-Up (squad less prone to suppression and move faster)
Ability 2: Throw satchel charge (75 munitions)
Ability 3: Throw grenade (25 munitions)
Ability 4: Upgrade to Recoilless Rifles (125 munitions)
Veterancy Upgrades
Veterancy 1: Weapon accuracy increased by 15%
- Incoming munitions accuracy decreased by 20%
Veterancy 2: Weapon reload time reduced by 15%
- Squad 25% harder to suppress fire
- Damage received from successful enemy hits reduced by 15%
Veterancy 3: Weapon accuracy increased by 20%
- Weapon damage vs. enemy increased by 15% (as of 1.16.0 a bug slashes damage dealt to enemy units to just 15% of the normal value, effectively making level 3 airborne infantry squads useless)
Weapon Ratings
M1 Carbine: 2 vs. infantry, 1 vs. light armour (bikes and half tracks only)
M18 Recoilless Rifle: 4 vs. light armour, 3 vs. heavy armour, 2 vs. structures
Satchel Charge: 3 vs. infantry, 3 vs. structures
Squad Weapons
Weapon: M1 Carbine Rifle
Firing Range;
Max: 35
Distant: 35
Long: 35
Medium: 17
Short: 8
Distant: 0.25
Long: 0.25
Medium: 0.55
Short: 0.75
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 7
Min: 7
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds);
Max: 3.5
Min: 2
Weapon: M18 Recoilless Rifle
Firing Range;
Max: 35
Distant: 35
Long: 35
Medium: 17
Short: 8
Distant: 0.15
Long: 0.15
Medium: 0.4
Short: 1.0
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 62.5
Min: 62.5
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds);
Max: 9
Min: 7
Weapon: Satchel Charge
Range charge can be thrown from;
Max: 18
Distant: 18
Long: 18
Medium: 10
Short: 3
Max: 300
Min: 300
Damage Range Percentage (Percentage of full damage done to enemy units at range); Distant: 0.25
Long: 0.5
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:31:52 | 显示全部楼层
Engineer Squad

An essential part of the Allied forces, engineers are primarily responsible for the design and construction of wartime structures, whether it be constructing buildings or setting up MG nests and other defensive structures. Their duties also consist of preparing buildings for demolition, planting and removing mines, and repairing damaged vehicles. Although they are not suited for heavy combat situations, they can be equipped with a flamethrower, allowing them to clear out garrisoned troops. While the engineer is a unit you are unlikely to send into battle, they play an important role behind the scenes keeping your units safe from harm.
Vital Stats
Hit points: 165
Fire Damage taken per second: 8
Build time (seconds): 21
PopCap Modifier: 3
Max Speed: 3
Capture rate: 1
Reinforce cost: 0.5%
Resource Cost
Manpower: 140.000016
Ability 1: Repair
Ability 2: Cut barbed wire with ability purchased from HQ (50 munitions)
Ability 3: Lay demo charge (50 munitions) with ability purchased from HQ (100 manpower & 30 fuel)
Ability 4: Upgrade to flamethrower (50 munitions)
Ability 5: Upgrade to minesweeper (35 munitions)
Ability 6: Build base buildings
Ability 7: Build forward defences
Veterancy Upgrades
Veterancy 1: Weapon accuracy increased by 15%
- Incoming munitions accuracy decreased by 20%
Veterancy 2: Weapon reload time reduced by 15%
- Squad 25% harder to suppress fire
- Damage received from successful enemy hits reduced by 15%
Veterancy 3: Weapon accuracy increased by 20%
- Weapon damage vs. enemy increased by 15% (as of 1.16.0 a bug slashes damage dealt to enemy units to just 15% of the normal value, effectively making level 3 engineers useless)
Weapon Ratings
M3 Grease Gun: 1 vs. infantry
Flamethrower: 4 vs. infantry, 3 vs. structures
Demolition Charge: 5 vs. structures
Squad Weapons
Weapon: M3 Grease Gun
Firing Range;
Max: 20
Distant: 20
Long: 20
Medium: 10
Short: 5
Distant: 0.1
Long: 0.1
Medium: 0.2
Short: 0.3
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 5
Min: 5
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds);
Max: 3
Min: 2.5
Weapon: M2 Flamethrower
Firing Range;
Max: 20
Distant: 20
Long: 20
Medium: 10
Short: 5.0
Distant: 0.9
Long: 0.9
Medium: 0.9
Short: 0.9
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 40
Min: 15
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds); N/A
Weapon: Demolition Charge
Damage; Max: 300
Min: 300

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:33:05 | 显示全部楼层
Heavy Machine Gun Squad

The powerhouses of the Allied infantry, Machine gun squads carry a tripod mounted M1917 water-cooled .30 cal heavy machine gun. Extremely effective at suppression and mowing down large numbers of advancing enemy troops, it can be upgraded with armor piercing bursts, allowing HMG squads to take down light vehicles with ease. However, while HMG teams can be devastating to enemy infantry, they are susceptible to flanking attacks and grenade, as they must set up and dismantle their weaponry during battle. A fearsome force for any soldier to encounter on the battlefield.
Vital Stats
Hit points: 165
Fire Damage taken per second: 8
Build time (seconds): 36
PopCap Modifier: 3
Max Speed: 3
Capture rate: 1
Reinforce cost: 0.5%
Resource Cost
Manpower: 240
Ability 1: Fire armour piercing rounds (50 munitions)
Veterancy Upgrades
Veterancy 1: Weapon accuracy increased by 15%
- Incoming munitions accuracy decreased by 20%
Veterancy 2: Weapon reload time reduced by 15%
- Squad 25% harder to suppress fire
- Damage received from successful enemy hits reduced by 15%
Veterancy 3: Weapon accuracy increased by 20%
- Weapon damage vs. enemy increased by 15% (as of 1.16.0 a bug slashes damage dealt to enemy units to just 15% of the normal value, effectively making level 3 heavy machine gun squads useless)
Weapon Ratings
Browning Model 1917 Machine Gun: 4 vs. infantry, 2 vs. light armour
M1 Carbine Rifle: 2 vs. infantry, 1 vs. light armour (bikes and half tracks only)
Squad Weapons
Weapon: Browning Model 1917 Machine Gun
Firing Range;
Max: 40
Distant: 40
Long: 40
Medium: 20
Short: 10
Distant: 0.2
Long: 0.2
Medium: 0.4
Short: 0.75
Max: 7
Min: 7
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds);
Max: 6.5
Min: 6.0
Weapon: M1 Carbine Rifle
Firing Range;
Max: 35
Distant: 35
Long: 35
Medium: 17
Short: 8
Distant: 0.25
Long: 0.25
Medium: 0.55
Short: 0.75
Accuracy Whilst Moving: 0.5%
Max: 7
Min: 7
Weapon Penetration;
Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0
Reload (Seconds); Max: 3.5
Min: 2

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 16:34:13 | 显示全部楼层
Mortar Squad

An excellent infantry support weapon, Allied mortar squads are responsible with softening up enemy defenses from a distance before an attack. Due to their small size and portability, mortar teams can travel over most terrain without the need for logistical support. Remember to keep an eye on them though; they can be vulnerable to direct attacks. Mortar squads are best deployed in safe or defensive positions, allowing them to use indirect fire to engage the enemy. In addition to their basic attack, mortar teams are able to barrage a location, or fire smoke bombs to mask friendly troop movements and disrupt enemy attacks, making them essential for wartime strategy.
Vital Stats
Hit points: 165
Fire Damage taken per second: 8
Build time (seconds): 36
PopCap Modifier: 3
Max Speed: 3
Capture rate: 1
Reinforce cost: 0.5%
Resource Cost
Manpower: 280.000032
Ability 1: Launch smoke barrage
Ability 2: Launch focussed mortar barrage
Veterancy Upgrades
Veterancy 1: Weapon accuracy increased by 15%
- Incoming munitions accuracy decreased by 20%
Veterancy 2: Weapon reload time reduced by 15%
- Squad 25% harder to suppress fire
- Damage received from successful enemy hits reduced by 15%
Veterancy 3: Weapon accuracy increased by 20%
- Weapon damage vs. enemy increased by 15% (as of 1.16.0 a bug slashes damage dealt to enemy units to just 15% of the normal value, effectively making level 3 mortar squads useless)
Weapon Rating
M2 60mm Mortar: 3 vs. infantry, 2 vs. structures
Squad Weapon
Weapon: M2 60mm Mortar
Firing Range;
Max: 75
Distant: 75
Long: 75
Medium: 40
Short: 20
Min: 15
Distant: 0.25
Long: 0.25
Medium: 0.50
Short: 0.75
Max: 20
Min: 20
Damage Range Percentage (Percentage of full damage done to enemy units not directly next to ordinance at time of explosion);
Distant: 0.5
Long: 0.5
Medium: 0.65
Short: 1.0
Weapon Penetration; Distant: 1.0
Long: 1.0
Medium: 1.0
Short: 1.0

使用道具 举报

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